They May Be Idiots but They are Dangerous

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Carly's POV
English Lit finally ended, I stood up immediately and looked for Ross but he disappeared quickly as class ended

"I'm going to kill him and make sure they'll never find the body" I whispered to myself

"Can I join?"

I was startled by the voice that suddenly came from my left side and it was Matt

"What on earth are you doing here?" I raised my brow at him

"a little birdie told me that someone took a photo of you without permission" I quickly looked at Stacy from behind him

"tis I your great friend" Stacy joked
I looked at Stacy with horror

Stacy seemed to notice my expression as Matt left the classroom

"is something wrong Carly" she gave me a curious look

"I think you just gave Ross a death sentence"


"you don't understand what my brothers are capable of, they may be idiots but they are dangerous"

"I....still don't get it Carly" she gave a defeated look

I just put both palms on my face " oh my goodness"

Matt's POV
I just finished history classes when suddenly someone pulled my arm as soon as I got out of the classroom

"Stacy? What are you doing here?"
She let go of my arm

"someone took Carly's photo without permission and it was Ross"

I was just surprised, I patted Stacy's head and said "good job"

I went straight to Carly's classroom when I heard her mutter that she is going to kill him

I whispered "can I join?" and Carly jumped a little

And I told her how I know what happened

As I left the classroom, I dialled the group call of Sean and Jasper

"what's up?" Sean replied
"yo" Jasper answered next

"code green guys" I said

"oh no, who is it" Jasper sighed
"not again" Sean sounded stressed

"Stacy told me his name is Ross Wilder"

"on it" Jasper left the call
"see you guys by the storage room" Sean sounded excited and he left next

I put my phone down with a smirk on my face

Jasper's POV
It was almost lunchtime and I went to the Computer Lab classroom which the class ended

Everyone got out and I got information on what Ross Wilder looked like

He came out talking to a guy, I went to him

I noticed that I am a bit taller than him so I told him

"Someone wanted to meet you by the gym storage room, she told me to not tell her name"

He looks excited that he went instantly as soon as I tell him

I texted Sean and Matt "get ready"

Sean's POV
I met up with Matt in the gym storage room and we hid as soon as the door opened

We saw Ross come inside and Jasper came in after him and he slammed the door shut

"the heck?!" Ross looked at us

Matt took his bag and Jasper took his phone and we saw Carly's picture without the hoodie

Jasper erased the pic "the f**k dude don't erase that!!"

"you do know that she could be in danger if you keep showing her picture to anyone you meet, she's not even your girlfriend" I said to him

"and even if you are, we won't approve of you" Jasper said

"the next time you did this it's not only the picture that will only be erased" I gave him a look like how a predator would look at its prey before killing it

"so what? who do guys think you are?!"
All of a sudden Matt hit him with a bag behind his head

We left after giving him a warning and went to lunch

Carly's POV
Those guys are taking too long, if they're not here their pizza's gonna turn cold

"Don't blame me if I ate all of it" I talked to myself reaching for Jasper's pizza then all of a sudden he appeared and held my arm

"don't you dare" he gave the look

And I retreated my hand, My attention was caught by Ross coming in the cafeteria and he looks I don't know how to explain it he looks....dull

Like you usually see him like a happy go lucky guy every time he walks in but right now umm...

I looked at the three of them
"What did you guys do?"
Sean gave me an awkward grin, Matt looked away and Jasper is just focused on eating his pizza

I sighed, I should apologize to Ross it looks like they did something to him

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