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You strolled around the cafeteria, excited for today's events. You wondered if Isagi and your other friends made it, you hoped so.

You felt a hand on your shoulder, causing you to yelp and almost flip them upside down. Until you saw their face,, "..Rin? What the fuck- why'd you scare me?"

Rin shrugged, giving you the deadpan look. "We have to get going. Hurry up."

You crossed your arms. "Right, thank you. I needed that."

Rin stared straight in your eyes, confused. "Why- Why would you need that." That made you glare at him. "Try to understand if it's a sarcastic comment or not." You received a huff in response. 

An awkward atmosphere enveloped the two of you, making you shiver. "U-Uh, so.. you're... um.. really.. gods what the hell." You quit trying to talk to him. One of the struggles of being friends with the man. But his presence was comfortable, you ought to give him that. 

"If you're looking to talk to me, then I wouldn't mind right now. Just spit out whatever is inside your small brain." Rin spoke, hiding the intention of wanting to hear you talk. 

"Hm,, I'm not specifically thinking of anything right now. I'm just really excited to see Isagi after what? two weeks? I have no sense of time." Rin noticed that you were quieter by the day. It was either some stupid problem that had something to do with your 'otakuness' or it was a serious problem. 

"..What's wrong." 

"Nothing really, why do you ask?" You replied, raising a brow at his behavior. 

"nOtHiNg's wRoNg, my ass. You've barely been talking about Tokyo Revengers or whatever you're interested in. That, and you've been quiet." Now, Rin sounded genuinely worried, but he hid it with a tone of frustration. You saw through it though. This wasn't exactly how Rin would act. Maybe what he said in Chapter 1 was right. 

You laughed softly, amused at his behavior. "Fine, fine. It's just that I miss being outside. I miss my friends, I miss the food that I eat. It's no big deal. Just a little,, what do you call it? homesick. I'll get over it soon, just a phase." 

Rin didn't believe you at all. Just a phase? If it was 'just a phase' you would have gotten over in the span of thirty minutes just like how you did when you found out Usui and Misaki got married. You said it was 'Just a phase' and indeed, you got over it in less than thirty minutes. 

Rin could name examples on when you said it was 'Just a phase' and got over it in a maximum of a day. Well, except for a few anime, but you never said Tokyo Revengers was just a phase anyways. 

But,, part of him understood you. 

Home, oh how a small part in the back of his head wished to wake up to see his mother in the kitchen making breakfast, greeting him a good morning and good luck  on his practice games. A longing feeling to be praised by his older brother, who had long broken his promise. Hidden feelings he could only find out if he dug deeper.

This kind of made me tear up wait-

"..I see. What reminds you of home?" He finally replied after a moment of squinting his eyes. 

"Hmm, I love watching action movies that only my parents would be interested in, while watching the movie, we'd eat instant ramen with soda, or just eat chips. Then my mom would ask my dad so much questions because she was chatting with her friends. Then my dad would just get fed up and ignore her at some point. I'd just be there laughing." You remembered the Friday or Saturday nights where all of you would be cooped up in the living room, your dad popping out a beer, while you had a can of soda in your hand. Somewhere halfway through the movie, you'd all suddenly be debating on who goes to the kitchen to make instant ramen because everyone was hungry. 

"Oh! Or there are times when I'd camp in my parent's room because they scared me before putting me to sleep. Then me and my dad would tease my mom about her exes or stuff then she'd just get pissed and sleep in the living room." You laughed to yourself. 

Rin couldn't stop the small smile that crept up to his face when you finally found something to talk about. "Well, we could watch a random movie in Netflix if you'd like." The man suggested. 

You smiled at his suggestion, and the way he showed he cared for you. "I'll beg Ego to get us chips and instant ramen!" You cheekily smiled, and for once in your life, you feel as if someone's actually trying for you. It didn't make sense, but it felt that way. 

Rin laughed softly, something he wasn't able to control. 

Your eyes widened as you heard the laugh. "Oh. My. Goodness. Did you just laugh." 

Rin shot you a glare, "Shut up."

You burst into laughter, arms on your tummy. "Don't- don't worry, I won't tell nobody! But uh,, Rin. Know that you can open up to me 'kay? I swear I won't tell a single soul." You raised your index finger to your lips, a smile on your lips. 

Rin let out a harsh sigh before loosening his posture. "Well then, you better get that instant ramen because the movie isn't gonna wait for you." He held out his phone, making you gasp. "Uh- yeah. EGO!!!" And with those three words, you ran off to who knows where to talk to your cousin. 

Rin scoffed, "They look kind of stupid talking with their female voice but with their male look." 

"Rin, I heard that!" 

Rin crossed his arms, "Good!" 

[ AUTHOR'S NOTE : pov: you listened to the love advice of the most innocent person in your class because you friend confessed to you and now you still feel kind of guilty for rejecting them 🌚i wanna do a story time about it or sum because i haven't told anyone and i feel like i should ]

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