He Likes Cuddles

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Carly's POV
I slowly opened my eyes and I can hear a heartbeat, I looked to where am I sleeping and I found myself sleeping on Leo's chest as we slept on the fur rug

Natasha and Kevin were also sleeping on the huge fur rug and using the couch pillows for their heads, Stacy and Merlin though were in a funny sleeping position on the long couch

Stacy looks like she is about to fall while Merlin is hanging at the armrest, I just stayed in the position where I am using Leo's chest as my pillow

I put my head on his chest and I can feel and hear his slow heartbeat, his chest is very broad

I just recognized that Natasha was wearing a funny eye mask and Merlin too, I giggled quietly and I sat up which made Leo move

His eyes were closed but his hand was touching his surroundings looking for me, when he touched my arm he opened his eyes a little to look at me

Then he pulled my arm to him and made my head rest on his chest, I looked up to look at his face but he closes his eyes again

He likes cuddles, I should note that

I hugged him and he embraced me back as he caressed my hair, I lifted my head a little to look at him

He was looking at me with a smile
"morning" he said in a raspy sleepy voice
"morning" I whispered to him

I sat up and look at everyone who is sleeping around us, I planned on how am I gonna get out without stepping on one of them accidentally

Leo sat up and he also looked around, he suddenly came up with an idea. He and I stretched a bit

He bent and asked me to climb him behind his back, he gave me a piggyback ride as he tiptoed his way out

It was hard getting out since Natasha was moving around as she sleeps, she accidentally hit Merlin in the face when she turned

Me and Leo tried to contain our laugh and after a few minutes later we both finally got out, both of us went and did our hygiene in our supposed respective rooms

I came out wearing my hoodie and pants from yesterday since I didn't bring any clothes for the sudden sleepover, Leo came out looking fresh since he took a bath

As soon as he came out he gave me a quick kiss on the lips
"Now this is a proper way to greet me good morning" he said and gave me a cheeky grin, he really is getting a hang of this new relationship with me

I raised a brow at him "really?" I asked him and he nodded, then I know what to do if I am upset with him hehe

We look around to find the kitchen and I swear, anyone can get lost in Merlin's mansion because we have been looking around for a good five minutes until we can find the kitchen

When we opened the door to the kitchen we found Merlin's Mom cooking her own breakfast, she looked at us
"morning" she greeted us and we greet her back, I sat at a chair near the counter as Leo looked for pancake mix and some eggs

"oh the pancake mix is in the pantry room" Anna said as she pointed to a door and Leo went it

"looks like you scored a great one" Anna said to me as she is focused on her fried eggs, I Smile as I feel my cheeks become warm

Leo was never a prize but a lucky chance to me, I never knew we would be in a relationship even if I asked my past self she might have slapped me hard right now

"have you read your lab results yet?" Anna asked me as she is now cooking some bacon now, I shake my head

Anna accidentally let go of the spatula and it fell on the ground, I helped her by cleaning it

I haven't dried it yet and this might've been my biggest regret, I told Anna that I'll help her and as I was trying to flip the bacon the water from the newly cleaned spatula touched the oil and hot oil splattered around and got on my hands

"OUCH!!" I said loudly, Leo ran out of the pantry and Anna ran to me

"oh my gosh FELIX FIRST-AID!!" Anna said loudly and Felix ran and came back with the first aid kit

Leo's POV
I was still looking around for the pancake mix when I heard a loud "OUCH!!" from the outside and it sounded like Carly, I ran out and I saw Carly sitting on the floor and her hands are red from the hot oil that got on her hands

Merlin's Mom called for Felix to get the first aid kit and he quickly got it, I ran to Carly and I comforted her

Her eyes were watering from the pain
"sh*t she got a second degree burn on her hand" Merlin's Mom said and she did the first aid in an instant

After she did the first aid, I helped Carly up and I led her to the living room. Stacy walked up to us
"did something happened we were woken up by a scre-" she stopped when she saw Carly's bandaged hand

"CARLY!!" she yelled and ran up to her, she look at her hand

"Carly you idiot you just got out of the hospital" Stacy scolded her like a mother

Kevin, Merlin and Natasha came into the living to know what happened since they heard a loud yell from Stacy, they saw Carly's bandaged hand and they too ran up to Carly and ask if she is ok

"excuse me" All of us looked at Felix

"I apologize since Miss Anna have forgotten to add a burn cream on Miss Carly's hand" he said

"go ahead" Carly said to him as a reply and he nodded a little to her and he straight away try to remove the bandage as carefully as he could

"Carly I'm sorry I didn't mean to" Merlin's mom said as she came into the living room

Carly just smiled a little at her to let her know she forgives her, Merlin's Mom said to Felix that she will put the cream on Carly

Felix let her and when it is finally time to see the burn

"huh?" Merlin's mom was confused

"mom what is it?" Merlin asked her

Carly was also confused

"the burn....it healed" she said in amazement in her voice as she looks at Carly

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