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Even if I had been able to dream again, I would have dreamt of something as beautiful as this. It was our honeymoon. 

Never in my one hundred and eight years of existing would I have imagined that I would be married, because I was frozen in time, but Riley and I would be frozen together for the rest of time. 

Paris was the most beautiful place in the entire world. They really meant it when people and travelers referred to Paris as the City of Lights. To say it was breathtaking was an understatement, because it was entrancing. 

"Well, Lilly. What do you think?" Riley inquired, holding my hand while we walked down the runway leading to the airport to grab our luggage.  "I think it's perfect." "You're perfect." he flirted. I smiled, "You're the one who's perfect." I kissed him. "You're too kind, Mrs. Biers." he beamed, his gold eyes lighting up. "I love the sound of that, Mr. Biers." I loved that our relationship still had the banter, because it was one of the things that made me happy. 

Prior to our departure for France, Carlisle gave me the key to our family's summer residence in Paris. Having been built in the 1930s, it was a beautiful mansion that has lasted the test of time. I was reminded of something from an old Hollywood movie. The mansion was flanked by white rose gardens, a giant fountain with a stone swan in the center, and an enormous front door bearing the Cullen family crest. This is where we will be staying during our honeymoon.

"Well, here we have our summer home," I said to my husband after showing him the house. There was a sense of awe in Riley's eyes as he looked around the property. "It's breathtaking, it's like nothing I have seen before." "And it's all ours!" I was full of joy as I gazed at the love of my life . "You're all mine." "And you're all mine," he smiled alluringly. He caressed my face with a soft touch, and then he pressed his lips against mine. 

Suddenly, I was struck with a kaleidoscope of memories from our entire relationship: our first date, our first kiss, telling him I was a vampire, the spring dance, prom, and all the moments leading up to our wedding. 

As long as I lived, I would look sixteen for the rest of my life, but Riley made me feel like I was a human being. There was no one else like him in my life. 

"I love you, Riley Biers." "I love you too, Lillian Cullen." "Forever?" "Forever."

While we spent time together, we forgot all about Victoria and her army of newborn vampires threatening to kill Riley and Bella. I wouldn't allow that to happen, even if it meant my own death. 

Riley and I explored all the romantic spots in Paris, and it was our adventure that made our marriage stronger. We were both happy to be in each other's company, because we loved each other and always would for forever and the rest of time. Since we didn't need to sleep, we would watch the sunrise and sunset. 

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