30- Sir Hotty Hotness

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Riding back from vacation had a totally different feeling than going there.

Briar sat in the front seat beside Landry, both with golden tans and relaxed smiles. Marc and Vani shared the back seat. Marc was asleep and Vani was looking out the window.

They had had a wonderful time. Lots of sun and sand and drinks and friends.

Vani glanced down at her phone. She was hoping to hear from Travis. He had to travel to be back Friday so that he could return to practice. She had stayed with her friends planning to arrive at her dorm Sunday morning.

She thought about how much had changed in a week.

Vani's phone dinged softly and her heart leapt. She activated the screen and expected to see a message from Travis.

But it wasn't.

Hey, are you still up for coffee? Maybe Tomorrow afternoon?

Her heart skipped a beat. She had all but forgotten that she had texted him earlier in the week asking to talk.

Now she was curious about what he was thinking. Was he expecting anything from her? Was he hoping to get back together? Was he hoping to get her to leave him alone?

She didn't feel the same as she did when they first broke up. She didn't feel the need to chase him and keep him for herself. She wondered if that was due to seeing him with someone else and having to process that, or if it had to do with her own experience moving on? She decided it was likely a combination of both.

"You ok back there?" Briar asked looking over her shoulder.

"Yeah." Vani grinned.

"We should be home in like two hours if you want to text him." She smiled.

"Who?" Vani was confused. She was thinking about Joe, but it was doubtful that is who Briar was talking about.

"Your knight in shining... t-shirts?"  Landry added laughing.

"Oh! Yeah, I don't know." Vani blushed and looked out the window.

"Uh oh, what?" Briar turned more fully around.

"I don't want to bug him." She said shrugging.

"Seriously?" Briar stared.

"Bug him. One hundred percent bug him. He will love it." Landry grinned. "Believe it or not guys like hearing from the girls they like."

"Ugh, I don't know what he is thinking though." She said thinking about the last week.

"Um I think it is pretty obvious he likes you." Briar laughed.

"Yeah, just a little." Landry scoffed looking at Briar.

"But that could be a vacation thing, neither of us was in our real world. So it is easy to forget that it is out there." Vani said.

"Sober Vani worries too much. Drunk Vani was whistling a different tune last night after her Knight had left." Briar teased.

Vani thought back to the previous night when she had told Briar all the things. All of them. They had stayed in and the boys had gone out with their friends that they had originally made plans with. They had connected mid-week and Briar nearly had to force Landry to go out and enjoy one night out with out her.

The girls had ordered drinks and sat by the pool until it closed and then went to the room to watch movies and eat junk food.

"Drunk Vani is a traitorous little bitch." Vani said making her friends laugh.

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