To Italy

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Life was getting lonely very fast, but Riley always found a way to make me feel better. I still missed my family, and I was still puzzled by the decision to leave Forks. I knew there was something more than Carlisle's age and Bella telling people about her experience with Jasper. Edward was always stubborn when it came to opinions, and sometimes he wouldn't budge and listen to reason. I earnestly hoped that he wouldn't do anything rash.
He wouldn't answer any of my calls or texts, in fact, he wasn't responding to anyone in the family. I was growing worried.

Suddenly, I received a distressing call from Alice, she had seen Bella jump off a cliff and she was coming back to Forks right there and then. Bella was alive and well, and like my sister, I didn't understand what possessed her to do something so reckless.

    I understood her pain after my brother broke up with her, and I thought he was terrible for doing that.

   Suddenly, after dealing with Jacob; Alice got a vision that Rosalie told Edward that Bella killed herself by jumping off the cliff, and he was now on his way to Italy to provoke the Volturi. "Bella, stay, for me," he begged holding onto the open window of  Carlisle's car. "Goodbye Jake," Bella rolled up the window.
I called Riley to let him know that I was going to Italy to save Edward.

Alice, Bella, and I drove off into the night and we took the next plane out of Forks and we were on our way to Volterra.
While we were on the plane, I was able to sense Edward's thoughts; which were full of pain and heartbreak. I thought he didn't want Bella anymore. I was confused.


Alice had stolen a yellow Porsche and she was driving at full speed down the road of the Italian countryside. Bella was getting more and more anxious by the minute, "I'm guessing you didn't rent this car," "How strongly are you opposed to grand theft auto?" "Very," Bella said hyperventilating. Alice suddenly looked straight ahead; she was having a vision. "Alice, what did you see?" I asked curiously. "They refused him, and he's not satisfied with their answer. He's going to the town square to reveal himself to the humans; it's St. Marcos Day, it's the perfect setting," she said fearfully.
"What's St. Marcos Day?" Bella asked. "It's the anniversary of the people of Volterra vanquishing vampires from their city, it really is the perfect setting." I explained. "How much time do we have?" Bella asked. "Not much, he's going to wait until noon, when the sun is at its highest, and that's when he'll reveal himself," my sister answered grimly.
This cause Bella to panic even more, "We need to hurry!" "Bella, just breathe," Alice said trying to calm her down.
If I still had a heartbeat, I'm sure it would be racing right now, but I was panicking all the same. We needed to save Edward; time was starting to run out.

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