So...How About A Marriage?

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Leo's POV
We went outside and I saw Carly being put on the stretcher, Stacy and Natasha accompanied her

There were many curious onlookers across the whole neighbourhood, there was also a news reporter coming out

Three policemen came inside and arrested the unconscious guy, Mom ran to me

"LEO!!" she said to me and cupped my face looking for any injury, she hit my back so hard

"OUCH Mom!"

"that's what you get for almost being killed" and she hit me behind my head

Matt and Sean ran to me and asked me what happened in all details and I told them everything, All three of us is just standing there taking in the situation

Brittney is sitting in an ambulance with someone treating her injured head and her mom being put on the stretcher in the ambulance

We hid from the reporter that wanted to interview us and I ride with mom going to the hospital, I feel something fluffy is touching my face

I looked to my right and it was a unicorn toy, Kathrina was in the back seat

Hunter's POV
I went out and I saw many people who were curious to watch, among the crowd I saw a familiar face

"Elizabeth?" I said and I walked up to her, she hasn't changed since 13 years ago

"what are you doing here?" I said to her in a low voice

"Just checking up on my daughter" she said with her droopy eyes that is filled with malicious intent, she wore a black coat that has fur on it

She looked like a rich lady that you could come across by

"I doubt someone the likes of you would check up on Carly" I remarked and I walked away

Leo's POV
We went to the hospital to where Carly is brought in and I ran to the emergency surgery area, all of her family are waiting outside

Her Mom and Jasper were crying, the Dad is comforting his wife

Matt was leaning at the wall and Sean is walking around nervously, Stacy is sitting nervously her head is close to her knees

I walked up to them

And sat down beside crying Jasper, Mom asked Brooke (Carly's Mom) that if she could talk to both her and Tyler (Carly's Dad)

Carly's Mom agreed and all three of them went to the cafè area to talk, Kathrina sat down beside Jasper and gave him a choco pretzel

Brooke's POV
Me, my husband and Leo's mom we all went to the cafè, she bought both of us an iced coffee drink to calm us down

Tyler was still holding my hand tight and kissed it
"don't worry, Carly will be fine" he said to assure me

"We should really thank your son, he saved our daughter again" I said to her

She smiled at us and gave out her hand to shake "My names Libby" I shook her hand "I'm Brooke and this is Tyler"
Tyler waved at Libby

"about my son, I know that you both might not like him.." she said

"what do you mean?" Tyler asked her

"well my son is not the best guy out there but I assure you he is doing his best for your daughter" she smiled

I grinned at her "well.." I raised my brow at Tyler and he smirked

"We do approve of him" Tyler said

"That was quick" Libby said wide-eyed after she finish drinking her cup of coffee

"Tyler here is not that great back then too" I laughed and Tyler gripped my shoulder because his arm is around me

"Really?! so does my husband" she giggled

I looked at Tyler and I gave him the look, he saw it and he sighed "I should leave for a moment" he said and got up to go back to the surgery waiting room

When he finally left we finally get to be ourselves, I leaned in close to Libby

Libby leaned in also

" about a marriage?" I asked her and she smirked

"go on, I'm listening"

I liked talking about marriage this is going to be fun

Leo's POV
It took 5 hours for the surgeon to come out, all of us ran to him

"so how is Carly doc?" Matt asked him

"she is fine, she will be better in a week" the doctor said and all of us sighed in relief

Jasper was so relieved he fainted, all of us managed to catch him in time and put him on a bed

No one is allowed to visit her yet except for the parents, they said we can visit her tomorrow

Mom put her hand on my shoulder and gave me a reassuring nod and we went back home

I called everyone in the group chat

"is Carly alright?" Merlin asked and I said "yeah, we can visit her tomorrow"

"nice, let's visit her after school" Hunter said

"We should bring food that Carly likes" Natasha suggested and all of us agreed

I should bring flowers to Carly tomorrow and clear up about that kiss, I'll just say it was my mistake

I helped Mom and Kathrina in making dinner, also Bruce waddled up to me and all of us went to bed

Stacy's POV
I was finally relieved that Carly is fine, I called Kevin about what happened

"it's 12:52 Stacy" he said

"I know, but I brought good news Carly is fine" I said with jolly in my voice

"do you need a ride, I doubt the buses would be working at this hour" he asked

My heart skipped a beat "yeah sure" and I told him which hospital I was at

I ended the call and I put my hand at my heart "what the f**k was that?" I said to myself, I passed by another surgery waiting room and saw Brittney all alone at the bench

I walked up to her "Brittney?" I asked, she looked up at me

Her head is bandaged from the injury that came from her dad, she looked down

I sat beside her "you want to talk about it?" I said, she wailed and I gave my shoulder for her to cry on

Kevin finally arrived, he saw me comforting Brittney

I was about to leave when I saw Brittney all alone again, with her house is under investigation by the police she has nowhere to go

"hey Brittney want to crash at my place" I said

She looks like she is hesitating, I sighed and I pulled her hand
"let's go I'll give you a facial" I added and we finally reached Kevin's car

It was quiet inside and I saw Brittney fall asleep at the back seat, I was sitting at the passenger seat with Kevin

I called up Natasha and Jana for a sleepover so we can comfort Brittney

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