"Wait, we trust her?"

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     "Fuck Alex, where are you?" Spencer said to herself as she interrupted the voicemail for the third time. Aria noticed the concern in Spencer's voice. They both had the same worrying thought; Did Noel get to her first? Spencer set her phone down on the coffee table and sat on the couch next to Aria, sighing. "You don't think Noel-" "No." Spencer interrupted. "I don't want to think that... but we need to do this now before he has the chance." Arias nodded. "So-" Aria was interrupted again, this time by Spencer's phone ringing with Alex's contact. Spencer jumped off the couch and snatched her phone from the coffee table, answering at the speed of light. "Alex?!" "Hey Spencer." Said the person on the other side.

"Wren?" Spencer questioned, making Aria pull a confused look. Wren? Wren Kingston? Mona's doctor at Radley? "Yeah. I came to visit Alex because I really missed her... she seemed distressed so I put her to bed. Spencer what's going, I'm worried for her." He said. "Nothing, but this is kind of an emergency, can you please wake her up?" Spencer pleaded. "Spencer I think she really needs to rest-" "She can rest when Noel Kahn is behind bars GIVE HER THE PHONE." Spencer demanded. Aria jumped at the sudden outburst. She's seen the tall brunette angry before, but never this stressed. The other side of the phone went silent. "Wren?....Hello??" Spencer said into the phone. "Spence?" A groggy voice said. "Alex! What's going on?" "Nothing." Alex replied, then looked to Wren standing by the door. "Hey, can you step out while I take this? It's kind of private." She said to him. Wren stepped out of room and closed the door behind him.

"We're taking down Noel, with Aria's help." Spencer said. "Wait, we trust her?" Alex questioned. "We have to." Spencer replied, glancing at Aria who was pretending not to eavesdrop. "Listen you need to get here now, we have a plan. I'll tell you when you get here." "I don't have my car, it's still at Mom's." Alex said. "Tell Wren to drive you?" "No I can't involve him in this! Look, Wren saw Noel at Mom's apartment; he broke into her apartment because he thought I lived there; he's looking for something Spencer. I almost collapsed in front of the barn when he told me. He's worried about me." "We're not asking him to stand witness at a trial, it's a car ride." Spencer stated. Alex sighed. She heard the door to the barn shut and got up from the bed. "Wren?!" She yelled from the bedroom.

She threw the phone down with Spencer still on the line and stepped out the room. "Wren?!!" She yelled throughout the barn. Alex bolted outside, just in time to see Wren close his car door and start the car. She started to run towards his car. He took a look at her then sped off the property. Alex stopped where his car once was and put her head in her hands. She wiped some tears. She looked up and over to the Hastings' house window where Mary watched from inside. Alex avoided the questioning by dragging herself back to the barn.

"Alex?...Alex??!!!" Spencer yelled into the phone. She waited a moment before hanging up. "She's coming... I think." She said unsure. Aria nodded. "We should tell your friends." Spencer suggested. Aria pulled a confused look. "Is that a good idea?" She asked. "We all need to be on the same page so this doesn't fall apart. I don't care how mad they may be; the story needs to be perfect." Aria nodded again, then texted the group chat. Some "WTF??!!"s "Why are you with her?"s, "Get out now!!!"s and an "I'll explain"later, and the girls were on their way. Aria looked to Spencer, who looked like she wanted to say something. "We have to be careful. Noel's looking for insurance; he knows we're turning on him."

"What kind of insurance?" Aria asked. "Whatever he can use to place the blame all on us if we try going to the police. Probably a fucking hairbrush so he can put our hair at the scene and leave Tanner an anonymous tip." Spencer replied. "Well, what insurance do we have? You were smart enough to cover your tracks; do we even have any evidence against him?" Spencer stood for moment. "Wait," she started. "We do." The tall brunette walked to her desk beside the tv stand in front of the couch, opening the top right drawer. She took out a Ziploc bag and faced Aria. The hazel eyed woman furrowed her brows before opening her purse beside her. "That was in my purse!" She exclaimed. The glove Aria had snuck into her purse that had fallen from Spencer's jacket when her and Ezra helped the Hastings girl unpack was somehow now in a plastic baggie.

"This is Noel's glove. I told him I would get rid of everything after we... did what we did to the body." There was an awkward moment of silence. "But I kept this for my own insurance. It's got his DNA on the inside, and Alison's on the outside." Aria jumped up from the couch. "That's perfect! I can give it to Tanner with the statement tomorrow. I'll keep it in a much more secure place than my purse when I get home." Aria said. Spencer handed over the Ziploc bag. Her hand brushed against Aria's as the shorter woman grabbed the bag. They looked into each other's eyes as they both held the bag. "I'm really glad we're on the same team." Spencer said in low voice as the gap between them got smaller. She seized the moment and started to lean in, capturing Aria's lips before she had a chance to think and pull away.

     Aria melted into the kiss as thoughts ran through her head. This is wrong. This is wrong. This is wrong, right? Spencer's left hand cupped Aria's cheek. Aria's hands let go of the bag and wrapped around the back of Spencer's neck, fingers weaving into her hair. A sudden hard knock made them jump away from each other. They diverted their eyes from each other and Spencer awkwardly handed Aria the bag before moving to the door. She open the door, facing an annoyed Hanna, an angered Mona, and a sullen Emily. "Hello." Spencer said timidly. "Come in." "No thanks." Hanna said immediately. "Guys," Aria said as she appeared behind Spencer. "It's okay; I'm fine. Please come in?" She pleaded to her friends. Hanna and Mona glanced at Spencer as they walked in while Emily kept her eyes to the floor. Spencer closed the door, wiping Aria's lipstick from her lips before joining the others in the living area.

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