Mom...You're A Scientist

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Leo's POV
Carly was still sleeping on my lap for four hours straight and I can't feel my legs anymore, Merlin's mom finally arrived when she knocked on the door

She was holding a thick binder with a lot of papers in it, she put it on the pool table and she sat on the marble floor

"damn lab test took too long" She said and sighed as she lie down on the floor

"'re a scientist" Merlin said to her in a monotone voice, this must happen a lot for him to do that in that kind of voice. His Mom rolled her eyes at him then looked at me

She saw that I was playing with Carly's hair while she is sleeping
"you can check out your girlfriend's lab tests" she said to me and she took a pillow from a couch and slept on the cold floor

Stacy took a paper and gave the rest to me and let me tell you there is really something wrong with Carly's DNA, Stacy wasn't hiding her true feelings too

"what the f**k is wrong with her genes?!" she said loudly which caught everyone's attention now and made them curious, each of them took a piece of paper from the binder to check it out

"There is nothing wrong in her body based on her x-rays" Brittney said as both she and Ross look more into her x-rays

"yeah but it says here there is a foreign body that mutated in her gene" Hunter said and showed it to all of us

"Mom why are you surprised?!" Merlin said when he saw his mom sat up from lying down on the floor

"I didn't even bother reading her lab results so I didn't know, NOW GIVE IT!" she said excitedly and Hunter gave her the paper

As she read the paper her hands were shaking from excitement
"is this...real?" she said as she can't believe she is now witnessing of a new gene mutation discovery, she looked at Carly that is still sleeping and she stood up and walked up to us

She tried to touch Carly but I stopped her
"Please just let her sleep" I asked of Merlin's Mom and she smirked

"geez overprotective boyfriend, makes me want to have my youth back" she sighed and reminisce her youth, my ears burn from embarrassment

Me and Carly are not in that stage yet and I haven't even asked her the question, my only response to what she said is only holding Carly's hand as she sleeps

"do you guys want to sleepover?" Merlin asked us as he showed us his butler Felix now holding some stacked pillows

"I'm in" Stacy said

"me too, we still need to finish the game" Kevin said to him

"I can't stay" Brittney said as she stood up

"why?" Natasha asked her while she is lying on the couch eating chips
"I need to visit mom so I can't sorry guys" Brittney said to her in reply

Ross, Hunter and Brittney left since all of them have other stuff to do, Carly is not yet awake to make a decision to stay or not so I shake her gently and her eyes fluttered open

"hm?" she said as she rub her eyes a bit, I bent so my face can be near

"do you want to stay here or go home?" I asked her, she didn't answer and just went back to sleep

I guess we will be staying for the night too, I rang up her parents
"Hey Tyler" I greeted her dad

"Leo?" he said and I can hear Brooke wanting to know where Carly is since she ran out this morning

"don't worry she is with me and we are staying over at a friend's house" I said, I can hear Brooke giggle

"Alright, she can stay over for the night but don't do anything inappropriate I don't want to be a grandpa yet" Tyler said over the phone which made Carly's eyes shot wide open from her sleep

She took the phone from my hand and talked to Tyler
"Dad stop please" she asked and Tyler replied with
"I'm trying to say it since teen pregnancy can cause an early death too so I have to"

Carly covered her face with her hand since the call with her dad was on speaker mode and everyone can hear the conversation, Natasha just hit Merlin at the back for snickering and Merlin's mom gave Natasha a thumbs up

Carly was too sleepy to process the embarrassment so she just continued the conversation with her dad with her face covered with her hand
"All alright then have fun now" Brooke said to her and ended the call

She gave me back my phone and glared at everyone, all of them were pretending to mind their own business. She went back to sleep as she hugged me

They sigh after I said that she is asleep now

"if there is anything, I won't force Carly to be awake since she becomes  an angry b*tch when I do it" Stacy shuddered at the thought of her waking up Carly

"that was f**king scary, I thought she was gonna kill us!" Merlin remarked and looked at me

"are you sure you're going to be fine with her Leo?" he asked and Natasha pinched his ear as she drag him out, Merlin is now saying ouch in a very loud voice even when they're outside

Stacy is now taking blankets and pillows from Felix, Carly moved a little from my lap

Her eyes met mine and I smiled at her
"How are you feeling?" I asked and she gave me a slight smile
"I am fine" she said in a sleepy voice

She noticed that I was using my legs as her pillow and she sat up for me to stand but after I try to stand I tripped since I now have dead legs, she saw me fall and laughed

"Why didn't you just wake me up?" she asked me as she lie back down on the couch, I don't know how can I say that I didn't wake her up because I like her sleeping on me and I don't want to wake her up

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