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The next morning, Aria sat at her desk. She anxiously waited for Tanner to receive the manuscript of Ezra's book. She looked to her friend's empty desk. Mona had called in sick. In truth, she didn't want to be there for what was about to unfold.

Last night

Aria called Mona's name as she followed her friend out the apartment building. "Mona!" She called for the 10th time. Mona stopped and turned around. "What are we supposed to do, Aria? We look over case files, enter data; we're not detectives. We're doing all of this for a man who used your relationship for a Pulitzer Prize." "We let him go down for it. The relationship, Ali's murder, everything. Once Tanner gets that manuscript, it won't be long and we can go back to our jobs." Aria responded. "Wait, are we just going to forget that Spencer, Alex and potentially Noel had something to do with this?" Mona questioned. "If they did, we couldn't prove it. Ezra's already in custody and there's a motive against him. Isn't it easier just to let him take the blame?"

Mona couldn't believe what she was hearing from her friend and colleague. "We don't have to prove anything; we give a tip off and let the real detectives handle it. Aria, Ezra's not being framed for stealing a slice of pie, he's being accused of murder... of one your high school friends. You can be angry for what he did, but this isn't the revenge plot you think it is. A real murderer might be getting away with it if we ignore what just happened up there." Mona said. "You know what? We'll talk about this later today-" "No! We don't have time. You said it yourself, when Tanner gets that manuscript, nothing we say matters. But it seems like that's what you want." Mona pulled out her phone.

"Who are you calling?" Aria asked frantically. "A cab, relax." Mona answered. "You don't have to do tha-" Mona held a finger up and spoke to someone over the phone. She ended the call and put her phone in her purse. She started walking away towards the pick up location. "I'll see you tomorrow." Aria said as she walked to her. "Probably not." Mona replied as she kept walking. Aria sighed and climbed into her car. She took a last look at her friend before driving away as a cab pulled up to the street.


Aria was pulled from her thoughts by the sound of the printer going. Page by page the manuscript came to life in the police department. Tanner took each sheet and scanned them as they came out, highlighting the same parts Spencer did. She stopped momentarily to type something in the computer, mutter a "Hm, interesting", then write something in the margins. Slowly piecing the story together. Aria watched anxiously until Tanner put her pen down and picked up her phone. "Can I have Ezra Fitzgerald transferred to interrogation room 2 please?... Thank you." Tanner stood from her desk and started to head towards the interrogation room when her phone rang. She returned to her desk and picked up the phone.

"Lieutenant Linda Tanner speaking..... Good morning Ms. Hastings, how are you?..." Aria looked over in fear. "I'm about to go into a meeting, can you meet me afterwards at the station so we can talk?" There was a pause, then Tanner looked at Aria. "That's no problem at all, where would you be more comfortable meeting?" She asked over the phone. Tanner wrote something down, then thanked the person on the other side and hung up. She continued to look at Aria as she walked away from her desk. Aria watched her colleague Officer Cavanaugh walk Ezra into the interrogation room, Tanner following. Aria pulled out her phone and immediately called Spencer.

After three attempts, Aria shot up from her seat and grabbed her purse. She walked out of the police station and walked to her car. As she reached for the car door, a hand on her shoulder made Aria jump. She spun around to face her blonde friend. "Sorry! I just wanted to see if you wanted to go out for lunch. Are you on break?" Hanna asked. Aria caught her breath. "Uh.. no. I clocked out early. I have to be somewhere." She opened her car door. "Oh, can I tag along? We can go out after." "Sorry, it's work related. I can't bring unauthorized guests." Aria stated. "Oh come on, please? I need some space from Emily for a bit." Aria furrowed her brows. "Why, what's going on?" She asked with genuine concern."Things are just awkward between us. I'll explain over lunch." Hanna said.

Just then, Tanner walked out of the station. She noticed the two girls and moved towards them. "Aria, clocking out so soon?" She questioned. "Yeah I... have a family thing I have to get to." Aria lied. Tanner nodded. "Well, family is more important. I just wanted you to know that Ezra Fitz has been arrested for the murder of Alison Dilaurentis'. Perhaps a compelling story is compelling because it's more than just a story... too bad Alison didn't get the happy ending'Alicia' did. Anyways, I have a meeting to get to... good to see you again Hanna." Hanna have a slight smile and Tanner left to her car. Aria knew she was going to see Spencer, she was too late getting to the tall brunette first.

When Tanner was out of earshot, Hanna spoke. "Wait, Ezra was a suspect in Ali's murder?" She asked. Aria nodded. "Since when?" Hanna questioned. "I'll explain over lunch. Get in." Aria said as she climbed in her car. "I thought you had a family thing? Or a work related thing. Wait, which is it?" Hanna said. "Don't worry about it, I'll call and cancel. Just get in." Aria answered. Hanna furrowed her brows, but got into the passenger seat and decided to question her friend over lunch.

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