6 Secrets and Lies

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Vani felt a nudge on her shoulder and swung her fist to attack the offensive intruder. She was lost in a dream about boats and impossibly tall stairs. 

"Hey, Are you alright?" She hard a voice accompanying the irritating jostling of her shoulder. 

"Shhhh, The captain isn't here. He will make us go back to the brig!" She said to the intruder. 

"So That is a no than?" The voice kept talking, even when she waved it away. "Do you need help back to your room?"

"I don't have pants and the door was being mean and wouldn't let me in so I had to go back to the fisherman's sweater and see if he had my pants." She explained. 

"What?" The voice insisted.

"Ugh. I was on the boat with the loud people and the angry Christmas. I think I was a stow away and I had to escape from the brig. There was a fire. No one seemed to care, but I wasn't wearing my pants. And the the pushy little guy wouldn't let me get into bed, so the stairs grew." She said trying to roll over but finding her self sliding bumpily away from her comfortable spot.  

"Ok So you are not staying here." The voice said as the body attached to it gabbed her and held on. 

"Fuck you! I live here. I left that fisherman's dog sweater. I have pants now and Briar will be looking for her feet!" Vani protested oddly. 

"Vani, I don't think you are ok, where is your key?" The voice said. 

"In My pants! But not these not-my-pants pants." She explained to the best of her ability. 

"I have no idea what that could even possibly mean." The voice was right next to her now.

"Shh, SHHHH! I think I am flying." She whispered.

"You sure are. My roommate left yesterday, you can sleep what ever this is off in his bed." The voice concluded. 

"Did he leave on the boat?" She wondered.

"Sure he did." She heard a reply. 

"Oh, that's good. I left the captain a present." She grinned and rested her head against the warmth encircling her. 

"I'm sure you did." The voice laughed. 

"I think Christmas is mad at me." Vani admitted. 

"I bet Christmas loves you." The voice reassured her.

"It can't Christmas is pretty and I am a toad, or a bullfrog." She said as the arms deposited her in bed. 

"You found my bed! I love you. But My bed smells like boy, I think the fisherman was in my bed." She said as the arms pulled away. "I don't like that very much!" She grabbed the arm and pulled the warmth back close. 

"Shh, go to sleep." The voice whispered. 

"Biscuit tasted like coffee and kissed a s'more named Landry before I drank the snowman." She insisted incoherently. 

"Get some sleep." The voice said softly and she felt a soothing hand rubbing her hair. She finally felt at ease for the first time in hours. She nodded and rolled over falling back asleep quickly. 

Waking up Vani was thirsty. She rolled over and the bed felt unusually lumpy, the blankets were itchy and something somewhere smelled like gym clothes.

She kept her eyes closed at the offending brightness of the room because her head was doing a rousing rendition of STOMP the Broadway show. Her body ached and she felt like she had spent the night before having small stones hurled at her as she ran a marathon. The details were fuzzy and she felt gross. 

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