Cullens vs James

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  Suddenly, Edward stopped dead in his tracks, and he looked terrified. "What's wrong?" I asked my brother. "He's figured it out," he answered. That wasn't good, because if James had figured it out, then he would immediately go to where Bella was, and he would stop at nothing to kill her. "What should we do?" Esme asked.  "You and Rosalie stay close to Charlie's house to make sure he's okay. Make sure he's protected. Lilly, Carlisle, and I will head to Phoenix to warn Bella." Edward told her. "Man, how does one girl cause so many problems?" Rosalie said annoyed. "Rose, no." Esme warned.

  To Phoenix
Edward, Carlisle, Emmett, and I drove to Phoenix and Edward called Bella to let her know what was going on. I felt bad for him and Bella; I could tell she meant everything to him and he felt bad that she was pulled into this mess. He loved her so much.

We met up with Jasper and Alice, and Bella wasn't anywhere to be found. "Where is she?" Edward asked angrily. "She said she had to go somewhere, to check on her Mom." Jasper said. Before Edward could say more, Alice's eyes widened and she gasped in fear; she was having a vision. "What do you see?" Jasper inquired. "Bella is at the ballet studio; he tricked her into going there. He made her think he kidnapped her mother and he's toying with her before he'll kill her," Alice told us her vision. "We need to go. Now!" Edward shouted angrily. Not waiting for us, he ran off into the night. I couldn't let him go alone, so I followed after him despite Carlisle protesting.
Edward and I were potentially being led to our deaths, but he had to protect his lover, and I had to protect my sister. If it were Riley in Bella's place, then I would risk death for him.

Through the glass window we saw Bella attempt to run away, but James grabbed her by the wrist and shoved her to the floor, cracking the top of her head open, and blood began to spill. Edward couldn't take it anymore, he broke through the window and attacked James. Suddenly, he shoved Edward into one of the mirrors, holding him hostage. I jumped off our hiding spot and attempted to pry James's grip off my brothers' neck, but he grabbed me by the neck and threw me against the brick wall. I could feel the side of my head crack, but the cracks went away in time.
"You're alone, because your faster than the others," James shoved Edwards' head against the mirror, "But not stronger," "I'm strong enough to kill you," Edward strained out of his grip and then kicked James in the stomach and he flew across the room. Edward flitted to Bella who was holding onto her injured leg. I ran to James and attempted to hold him off to buy Edward and Bella some time to escape. I kicked him in the face and shoved him against another one of the mirrors. "Leave my family alone," I growled in hatred. He just smiled dangerously, "But it's just so fun." James laughed maniacally and grabbed me by the arm and shoved me into a mirror again.
Edward attempted to jump to the window with Bella in his arms, but James was too quick. He ran and grabbed Edwards' airborne leg and then he pulled them down, sending Edward flying and Bella landed painfully on the floor getting glass embedded in her fingers. She whimpered not being able to move; James gracefully walked towards her, grabbed her wrist, and then he bit it!
Bella started to scream in agony and shake uncontrollably. James had attempted to turn her. Edward let out a feral growl and grabbed James by the neck and shoved him into the mirror with full force. I had never seen that side of my brother before, and it was terrifying to see. Suddenly I saw him bite James's neck and spit out venom. I realized he was trying to make it easier for us to tear him apart to permanently kill him.
Our remaining family members jumped into the ballet studio in time to help us. Carlisle gently grabbed Edward's shoulder to stop his feral attack, "Son, enough. Remember who you are."
Edward seemed terrified, and realized what he had done. "Bella needs you," our father said. Carlisle looked at where we were holding James hostage "Your brothers and sister will take care of it." Emmett and Jasper started the fire and I grabbed James by the throat and dragged him to the center of the floor. He was writhing and straining to get out of my grip, but I only tightened my hand around his throat and I gave him a smug smile, as his face began to crack, "Looks like you're outnumbered, six against one."
Alice came running and grabbed James by the head and pulled it off. I helped Jasper and Emmett yank his arms off and we threw pieces of him into the fire. That was the end of him.

Edward had saved Bella by sucking the venom out of her bite wound. Carlisle had to stop him multiple times to help him avoid killing her. Her blood was now clean, but she passed out unconscious because of how much blood she lost. She had a narrow escape with death.

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