Playing the game

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Hanna scanned the pages in front of her. She was never much of a reader, in fact she hated it and often looked up summaries of required school reading to get through classes, but she was glued to the words in front of her after Aria filled her in on the situation. "This is so gross. He's lucky he's going to prison. Remember when Emily punched Sara Harvey in senior year because the school had to close the pool after their water bill skyrocketed because she took too many showers? How does someone take so many showers at school that THE SCHOOL'S water bill is the reason why they closed the pool. Back then they closed pools because someone shit in it." Aria shook her head with a chuckle. "I've never seen her so angry." She said. "Maybe we shouldn't show her this just yet." She added.

"What do we do? Wait for her to find out during the trial? She'll try to kill him in the courtroom." Hanna said in concern. Aria lowered her head. She hadn't even thought about the trial. She thought about what Mona said, was she helping a killer go free? The only thing they have on Ezra is this book, right? The door to the Grille opened and a familiar tall brunette walked in. "Alex!" Hanna beamed. Alex took a seat at their table. Aria grabbed the manuscript and shoved it in her purse. Hanna figured Aria wanted to keep the Ezra thing between them and didn't question it. Of course Aria knew that Alex was already aware of the situation, and potentially even had a hand in it, but she couldn't explain to Hanna how she got the manuscript in the first place.

They changed the subject and Hanna decided to bring up the awkward moment between her and Emily the night before. "I'm sure she's just missing Ali. I bet it's the blonde hair and blue eyes. I don't think she'd move on that fast Han." Aria said in reassurance. "Maybe. God I just feel so bad. I mean, how could he do that?" Hanna said. "Who?" Alex asked. Aria and Hanna shared a look. "Ezra." Hanna replied. Alex widened her eyes as she looked between the two of them. "You didn't know he was arrested this morning?" Aria asked in an accusing manner. "No, I didn't keep up with the story." Alex said. "How would she know? It hasn't been announced to the public." Hanna questioned. Before Aria could respond, Alex spoke.

"Does Emily know?" She asked. "No. And none of us are going to tell her." Aria said quickly. Hanna's phone chimed. "Because she already knows." She said as she picked up her phone, sighing. "I have to go." Hanna added as she stood, typing frantically. "Do you want us to come with you?" Alex asked. "I'll be fine. You can have my food when it comes. And here." The blonde said before putting money on the table. She bid the two goodbye before heading out and walking back to the police station where her car was still parked. Aria and Alex sat in an uncomfortable silence.

"Do you eat what Hanna ordered? You can have it if you want." Alex said. "I don't remember what she ordered. I guess we'll have to wait and see." Aria responded. She wasn't going to let Alex get away without a few questions. "Been a while since we ate here... as a group." Alex stated. "Yep." Aria replied dryly. Alex cleared her throat. "What's your favorite thing on the menu-" "Save it, Alex. Spencer is having a meeting with Tanner right now. Why?" Aria asked in an angry whisper. "I-I don't know. I'm not Spencer." Alex answered frazzled. "You sure? 'Cause you two seem to like to tag in for each other." "Listen, everything that I have done has been for Spencer. I don't have an agenda against you guys or Ezra." Alex said.

"Does that include murder?" Aria questioned. "We didn't kill Alison!" Alex exclaimed. They were interrupted by a waiter bringing their food. "Then who did?" Aria asked. Alex stayed silent. "Was it Noel?" Alex looked sharply at Aria. She didn't say a word, but her face said it all. "Oh my god." Aria said. "Aria please you can't say anything." Alex pleaded. "If Noel-" Aria cut herself off to look around the restaurant. She had forgotten they were in public. She lowered her voice to a whisper. "If Noel killed Ali, why are you protecting him?" She asked.

"I'm not protecting him. I'm protecting Spencer. They'll put her back in Radley... I can't let her go back to that place. Please... she can't go back there." Alex begged, tears forming in her eyes. Aria furrowed her brows. "Why is Spencer helping Noel?" She asked. Alex sighed, then shut down. She put her head in her hands. "Alex, if Noel is blackmailing you and Spencer, we can help." Alex shook her head. "This is so much more complicated than any of you know."

     Tanner and Spencer stood up from the couch. "Well, this was a nice chat, Ms. Hastings. I will speak to her as soon I leave here. And thank you for your cooperation and help during the investigation. We were able to bring Alison's family some justice." Tanner said. "Of course. I'm assuming that means Ezra was found guilty?" Spencer asked. "Well, there still has to be a trial, but... the evidence is there." Tanner looked at her watched. "I have to get back to the station. I promise that nothing like this will happen again." She said. "Thank you for talking with me. I just didn't think her behavior was appropriate at all, but I'm glad you're handling it." Spencer cracked a small smile. "I certainly am. Have a nice day Ms. Hastings." Tanner said as she approached the door, leaving the apartment.

     Aria walked inside of her house. Bags by the door caught her attention. She looked as Mona walked into the room holding another bag. "Mona what are you doing?" Aria asked. "I'm moving back in with my mother." Mona said as she set the bag down with the rest. "You don't have to do that. Listen, I'm sorry I didn't listen to you. Spencer didn't kill Alison, but I know who did, we just need to be able to prove it." "It doesn't matter now. Tanner fired me." Mona said. "What?!" Aria exclaimed. "She told me it was 'highly inappropriate to show up at people's apartment at 1 in the morning looking for evidence. Wonder how she got that information." Mona said accusingly.

     Aria shook her head. "I would never do that to you Mona. Spencer called Tanner for a meeting this morning. I tried to get to Spencer first but Hanna asked me to lunch-" "It's fine Aria. Just be lucky she didn't mention your name or we'd both be moving back in with our parents." Mona said. "Mona you don't have to move out." Aria pleaded. "I can't pay rent. I refuse to freeload in my friend's house." Mona said. Aria looked at her sympathetically. "It's your house too." She said. Aria grabbed her friend in a hug. They stayed there for a moment before Aria pulled away, grabbing two of Mona's bags and heading towards her friend's room.

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