25- sports-ball has very complicated rules

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Vani was entering fight or flight mode with a closed fist cocked and ready when she recognized two large smiling faces in the crowd.

"Careful Trav, she doesn't seem as sweet when she is sober." Link said approaching them.

"Travis!?" Vani was shocked to see her party Knights all decked out and waiting in the line for the club.

"Fancy seeing you here princess!" He laughed putting her back down on her feet.

Bull and the rest of their group left the line to come join in the reunion.

Briar looked bewildered as she ran over to protectively grab Vani's arm.

"Bri, these are the party Knights, Travis, Bull, Link,..." She looked around at the rest of the broad shouldered muscular group whom she had not had the pleasure of meeting.."Uh, Shoulders Von Strongman, Muscles McGee, Chesty LaRue, and Slim." Vani created nicknames for the rest of the group.

"Party nights? Like they party every night?" Briar whispered loudly.

"No like Party Knights, in all their shining armor." Vani corrected as she stood in the middle of the group suddenly feeling very small and short for the first time in her life.

"So this is 'Princess'? Nice." Chesty high five Travis over Briar's head making her duck.

"This is..." Vani started to say.

"Let me guess, the room mate?" Travis looked down at her.

"Yep, but she goes by Briar for short." Vani teased.

"At least she didn't get you wasted and leave you here too." Bull said half joking.

"Hey! I didn't just leave her there! She was with the girls from our dorm!" Briar defended.

"And a pervert." Link added.

"WHAT? What pervert?" Briar whipped around to look at Vani.

"Remember you said there was an ... incident at the party?" Vani started to tell her friend who was now staring at her with wide eyes.

"Yes, and you said nothing." She accused.

"Well there might be a little more to that story, but the important part is the Knights here were doing their jobs that night and saved the day... well some of them, I don't know if these ones were slacking off or working a different event that night because I don't remember seeing any of them there." Vani teased the boys around her trying to lighten the mood.

"Yes ma'am, we were on duty at another event for sure." Shoulders piped up.

"Well I'm glad some of you were there." Vani smiled at Travis.

"Glad to be of service!" He winked.

"You guys leaving? It's only just after midnight the party is just getting started." Bull asked looking around them in the poorly lit parking lot.

"Long forty eight hours. We were going to grab food and head back to our hotel." Vani said moving out of the circle of people.

"How did you get a cab? Just going to snag one  dropping off?" Slim asked.

"Nah it's a beautiful night. We can walk the four blocks." Vani shrugged making the group of guys exchange looks.

"Yeah, so that isn't going to happen on our watch." Link laughed like the girls were being ridiculous.

"What kind of Knights *leave* damsels in the distress?" Chesty offered.

"Not damsels, no distress. Promise." Vani smiled at him.

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