Bruce The Almighty Duck

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Carly's POV
Both Ross and Kevin still haven't gotten over what I was wearing

I heard the front door open and it was Stacy
"What are you idiots waiting for? come on!" and she ran out

I giggled at Stacy being energetic, finally, all of us went out

I saw Stacy drive a white van right in front of me, I got inside
"since when on earth do you have a licence, Stacy?"

"oh Carly you don't know everything about me yet" and she winked at me

I rolled my eyes at her

Leo got in and sat right beside me, Ross is sitting beside Stacy and Kevin enjoyed the spacious backseat of the van

The van finally started moving and it took us 20 minutes to get to the fair, the fair is near the beach and I can see from afar the Ferris wheel

The little kid in me got excited and jumpy and Leo might have seen me

He chuckled and went back looking out the window, we finally arrived at the parking area of the fair and got out

As soon as Stacy locked the car she pulled my arm and we ran straight to the entrance, I saw Kevin, Ross and Leo catch up to us

"Stacy please stop" Kevin said as he is catching his breath

"you could be a runner for the school and win gold in seconds" Leo commented holding his waist and trying to catch his breath

Stacy might have not heard them and she just said "what should we do first?!" she excitedly said she is eyeing all the game booths

My eye caught the rubber ducky ring toss game and I pointed to it, Ross saw to where I was pointing

"let's go" then he instantly pushed me to it, I was standing at the booth and I see all the ducks circling around a mini fountain

"ticket please" the person at the booth said

"Oh no I think we forgot about the tickets" I looked at Ross

"I'll be right back and he ran to buy booth tickets"

I waited for I think about 3 minutes when someone tapped my shoulder from behind, I thought it was Ross but when I turned around it was Leo

I looked behind him "where's Stacy and Kevin?"

He pointed at a roller coaster, I stopped looking at the ride and Leo gave a ticket to the booth person

"yellow duck is one point, blue duck three points, and the green duck is ten points" and she pointed to us to a sign that says we have to get ten points to get a surprise duck if not we can get a duck key chain instead

Me and Leo each have five rings, I was first and I manage to get a blue duck and I was biting my lips from excitement

I got another blue duck so that makes six points, but sadly in the end I only got eight points because one of my rings didn't catch a duck

When I think about it even if I get the last ring to the duck I'm still missing one point

The booth person gave me two duck key chains, Leo is next so he started with two rings which surprised me he actually caught two blue ducks

The next two is both yellow ducks, me and Leo looked at each other

With the power of his determination and my curiousness of what the surprise is he finally managed to get a green duck

We both got excited and high five each other, the booth person was getting something inside the question mark box

He pulled out a call duck, I laughed so hard I was having a hard time breathing

I was holding onto Leo's shoulders for support because I was laughing too hard, the booth person gave Leo the duck and the duck quacked at Leo while shaking its tail

I stopped laughing and Leo is looking at the duck and me with a surprise
"what on earth would I do with a call duck?" the duck quacked again after Leo's comment

I giggled "take it in as a pet, it can make a great alarm"

And Leo stared at the duck while the duck is staring back at him

"what should you name him?" I asked

Leo thought for a moment
"how about Bruce the almighty duck"
As he holds the duck on one arm

I laughed "that's a great name"

I bend a little to look at the duck "hello Bruce" the duck quacked back at me

I stood straight up again and we went searching for Stacy, Kevin and Ross

We found them near a Merry Go Round and they are waiting in line, we got near to them and they saw Leo carrying Bruce

They all laughed but Stacy laughed the loudest
"who's your friend Xavier?" Stacy asked after she is laughing

"This is Bruce" Leo said and the duck quacked at Stacy, I patted Bruce's head and it closed his eyes for a moment

"Can I hold it?" Ross asked and Leo gave him the duck but the duck retaliates

"it doesn't like you dude" Kevin said to Ross while patting his back

Ross looked at the duck and said "I'm not gonna give you treats" and he went inside to ride on the Merry Go Round

It was our turn to get inside, Leo hid the duck between his Jacket and I snickered at the sight

SuprSurprisingly person in charge of the Merry Go Round didn't notice the duck being smuggled in by Leo

As soon as I rode on one of the horses Leo gave the duck to me and he rode on the horse next to me

Stacy was Riding the carriage and Ross was on my other side

"Where's Kevin?" Stacy asked

And we looked at Kevin frantically looking for a horse as every one of them was taken, as soon as he got near to us the only available seat was a small pony next to us and Kevin sighed and sat on it

Leo and Ross tried to hold their laugh while me and Stacy giggled
"enjoy your ride Kevin" I said to him

"I sure will" in a sarcastic tone

The Merry Go Round started moving and Leo pulled out his phone

"Hey Carly hold Bruce properly please"

I smiled as my picture is taken while holding Bruce, it seems the person in charge finally saw Bruce as he was trying to catch up to us

"What an idiot" Ross commented as the person is only going one way and didn't even try to get on the Merry Go Round

Me and Leo looked at each other and grinned

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