Victoria's Plan

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Several hours later, the entire senior class was at our house and the party was in full swing. Music was blaring and people were dancing all night. I was hanging out with Riley. As the upbeat rock song played in the background, we were slow dancing. As the graduates danced away their cares, I had completely forgotten about Victoria's upcoming plans. 

"Now that you've graduated for the six millionth time, what are you going to do?" Riley asked flirtatiously. "Spend all my time with you," I went in for a kiss. "And possibly get another degree from Yale." 

Riley gave a warm smile and returned the kiss. The moment was ruined when the smell of dog entered our senses as we were in our own little world, paying attention only to each other. 

My family members, including me and Riley, were on edge when Jacob Black attended our party. He had forcefully kissed Bella, and she had punched him in the face a few days earlier. I couldn't blame her or Edward for getting angry because what he did was out of line and disrespectful. 

He was hard at work trying to convince Bella that she was also in love with him, and that disgusted me to the core. Throughout my one hundred and eight years of existence, I have learned the basic principle that if someone says no, it means no. This is not a difficult concept to grasp. 

I saw Alice's eyes widen in fear, which indicated that she was having a vision. It was clearly not good.

After the party...

Alice had seen an army of newborn vampires headed up to Forks to create more havoc than they were doing in Seattle. 

"They'll be here in four days." Alice warned. "This could turn into a bloodbath," said Carlisle, trying to think of what to do. "Did you see Victoria?" I asked my sister. Alice shook her head, "I couldn't see her," "They're playing with the blind spots in your vision." Jasper put his arm around her. 

"She's trying to stay out of the action," Edward scowled. "What do those bloodsuckers want with Bella?" Jacob Black snarled. 

"Victoria wants Bella because Edward killed her mate, James." I explained to the wolf, "And she wants Riley too, but we don't know why." I looked at Riley with sadness as he took me in his arms and kissed my forehead.

"Hey, what do we need to do?" Bella asked, always willing to help regardless of her limitations. He told her, "You'll keep out of sight, and we'll fight.". "Wait, so we're teaming up with the wolves?" Rosalie asked, crinkling her nose with disgust. 

"Looks like it," Emmett replied. 

Bella warned Jacob, "You don't know what they're capable of." "You know, your lack of faith is insulting," Jacob laughed. 

"But I've seen what they can do." she protested. What was she doing? 

"If it means keeping you safe, I will do anything." he informed her. We looked at her confused, but we understood Jacob was her friend, and she cared about him. Though we all knew that her love for Edward was stronger, I still didn't understand why Jacob was so intent on getting Bella to forget about Edward.

Hours later... 

"Where are we going?" 

Riley led me through the woods near the house. "You'll see, there's a surprise." 

My excitement was contagious, "Yay!" 

  There was a picnic blanket and a picnic basket at the base of the tallest tree in the forest. 

In awe, I uttered, "Riley."

"I know a candlelit dinner is impossible as vampires don't eat, but I wanted to make this night romantic for you to celebrate our three years together." he smiled adorably. 

I sat down next to him on the picnic blanket, and he wrapped his arms around me. "I love you." "I love you too," I whispered happily. 

"There's another surprise too," Riley had me stand up, but he remained sitting down. After opening the picnic basket, he removed a velvet box and opened it to reveal a beautiful diamond ring. It suddenly dawned on me that Riley was going to propose!

"Oh wow," I said breathlessly. 

"Lilly, you have made my life so exciting. You are so beautiful, intelligent, beautiful, interesting, and kind." he bent down on one knee and grabbed my hand, "Will you make me the happiest man on earth by marrying me?" 

If I could cry happy tears, I definitely would have at that moment. 

I nodded excitedly, "Yes." 

"Thank you," Riley grinned and placed the ring on my left finger. Standing up, he embraced me and kissed me tenderly on the lips. As I touched his face and kissed him softly, his lips were soft against mine.

There were no better words to describe that moment. It was perfect. 

Getting married to Riley was something I looked forward to. He was the one I wanted to be with and love forever. 

He made my frozen existence bearable, and I am grateful that we could do this together.

I found my forever.

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