Elijah Audelair

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Carly's POV
"what?" I said to Anna

"your burn, I swear it was a second-degree burn!" she said out loud

"I saw it Miss Anna" Felix said to her in reply

"me too, I saw it also" Leo said and Anna sighed in relief, she might have thought she has lost her mind

"if what you saw was a second degree burn then why the heck is it already healed?!" Stacy asked as she is still lost and confused, we all are

Anna was silent
"I..I don't know" she said, all of us were silent

"regeneration" Kevin said and we all look at him

Kevin walked up to me and look at my hand
"There is still a mark here and it looks like she can heal really fast, I only know this from all the superhero movies I've watched" he said, Stacy nodded and agreed with Kevin

"he's right maybe Carly is just really fast in healing" Stacy said

"then how about that one week she spent at the hospital" Natasha asked as she sat down beside me

"well actually my surgery wound healed up after 3 days, the next 4 days was just the doctors doing a regular check up on me" I said to her, They all gasped

"Merlin her lab results quick!" Anna said to Merlin and Merlin ran to the entertainment room to get my lab results

Merlin came back carrying my lab results and he gasped for air after he gave it to his Mom, Anna checked every paper of my lab results

"remember that Hunter said that there was a foreign body that mutated in her gene" Leo said and all of them nodded

Anna's eyes went to my waist
"Carly" she said and I raised my brow

"Can I please look at the scar again please?" Anna asked me and I was confused

"what scar?" Leo asked her, I stood up and I show the lotus scar on my waist, everyone was surprised to see my scar

"I never knew you have a scar like that Carly" Stacy said as she touched my scar, Anna became fascinated with my scar

She asked me to go to her lab, all of us went into her lab and Anna looked into each and every file she has on her huge bookcase. I tell you that her files could fill a whole school library

She pulled out a yearbook from her bottom drawer and showed me a pic
"do you recognize his face in any way?" she asked me, I shake my head

Anna then kept searching again and this time she brought out a very old envelope and pulled out a paper, she compared the seal on the paper to my waist

"they matched" Leo said in a surprised face

"This seal is the design of this guy" she pointed to the man in her yearbook photos

"who is that man?" I Merlin asked her, she read the paper in the envelope

"his name is..Elijah Audelair" Anna said slowly

"hey isn't that the name that your uncle told us about when we were at the lakehouse?" Natasha said to Leo and he nodded

"but he said that the Audelair's disappeared years ago" I said

"they disappeared?" Anna said
"but that's weird, I got a letter from Elijah that he was in Hawaii the letter was sent to me 8 years ago" she added

The situation was confusing enough as it is
"Mom who is this Elijah guy?" Merlin asked her, Anna sat down on her office chair

"he was a guy who was always curious about human genetics especially if it's a genetic mutation, he always wanted to know what will happen if a human who is born normal will be injected with a special mutation" she said

I was shocked at what she said, was I an experiment?

Leo's POV
I was still thinking about Carly's scar then suddenly a memory came into my head to where hunter grabbed my wrist and he has the same scar as Carly

"Hunter.." I said and Carly looked at me

"what?" she asked and I told them that Hunter has the same scar as Carly, Carly stood up as soon as I said that

Stacy called up Hunter she also called Brittney and Ross too, maybe we can understand the situation a bit more if there are a lot of heads to use for thinking

It took an hour for all three of them to arrive, Merlin walked up to Hunter and forcefully grabbed his wrist to see the scar. Merlin's eyes went wide in shock
"he has it too, Leo wasn't lying" He said

Carly's POV
My hand was shaking, maybe I can finally understand everything that was kept from me in the dark of my past

Hunter didn't want to show his lotus scar
"Hunter please" I pleaded to him, he hesitated at first and it took him a long time to show it to me

"what is going on?" Brittney asked all of us, we were still as confused as Brittney was

I looked at his scar and it is exactly like mine, Hunter's hand was shaking
"Sorry, I'm so sorry" he said

His eyes were watering
"alright what the f**k is happening here, I just got out from getting hit with a stone now this?!" Ross said out loud

"I just found out that Elijah has a daughter named Maria" Anna said out loud, we all looked at her

She was on the phone calling somebody, Me and Leo looked at each other

That night back at the Laundromat, there was a guy that called me Maria. It was that insane guy who attacked me

"that guy back then" Leo said to me and I nodded to him, he was thinking the same as me

Hunter was still standing there his eyes were watering and tears are coming out
"Oh sh*t someone calm him down" Kevin said and Brittney patted Hunter at the back

"I'm so sorry Maria" Hunter whispered as he wiped his tears and all of us were left in shock

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