That Game Breaks More Friendships Than I Can Break Girls Hearts

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Carly's POV
Leo was carrying me back on his shoulders like a sack of potatoes, when he finally reached my home he puts me down

He smirked because he finally caught me but I just made a grumpy act at him, everyone finally gathered when Leo messaged all of them that he found me. Stacy touched my hair
"It feels real and it's not a wig" she said as she keeps observing and touching my hair, Merlin and even Leo keeps touching my hair

"do you colour your hair, Carly?" Brittney asked me and I shake my head

"then why is it blue then?" Natasha asked and I shrug at them since even I don't know why

"Why don't we ask my mom?" Merlin suggested, his Mom is a well-known scientist with best selling textbooks about gene mutations. So they put me in a car with Leo and Hunter at both of my sides and we went to Merlin's house, I wouldn't be overreacting when I say that his house is enormous

Merlin knocked on one of the two huge wooden doors of his home and a butler guy opened it
"Hey Felix!" he greeted his butler and the guy named Felix just smiled at him

"you're a literal rich kid Merlin" Ross said as he came with Kevin to visit Merlin on some sport topic

"MOM!!" Merlin yelled and I think it echoed throughout the mansion, a woman who looks like in her forties came down some grand stairs wearing a lab coat

She raised a brow at Merlin and Merlin pushed me to her, she was confused that her son pushed a girl to her

"uh what is going on?" she asked and looked at all of us

"Mom I think she's a mutation" Merlin said to her, she looked at everyone and they nodded

"This is ridiculous, a mutation makes you have an extra body part or a disorder, not...what mutation do you think she has?" she asked Leo

"blue hair ma'am" he answered

"blue hair, Merlin it's impossible to have blue hair even more so genetically"  she scolded Merlin right in front of us

"yes we know but can you check?" Merlin gave his mom the puppy eyes and she rolled her eyes at him

"if I check what will I get in return?" she asked with both of her hands on her waist as she look at Merlin, Merlin looked at everyone. They formed a group huddle that they didn't let me in

After a few minutes they all look at her, "we'll be your assistants" Stacy said to her and Merlin's Mom eyes lit up with happiness
"well, why didn't you say so? Let's go into my lab" she said and pulled my arm, we climbed up the grand staircase

We went into a room at the end of the hallway and she open the door, when she opened the door we were greeted by so many scientific instruments

"oh wow, there are more scientific stuff here than in school" Kevin remarked as we look around

"don't touch anything" Merlin's mom said and she gestured me to sit down, I sat down and she told me she is going to get blood samples from me

"Merlin listen to me even if she dyes her hair blue her genes would not change trust me" she said as she draws blood from me using a syringe, she looks at everyone

"I think she wants to have privacy guys" Merlin told them and they went out of the lab

The lab is now all quiet and she finally finish getting blood from me
"We should do a few tests" she said to me and I nodded

"could you please change into these?" she gave me a hospital dress
"by the way my name is Anna and you?" she tries to start a conversation with me

"oh um I'm Carly" I replied as I try to change clothes, I was struggling a bit. Anna saw me and she helped me

While helping me her eyes fell on my lotus scar, her eyes widened
"what happened there?" she asked me as she touched my scar

"oh that? I don't actually know how I got it" I said and she stood up again because she bent her knees to look at my scar properly

"that scar looks familiar but I don't know where, I should research about that" she said to herself, I was brought in a room for an x-ray

She did do a lot of tests on me which resulted in me being very tired, after the final test I changed back into my clothes and I walked to where everyone is

I can't find them since the mansion was too big but luckily I found Merlin's butler named Felix and he gladly helped me find everyone, we found them at some game/entertainment room

I saw Leo on the couch and I walked up to him and I put my head on his lap, I quickly fell asleep

Leo's POV
Carly put her head on my lap and she fell asleep instantly, her snore was very loud

"hey Merlin" and Merlin looked at me while still playing games with Kevin

"When will the test results come out?" I asked him because I should take Carly home, her parents and brothers must be looking everywhere for her

"I'm not sure but maybe by tomorrow I guess, Mom is really quick at the lab tests anyway" he told me and he went back to focus on beating Kevin at Mario Kart

I rolled my eyes, that game breaks more friendships than I can break girls hearts. I just hope that no fight will break out soon

Carly looked so comfortable at her spot and my legs are starting to become numb

"if I move she wakes up" I thought and I look at her peaceful sleeping face

You know what?, maybe numb legs will be fine

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