Mr. Fitz

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Aria couldn't believe what Mona was telling her. She confirmed what Spencer said about Ezra writing a book about Alison. She couldn't understand why Ezra never told her he knew Alison before her. Did he know who she and her friends were before they met? How disgusting would that be? Alison lied about her age, and Ezra thought Aria was a student at Hollis, so maybe he didn't know when he applied to teach at Rosewood high? Should she even be making excuses for him at this point? Ezra was now being accused for Alison's murder, and there was a convincing motive against him that would come out once Tanner got that manuscript.

Aria and Mona stood outside apartment 3C. It was almost 1 in the morning, was this a good idea? Aria knocked on the door. Footsteps shuffled to the door, but the door didn't open. "Spencer we know you're inside, we just want to talk." Aria said. The door stayed shut. "We want to talk about the book. I heard you have a manuscript. This is Mona Vanderwaal." Mona chimed in. The door unlocked and cracked open. "You two work the late shift?" Spencer said looking between the two. "Tanner's gonna get a copy of the manuscript soon, but I know you have one. I just need to know what's in it." Aria pleaded.

Spencer stepped back and let the two inside. The apartment was a little more put together than the last time Aria saw it. There were unpacked boxes stacked in a corner and there was an actual bed set up, but it was not made. "I was just reading in bed." Spencer explained, seeing them surveying the apartment. She walked over to the coffee table and moved some envelopes, picking up a stack of papers held together by a binder clip and littered with post-it notes. "I made a lot of notes, but the most important part is that Alison was 15 when she and Ezra were together... and they were having sex." Spencer handed over the manuscript to Aria, who immediately scanned the paragraphs covered in highlighter.

"How did you know it was about Alison? Ezra said he didn't mention her name." Mona questioned. "Well, other than the main character being a blonde girl with blue eyes named Alicia, it didn't take too much research to connect Alison to a few things in the book. Page 35, 'Alicia' tells Ezra she just came back from visiting her grandmother in Georgia. She mentions that her and grandma took a trip to South Carolina and went golfing at Hilton Head. Guess who's on the golf committee at Hilton Head?... Carla Dilaurentis. Coincidence?" Spencer said with a smirk.

"What else?" Mona asked, slightly unconvinced. "Well, a few things Alex confirmed for me. Like, 'Alicia' being Lady Gaga for Halloween in 2008, does that ring a bell?" Spencer replied. Mona and Aria looked at each other. They both remembered Noel Kahn's Halloween party. Mona wasn't friendly with the other girls at that time, but she attended the party as cat woman, seeing Alison with the group, dressed as Lady Gaga. "Shall I go on?" Spencer asked. "No, we'll do our own research. Thanks." Aria said as she shoved the papers in her bag. As she and Mona started towards the door, Spencer spoke. "There were some things I wasn't able to connect. Like Ezra taking 'Alicia' to a vegan Italian restaurant, and an exhibition at Philadelphia Art Museum. Alex said that didn't seem like something Alison would've been interested in."

Aria stopped in her tracks and went wide eyed. She remembered early in her relationship with Ezra when the former teacher surprised with her with a limo ride to their date at an art exhibition... at Philadelphia Art Museum. She also remembered their date at Luigi's, a vegan Italian restaurant just outside of Rosewood. Arias's face drained of color. "Aria, what's going on?" Mona asked concerned, holding her friend's arm in case she collapsed. Spencer walked to the refrigerator and grabbed bottles of water. Mona sat Aria on the couch as Spencer handed the distressed woman the water. After a few sips, Aria explained her revelation.

"So, Ezra used stories from his relationship with Alison and with you to make up some perfect love story?" Mona asked. "That makes sense. Like I said, after chapter five, Alex and I couldn't tie anything back to Alison. I figured he made the rest of it up but..." Spencer drifted off, sensing Aria and Mona knew where she was going. Just then, the door unlocked. Alex walked in, failing to notice Aria and Mona on the couch. "I talked to Noel. He said as long as nothing starts to trace back to him, he'll help us keep suspicion on Ezra-" She stopped, seeing the two short brunettes. Alex gulped.

Mona stood from the couch. "Okay, one of you better spill on what's really going on right now." She said condescendingly. Alex stayed shut, she'd already said too much. Spencer stood up. "I gave you what you wanted. If you want to start questioning, I can take it back." She said. Aria stood. "Ezra may not be innocent, but if you're using this to frame him for something, I'll be sure that Tanner is on your doorstep tomorrow. And I'll be there to watch." "I don't think Tanner would be happy to hear you're making visits at 1am asking for evidence. Ezra's your problem, not me." Spencer defended. "I can multitask. I don't mind putting you both behind bars. And you" Mona said looking at Alex "and Noel and whoever else you have working for you can tag along."

"I think we should go. We have what we came for." Aria said. "Yeah and a little more. How fast do you think Toby can get here?" Mona asked. "Mona, we don't have to do that. Let's just go." Aria pleaded. "She's right, I think it's time for you to go." Spencer said, gesturing towards the door. "Ezra will go down for an illegal relationship, I think we're all okay with that. But framing him for murder is insane." Mona said. "Murder?!" Spencer exclaimed. "Okay now you can leave." Spencer walked to the door and held it open. "No, you don't just get to play the hero-" "GET OUT!" Spencer screamed, disregarding how early in the morning it was. "I have been treated like a monster for the past 15 years, and I will not have some overnight detectives to walk in here asking for shit then accuse me of murder. So get the fuck out."

Aria walked out with no protest as Mona stood her ground. "Mona, let's go." Aria pleaded. Mona one last look at the twins before walking out past her friend and down the hall. Aria followed and Spencer closed the door. She looked at Alex before walking to the couch and throwing herself down and putting her head in her hands. "Great job Alex."

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