She Accidentally Threw A Watermelon

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Carly's POV
I walked into the dining room and I see that we are using the very long rectangular table, everyone is about to take their seats and I was finding a seat for me. Leo sat down beside me and he was still smirking

When everybody already sat we started our meal, there was a lot of noise since all of us are having different conversations with different people

Me and Leo were talking with Stacy and Brittney
"don't you think the chicken is too dry?" Stacy said and I tasted the chicken that she said was too dry

"It tastes fine to me" I replied to her
"I would prefer roasted duck" Brittney told us and Bruce's head popped out beside Brittney which made her scream

Everyone looked at Brittney
"Why is there a duck here?" she asked and looked at everyone, Kathrina stood up and carried Bruce with her back to her seat

Everybody went back to their conversation
"is nobody gonna answer me?" she said and nobody answered her, well I was talking to Stacy and I felt someone threw a grape at me

I look to the right to where is Leo is located and to where the grape came from, I took a grape and threw it at him

We were just throwing grapes at each other and when the grapes finally ran out, Leo took a tangerine from a fruit basket tried to throw it at me but it hit  Hunter's face

Hunter looked at Leo for a long time, I can't read his expression but I saw him took an apple and threw it at Leo

Leo luckily caught the apple, Hunter tried to throw a banana at him and this time it hit Natasha. She wasn't too happy about it and she threw hunter a chicken leg

But the chicken leg hit my face the sauce is now on my hoodie too, I threw a cupcake at her and it landed on her hair. Natasha stood up from her seat
"that's it!!" she said loudly and threw a whole ass pie that hit Leo on the face

My dad tried to stop all of us from throwing food but a portion of spaghetti was thrown on his new shirt, he look to who threw it and it was Sean who did. Dad had a mischievous grin on his face so he took a tomato soup and threw it

Basically, one after another everyone is now throwing food at each other, Jasper on the other hand was walking away with a plate filled with food. He isn't having any of this food fight

Someone yelled, "WHO THREW A F**KING WATERMELON AT ME, I ALMOST DIED!!" I saw that it was Ross who said it, the watermelon has now broken a glass window

Anna was now looking a bit guilty, she accidentally threw a watermelon, how the heck do you accidentally threw a watermelon at somebody!?

We all calmed down and we look at our clothes and the dining room is now really messy, all of us helped each other clean the place and we all took a bath

Luckily some of us brought extra clothes this time and some are kind enough to lend others their clothes, sadly Mom and Dad didn't bring any extra clothes so they have to drive back home with messy clothes to get us some new clothes to wear

Leo's Mom brought him clothes and he has an extra pair and gave it to me, Brittney already gave some of her extra clothes to Stacy and Natasha. I wore Leo's clothes and they were a little big on me

His maroon T-shirt was oversized on me and the basketball shorts were sliding off a little, my brothers decided to borrow Merlin's clothes for a while. Hunter brought his own extra pair of clothes

Leo saw me trying to keep the basketball shorts on so he helped me by tying the string that was inside the shorts
"I know that you were small but I didn't expect you were THIS small" he said and I flicked his forehead

"if you are just going to insult about my height, might as well insult about my face" I said and I should have not said that because he might do it

Leo raised a brow at me
"you should wear a Hoodie always" he said to me

He leaned in to whisper in my ear
"they might see your face and they will take you away from me" he grinned

"that's not an insult that is a compliment" I told him
"yeah but complimenting you is an insult because you might already know that yourself" he added

"that was smoother than Stacy's hair Leo" Natasha said as she walked in

"well ain't that the truth" Stacy commented as she was brushing her hair while walking in, Leo went out for a moment because he was called by his sister

"So tell us what happened during the date??" Brittney said as she came out of the bathroom with dry hair and she lie down on a bed

I told them everything that happened during the date but I left out the part we were making out, I doubt they will never forget that

"He has great ideas for a cute date I should give him that" Stacy said and the other two nodded in agreement

"But seriously, I know you guys did something there is no way that's the only thing you guys did in the middle of nowhere" Brittney remarked

A sudden flashback of me and Leo kissing at the back of the pickup truck came into my mind
"look she's red" Natasha said as she braided Brittney's hair

"they also did something besides the pool while all of us were inside last night" Stacy said

"well actually Leo asked me to be his Girlfriend" I said shyly, Stacy fell off the couch, Brittney's mouth went wide and Natasha's eyes are wider than any one in this room

"so what did you say!?" they all said in unison, I nodded slowly and they all squealed

Stacy attacked me with a hug
"Congrats!" she said in a jolly voice

"Hoodie" ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon