"You're going back..."

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Alex approached her boyfriend's car in front of the apartment building. She tried the car door but it was locked. She knocked lightly on the window. Wren lowered the window on the passenger side, just enough to speak but not enough for Alex to reach in and unlock her door. "What are you doing?" She asked in the crack of the window. "So you can ask questions and expect an answer but I can't..." "Wren I wanna tell you everything but I can't right now, not until this is over." Alex pleaded. "What is 'this'? Because 'this'..." Wren gestured between himself and Alex, "is about to be over." Alex closed her eyes tight and leaned her head against the car.

Wren sighed. "I need to get back to the barn." He stated. "Well so do I, so..." Alex tugged on the door handle again. The British man looked longingly at her. "Wren I don't really give a fuck that you're pissed; I have been trying to protect you from this since the start!" "And now I'm here. And I've been trying to protect you-" "Oh yeah you're doing a great job protecting me making me beg like a dog to get in the fucking car-" "ALEX." Wren shouted sternly. "I need to go." Alex furrowed her brows and spoke accusingly. "Why, what's the rush?" Wren fell silent. The woman looked deep into the car. Her eyes fell on the phone on her boyfriend's lap; a plane ticket displayed on the screen.

     "You're going back to London." Wren focused his eyes on the steering wheel. He tried to pretend his heart didn't ache when he heard Alex sniffle and saw her wipe her cheek in his peripheral. The woman shook her head and stepped back from the car. She turned and started back towards the building as Wren drove away. She tried the front door but it was locked. Grabbing her phone from her back pocket, she sighed at the time. The doors lock at 10pm, and it was 10:03. She didn't want to bother Spencer to come open the door, she was slightly sick of her twin right now. Alex returned to the street and opened the Uber app. As she stood exposed to the night, headlights turned on only a few feet away. Catching the brunette's attention, she stared into the car at the driver. Her eyes widened at Noel Kahn's sick smile. The car lurched out of its parking spot, nearly ramming into the young woman. She let out a scream and started running down the road, Noel following close behind.

Hanna shoved a sugar cookie with white frosting and red, white, and blue sprinkles into her mouth. "I haven't had one of these since the time Ali said 'Careful Hanna, too many of those and you'll burst like a firework'. I never forgot that." Emily shook her head. Her girlfriend certainly was a piece of work; is that what got her killed? Alison's bullying certainly had an impact on Mona during high school, could Noel have snapped and waited for the perfect moment to strike? "Do you remember anything about Alison?" Aria asked Spencer. The tall brunette snapped back into reality; she was thinking about Alex and Wren. She didn't know the British man well, but she could see how much her sister adored him, and it worried her to think she might have screwed it up for them.

"Not much. I tried not to look at her face. She was wearing a pug sweater... I think-" "I meant from when she was alive." Aria corrected. I bought her that sweater Emily thought to herself. "Oh. No not really. We weren't supposed to talk to the Dilaurentises... but... I don't know maybe I was hallucinating- they give you a lot of drugs in that place- but I feel like I saw Alison at Radley a few times." Spencer said. The other girls shared a look. Why would Ali visit Radley Sanitarium? As far as they knew, she didn't have any family there besides Spencer, and Alison wouldn't have known they were related. "Do you know who she was visiting?" Aria asked. Spencer thought for a moment. "Some blonde girl; that's all I know." "Well I never checked myself into that nuthouse so who could it be." Hanna stated. "Hanna!" Aria scolded.

"Sorry." The blonde mumbled. "Can we figure this out later? It's getting late." Emily said as she stood from the couch. She handed the ziploc baggie to Aria who put it securely in her purse. "Are you sure you can go to Tanner tomorrow alone?" Hanna asked. "...I don't know... I don't think Tanner trusts me right now; should I be doing this?" Aria asked Spencer. "You have to be the one to do it." The tall brunette answered. "Can't Mona go with you? You both work for the Rosewood PD." Hanna stated. "As of this morning, no, I don't." Mona confirmed, staring daggers at Spencer. "I'm sorry about that. I can get you reinstated after this is all over." Spencer said. "Save it, about time I get a new job anyways." "Guys! I-I don't think I can do this alone." Aria exclaimed. Spencer sighed. "I'll go with you; explain how we got the glove and how Noel manipulated Alex and I. I'll have to explain how I kept a twin sister a secret and how she managed to change the cctv footage at the storage center to make Ezra look like he got to the unit first... shouldn't be hard." She said sarcastically.

The girls saved their questions for Spencer as they were all tired. Aria and Mona drove back to their apartment while Hanna left with Emily back to the Dilaurentis-Fields house. Spencer texted Alex, but didn't get a response. She contemplated calling her twin but figured she had bothered Alex enough for the night and didn't want to further put a wedge between them. This was their chance to get rid of Noel and scrub themselves clean of the whole situation. Spencer stayed up for the next two hours at her desk figuring out their story for the police tomorrow. She eventually crashed with her head on the wood desk before her phone startled her awake.

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