"It wasnt just a random driver."

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     "How do you know this?" Spencer questioned. "I work with Marco- Detective Furey. He told me they couldn't contact his family." Aria answered. "He doesn't have any. I mean, he does, but..." The tall brunette trailed off. "I get it." Spencer looked past Aria as Marco and Doctor Kahn came out of the room. The doctor seemed troubled, but he didn't appear to be crying. Maybe Noel and Eric weren't as tight as Aria thought, considering they threw the most epic parties while they were in high school. Even though it was open invitation, it was an honor to be personally invited by one of the Kahn brothers. Eric looked between the two women with a look that Aria couldn't read but Spencer could tell was not a good look. She took the shorter woman's arm and went back to the room.

     "Wait." Aria started before they walked in. "I don't want to be in there when you tell her; I think I'm gonna go. Plus I have work in a few hours so hopefully I can get at least an hour of sleep." Spencer nodded and grabbed one of Aria's hands. "Okay... what do we do about Tanner?" She asked. "Don't worry about that right now. We don't have to look over our shoulders for Noel anymore... you just need to be with Alex." The tall brunette nodded again, then brought Aria's hand up to leave a kiss on her soft skin. She backed away and turned into the room.

     Aria stood just outside and pulled out her phone to text the girls, though she doubted any of them were awake. "Aria." She turned as Doctor Kahn approached her. The short woman held her phone close to her chest and put up a guarded front. Before he could reach her, a pained cry came from the other side of the wall. The doctor ran past Aria and stopped at the door, deciding not to go in when he saw the scene. Alex cried as her mother held her carefully, tears streaming down Mary's face as well. Spencer tried to comfort her twin the best she could, but she couldn't shed a tear. Doctor Kahn grabbed the door handle and stepped out of the room, closing the door. He turned and saw that Aria was gone, but Detective Furey was heading towards the room. The doctor's pager went off, and he left to another patient.

Aria tried her best not to fall asleep at her desk. Sleep did not come easy, but she didn't want to go back to the hospital, so she drove to the police station at 6am and waited for her shift to start. She regretted not at least attempting to get some shuteye before having to clock in. She looked over at Mona's empty desk beside her and sighed. Her colleague Toby Cavanaugh walked into the office, giving her a smile and wave before going to his desk. He set down his coat and bag, then approached Aria's desk. "Hey," Aria greeted with a tired smile. "Hi." Toby responded; he seemed just as exhausted. "You okay?" The woman asked. "I'm buried in paperwork from a car accident in the middle of the night." "Alex Drake?" Aria questioned. Toby nodded in response. "We thought Noel Kahn had something to do with it, but it was just some random driver at the wrong place at the wrong time." Aria said. Toby stayed silent for the moment, then leaned in slightly. "It wasn't just a random driver... it was Jenna."

"Wait so Jenna Marshall is back in Rosewood?" "And she can see again?" "Didn't she date Noel in high school? What if she's working with him, doing his dirty work?" "Hanna that was high school. And I dated Noel once but I'm not plowing people over like a speed demon." "You did hit Hanna with your car when you were -A." "That was before we dated." "Guys!" Aria exclaimed, interrupting Hanna, Mona and Emily's back and forth. "Listen, Jenna's not a part of this. Toby said she called him when it happened. She wasn't cleared to drive for another few weeks but she took his truck for a 'quick drive' in the middle of the night." Hanna furrowed her brows, though Aria couldn't see through the phone. "And we believe Jenna because..." "Because I believe Toby. He said she genuinely seemed freaked and sorry about it."

"Well I'm keeping my eye on her." Hanna said. "Be careful, now that we know she can keep an eye on us too." Emily warned. "Yeah Han, she can hear you again, she's not blind." Mona commented. The girls chuckled. "Wait," Hanna started, "You weren't there when I said that." Mona smirked. "I was everywhere Hanna, remember?" "Helloooo? Can we focus?" Aria said bluntly. Just then, Spencer walked into the station and up to the front desk. Aria said a quick goodbye to her friends and hung up, leaving her shared office and stepping into the main area. "Hey... what're you doing here?" She asked as she approached the tall woman. "I thought we were still doing this today. Do you have the glove?" "No I left it at home. Spence we can't do this right now. You need to stay with Alex, she could still be a target." Aria warned. "My mom is with her at the hospital. What are you talking about-"

    "Miss Hastings." Tanner interrupted as she stepped into the room. "How are you?" "Hello Lieutenant Tanner; I'm doing okay." The lieutenant gave a sympathetic smile. "What did you want to talk to me about? If it's private, we can talk in my office." She said, glancing at Aria. "No it's alright we can talk here. Aria knew I was coming." The short woman held her breath. "I wanted to talk to you again about Mona Vanderwaal... about having her reinstated." Tanner furrowed her brows, then looked to Aria. "Aria didn't put me up to this, and neither did Mona. I think I misunderstood Mona's intentions and I had a chance to sit and talk with her about it. I really didn't want anyone to lose their job. I figured, just a stern talking to?" The lieutenant chuckled.

Aria's desk phone rang, prompting her to step away from the conversation and back into her office. She noticed Toby pretending to work but secretly watching Spencer talking to their boss. Eventually, the two stepped into Tanner's office. Aria never picked up the phone and instead waited for them to return. After what felt like forever, Spencer stepped out of the office and shook the lieutenant's hand. As Tanner went back into her office, Spencer snuck into Aria's office, not noticing Toby at his desk. "Good thing I had another reason to talk to her, but we need to do this soon, please." Aria glanced at Toby, who watched them suspiciously. "Yeah, um, we can talk about it later." Spencer looked over, finally seeing the other person in the room. "Yeah, sorry." "Let me know when you get back to your apartment." Aria said. Spencer nodded, then made her way out of the office, looking at Toby as she left. I hope we won't have another problem; I can't save everyone's job.

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