29- Fuck the rules

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Travis sat beside Vani in the sand close to the edge of the water. He had rescued her from the tree and managed to help her find her way back to her hotel.

She didn't want to go in though.

She asked him to sit on the beach for a while. They were the only ones that they could see so they found a place near the lapping waves.

"I don't know what to say. And I am also warning you that drunk Vani is a wild card." She said about herself.

"Well I am drunk Trav-vis so feel free to be drunk too." He said.

"Thank you for getting me home." She mentally patted herself on the back. That wasn't weird or embarrassing at all.

"And thank you for teaching me that Tequila shots make me horny."

There it is!

"What?" He asked.

She wondered if he wasn't paying attention or if she had maybe not actually said it out loud.

"I said, doing body shots with you turned me on." If she could give herself a death glare she would. Her sober brain wasn't quite unconscious, but it was definitely not involved in any decision making.

"Yeah?" She couldn't read his tone and the moon wasn't giving off much light so she could barely make out his features, let alone their expression.

"Did I do a bad job at it? 'Cuz like I was ready to like jump you right there, and ... oh, maybe you don't like my girlfriend flavour. That's OK. I make a terrible flavour of girlfriend." She scoffed at her own thoughts.

"I thought I knew how to read it, but like in books plot-twist!" She patted his knee.

"I don't like kissing drunk." He said

"Like you be drunk?" She asked not fully understanding. "Or you don't like kissing humans that are drunk?"

"Like, Ok, I'm a dude right?" He said moving to face her.

"I haven't checked." She replied.

"I am."

"Perfect, It's one of the things I like about you." She grinned at him.

"But I'm a dude, and a pretty big one." He said mater of factly.

"Now imagine you are a girl." He continued.

"I am. I *have* checked." She assured him.

"Ok but if we were to like hook up and like what ever, and you were drunk,  I might be intimidating. And If I am drunk I might be stupid." He said.

"Like assault someone stupid?" Suddenly her sober brain was paying attention again.

"No! No, no, no. Never that. But like what if I accidentally hurt someone. Because I am stronger and heavier." He sounded a little defeated.

"That doesn't sound good, you are right." She nodded.

They sat in silence for a few seconds looking out over the ocean.

"Can I ask you a question though? And you are sorta drunk so you can be honest." She asked.

"I will do my best" He said.

"...to be true to myself, my beliefs and Canada." She said holding up three fingers.

"What?" He laughed.

"Sorry that was from my Girl Guide days." She laughed too.

"What did you want to ask?" He changed the subject back.

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