Secrets Revealed

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   More days past and the guilt I was experiencing was eating at me; and that's how I knew I needed to tell Riley. I know we shouldn't tell humans what we are, but I trusted him, and I was certain that he already knew.
I called Riley and asked him to meet me at the riverside that was a few miles west of the high school and he agreed.

  "What did you want to talk about?" Riley asked while we walked along the riverbank. "It's something I should have told you long before, but before I do, you need to promise me that you won't tell anyone." I was getting more anxious by the minute.
"I promise," Riley vowed as he made a show of crossing his heart. I chuckled; he always knew how to make me feel better.

           I took a deep cleansing breath and began my confession, "My family is different from other people, and I think you know that, but this is another kind of different," the guilt inside me was starting to fade away. "What do you mean?" he was both intrigued and worried. "Meaning, we're not normal from regular people," we were coming across a patch of light that was starting to peek through the clouds. "In fact, we're not even human," I removed my hand from Riley's and stepped into the sunlight.

   The instant I stepped into the sun, my pale skin began to shimmer, and it looked like a thousand crystals were embedded into my skin. I had never shown anyone what I looked like in the light. "Riley, I'm a vampire." 

  He looked at me stunned, and for a while he wouldn't say anything, but then he stepped towards me and touched my face. "You're so beautiful," he said smitten. I smiled and kissed him on the cheek. "You're not afraid of me?" "Of course not," Riley caressed my face, "I've known for a while actually," "How?" I asked intrigued, and I held his hand that was touching my face. "Your eyes are unnaturally gold, your skin is ice cold, you don't eat anything, you go tense when you smell blood and you're too beautiful and perfect to be human," he wasn't afraid of me at all. 

"I want to be with you, Lilly. You're so amazing, interesting, intelligent and beautiful," the beam of sunlight was bathing us in a blanket and the light from my skin made that beam even brighter. 

He leaned in and kissed me softly, and I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him back. Now that there was no secrets between us, there was a feeling of excitement and relief. It seemed like we were the only people in the world. I was with the love of my life. 

    "Where have you been all my life?" he smiled, hugging me. "Waiting for you," I grinned. I hugged him back like he was bound to slip away from me at any moment. 


   "Can I ask you something?" Riley asked as we sat on a hill together. We were the only ones in the clearing and the sun was shining down on us, still illuminating my skin. "You can ask me anything you'd like," I invited, holding his hand. "How long have you been a vampire?" he inquired. 

   "I have been a vampire since 1918, and I was sixteen when I was turned and Edward was seventeen. We were both infected with the Spanish Influenza that wiped out fifty to one hundred million people," I told him. "Whoa, you were there?" his eyes widened in awe. 

             "Yes, and it was just as terrifying as the history books describe. The sickness claimed the lives of my parents, and then I blacked out after that. Carlisle saved me and Edward from dying by turning us into vampires." "What was it like?" he asked. "The pain was agonizing and it left me wishing for the influenza to claim my life it was that excruciating." the scary day from over one hundred years ago was replaying in my mind. "That's what happens when one of us bites a human, our teeth are covered in venom and it causes the change. The venom comes when we smell blood," I explained. "We're similar to sharks in a way, because the second we taste human blood a frenzy begins that's almost impossible to stop." 

  "And I just thought you grew fangs and couldn't go out in the sun because it could kill you," he told me humorously. I chuckled, "That's what a lot of people think." I snuggled up to him and put my head on his shoulder. "We aren't intolerant to garlic and the sun doesn't burn us to a crisp. In fact, there isn't a lot that can kill us," I told him. "That's interesting, I didn't realize that vampires were so resistant to everything," he ran his fingers through my hair. 

    I smiled, "The only way we can be killed is if it's done by another vampire. You would have to rip them apart and burn the pieces before they could regenerate," I explained. "So vampires can't be killed, period?" Riley asked. "Basically, no." I said. "That's insane!" he exclaimed. "I know it's a lot to take in," I turned to face him. "You have no idea," he replied. 

       "Well, if it's any consolation, I haven't had any human blood in ninety years. Carlisle taught us to only feed on animals, and we learned to control our thirst." "So you're vegetarians?" he inquired, "Exactly," I commended him with a kiss. "I think it's impressive that you have managed to have so much self control over the years, and your family," "Thank you," I smiled modestly. "Are there others like you?" he asked, wanting to know more. 

 "Yes, we have cousins in Alaska who live a similar lifestyle to ours, but there are others who still feed on human blood. There are some vampires who aren't meant to be trusted," I told him about all the other vampires we had met over the years. "Those are the kind who will stop at nothing to get blood," I warned him. 

   "So, all those killings that have happened downtown, are those other vampires?" Riley asked. "Yes," I said. "I won't let them get to you," I vowed. "Thanks," he smiled. "You mean everything to me, Riley. I haven't felt this way about anyone before," we were leaning in for a kiss. 

"I've never fallen in love before," I confessed, touching his face tenderly. "Are you telling me that you love me?" he blushed, moving a strand of hair out of my face. "I most certainly am," I flirted with better confidence. "I love you too, Lilly," he stroked my face and then kissed me. With all the love I had for Riley, I kissed him back. Our spot by the riverbank felt like it was just for us, and it was our own little place in the world. "I love you, Riley. I will always love you," I whispered to him. "I love you," Riley said again, and he smiled in an adorable grin, "It feels so good to tell you that," his excitement made me beam. "Ditto," I kissed him once again. I was falling deeper in love with him and I vowed that I would go to the ends of the earth to protect him.

The Dance

Later that night it was the spring dance, and that was the most romantic night ever. I chose to wear a light pink gown that had a hint of sparkle, and Riley wore a tuxedo and his light brown hair was slicked back. He looked so handsome. The night was so magical and an event that I would never forget. The theme of the dance was A Night in Paris which made the night even more romantic. 

  We slow danced in the middle of the dance floor, and he had his arms around me and my head rested on his shoulder. That night, we could just be carefree and be spend time together. I was truly grateful there was no more secrets between us and that we could be a somewhat normal couple. 

I was happy.


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