19 BJ the bobble head

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Sitting on the floor with Briar reminded Vani of their first weeks in the Dorms, before they knew many people. They had spent nights studying and watching movies.

This night was different though. Some of the girls on their floor had come by to invite them to a party, then Landry stopped by hoping the girls would let him crash their mini party. They did not. He was sent away, but not before trying three times to invite himself in.

Joe and RC both texted and Vani had cut the conversations short each time.

"When did we become so in demand?" Briar laughed as the third text rolled in inviting them out that night.

"The secret is out I guess, we are too amazing to be left behind." Vani said with fake exasperation.

"Great, now I feel guilty that no one else will have a good time tonight." Briar flopped sideways onto a pillow mountain on the floor with an over exaggerated sigh.

"It is totally not our fault that we are so absolutely incredible people just want to be around us." Vani shrugged joking about their popularity.

"But in all seriousness, remember when we were scared to meet new people or like even leave our room to explore?" Briar sat up and laughed.

"Yep, it seems so long ago though." Vani settled into the other side of the pillow mountain so their shoulders were almost touching.

"I almost feel like a different person since then though." Briar admitted savagely biting the head off a gummy snake.

"You and me both! If my high-school "friends" could see me now they would all have a coronary." Vani made air quotes around the word friends since she now realized that they were acquaintances at best.

"Yeah! I mean the dueling boyfriends alone!" Briar teased.

"They absolutely would never believe that I was seeing two "totally hot" guys, and if they did believe it they would be waiting for an invitation to the baby shower. None of them would believe I still have maintained V-card status." Vani said.

"I absolutely love that you call it a V-card. How old are you anyway?" Briar laughed.

"You have Gma to thank for that one! She talked about it like it was my grade on a math test. I guess we didn't really have a whole lot of shame left to hide behind." Vani admitted.

"Shame? Why would there be shame?" Briar inquired puzzled.

"People find talking about sex uncomfortable and young people and sex has always been something most people hide because it is shameful. I guess in my house it was just never a taboo." Vani shrugged and took a handful of popcorn from the open bag on the floor.

"But you are so lucky, in my house my mom sat me down at ten told me I would get a period and that would mean that sex could result in a pregnancy. She handed me two books. One about female reproduction and the other one a miss-manors book on 'date etiquette for the young lady'. She never even told me what sex was really so the sex education in sixth grade was super important." Briar talked around the candy in her mouth.

"Nope in my house sex was just another run of the mill thing." Vani shook her head.

"Do you think that's why you are a little prudish? Like not wanting to sleep with your sexy boy harrum?" Briar asked.

"Hey!" Vani snapped. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing like that! Jeez, I just mean they all expected you to go hog wild in high school and have little Van-Vans running around the house by now. So when you didn't do the high-school boyfriend thing you were, like, maybe a little secretly proud of that but now don't know how to NOT not have sex." Briars offer of an explanation hit Vani pretty hard. It sounded so true and completely on the mark.

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