Lies on lies

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     Aria sat in the back of the squad car on the way to the storage unit. Officer Cavanaugh drove while Tanner sat in the passenger seat on the phone with whoever; she didn't really care. She more focused on trying not to look over despite knowing Mona was burning holes into her head with her stare.

     They exited the car and walked into the building. Tanner walked up to the front counter to get someone with the keys to open the unit. They made their way down the hall and to Ezra who was pacing back and forth. "Mr. Fitz," Tanner addressed, gaining his attention. The stressed man looked up and his eyes fell on Aria. Tanner motioned to the unit door then stepped aside for the worker to open the lock.

     The motion sensor lights of the unit kicked in as the door rose. Spencer sat motionless against the wall, not acknowledging the people expressing their disgust at the smell she was trapped in. Tanner's heels clicked across the concrete then stopped beside her. "Spencer Hastings." The brunette kept her eyes on the floor. Tanner looked at Officer Cavanaugh to take his cuffs out. He approached Spencer cautiously and kneeled down to grab her arm. She didn't even try to fight. This was her tactic. She could surrender now, come up with a story later. Make herself look like the victim. The officer stood Spencer up and cuffed her hands behind her back.

     "Ms. Hastings," Tanner started, "Officer Cavanaugh is taking you to the station for questioning. In the meantime, the contents of these barrels will be tested, and a possible arrest may follow. If you don't have a lawyer, I'd suggest you find one. Maybe your mother perhaps?" Spencer stared expressionless. "Can I make a phone call when I get there?" She asked. "Of course, after the questioning." As Spencer was escorted to the station, Aria looked at Ezra concerned as he looked at his hand. It was really starting to burn and he had to know what chemical was causing the reaction. "Mr. Fitz, it's everything alright?" Tanner asked. "Yeah I... she put my hand in one of the barrels and it stings now." Tanner observed the burns forming on the man's hand. "Well, there's no doubt that the barrels contain some sort of chemical meant to break down whatever is inside of it. I would see a doctor about those burns." She said.

     While Tanner attended to the scene, Aria offered to take Ezra to the doctor. "No it's alright, I can drive myself." He assured. "Ezra... it's not safe to drive with one hand. And who knows how much of...whatever that smell is... you breathed in?" Ezra had no protest, and nodded. The two left the storage unit while the cops examined the barrels, trying not to gag in the process, of course.

     Alex shoved the tv dinner away from her and sat back in chair at the dinner table. Everything seemed too gross to eat after helping Spencer with the barrels. She couldn't believe she was doing this. She would do anything for her sister; she would hide a body for Spencer, but moving buckets of melting flesh and a whole body into barrels of Sulfuric acid in a storage unit before the cops showed up at her apartment... was crazy to even think about doing, but she did it. Alex shook the thought from her head and picked up her fork, about to dig in before her phone rang. She sighed and dropped the fork, then took her phone from off the table. It was the Rosewood Police Department... fuck.

     "This call is being recorded." Said the automated voice on the other end, before there was a click. "Alex, I need your help. I know you're in London right now, but can you call aunt Mary and tell her I'm at the police station?" Her twin said. Alex sighed, then put on the best British accent she could, which was not very good. "Yeah I'll call her; what happened?" She needed information to relay to their mother. "They found me in a storage unit with barrels of... I think a dead body. It's my neighbor, Ezra's, unit; he locked me inside." Spencer said. "Why were you there?" Alex asked, playing along. "He's been watching me since I moved it, he must know about when I was in Radley. He might be trying to frame me for something. His ex works for the police department, that's probably why he's gotten away with it." Alex processed the lie she was being told, and worked out how to make it look like the truth. "Okay. I'll call Aunt Mary now. Hang tight." Alex hung up the phone, and quickly called their mother. "Spencer's in trouble."

     Ezra winced as the doctor poked and prodded at her burning hand. "How long was your hand in the acid?" The doctor asked. "Not long, maybe a few seconds." The doctor nodded, saying, "Well that's good. Any longer and you probably wouldn't have any flesh left on this hand. Sulfuric acid is very dangerous on skin, it can dissolve flesh very quickly." Ezra and Aria shared a look. "How did this happen again?" The doctor asked. Ezra thought up a lie. "I'm a high school teacher. I was watching over a chemistry class for another teacher when a student dropped their glasses in a solution. I reached in for it and immediately it started burning. I should've known not to reach in random chemical, guess that's why I teach English." The doctor chuckled and wrapped Ezra's hand after applying an ointment. "I'm sending you home with an antibiotic ointment. Apply it three times every day and come back to see me in two weeks. I'm sure your girlfriend can help you remember." The doctor said, looking towards Aria, who awkwardly smiled.

     Ezra looked at Aria, then grabbed her hand. "I'm lucky to have her; she convinced me to come in the first place. I wouldn't have a hand without you Babe." The two left the doctors office and walked to Ezra's car. As they walked through the parking lot, a car sped down the aisles and stopped in front of them. The driver rolled down their window, revealing- "Mona? What are you doing here?" Aria asked. Mona glared at Ezra, then faced her colleague and friend. "Get in, we need to go to the station." Mona said. "Wha- I'm off the clock." Aria said. Mona rolled her eyes. "This isn't up for debate Aria, we need to go now." Aria looked back at Ezra, who was just as confused. "I should be fine to drive home. Thank you for driving me. Good seeing you Mona." He said, before getting into his car. Mona watched him drive away before leaving with Aria.

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