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Aria sat on Emily's couch staring down at her phone. Despite their agreement to never associate with the Hastings twins for the rest of their lives, Aria and Mona found themselves curious of what Alex had to tell the group. The girls sat in silence waiting for Alex to arrive. Hanna and Emily sat there confused. What "truth" did Alex have to tell them? What did she lie about? Would she be alone? Aria thought. Would Spencer dare show her face to the group? Of course she would; it seemed like nothing phased the tall brunette. The doorbell made them all jump and snap back into reality. Emily went for the door. She opened it cautiously, seeing Alex, and then Spencer.

Hanna straightened up as she saw the three brunettes enter the room, her eyes fixated on Spencer. Alex sat across from the group on a small couch. She motioned for Spencer to sit with her, but the older twin stayed standing beside the seat. Moments passed as eyes shifted between the twins. Emily and Hanna couldn't believe what they were seeing. Aria and Mona, on the other hand, looked like they were waiting for this moment. Hanna looked at them suspiciously. Are we out of the loop? She thought to herself. Alex looked up at Spencer, then addressed the group.

"There's no easy way to just waltz into this so..." Alex paused and took a breath. "When we were 8 years old, something woke me out of my sleep one night. I went downstairs... and I saw our dad... our mom she... she shot him. Couldn't tell you why." Alex looked at the ground as she spoke; she didn't want their reactions to throw off her story. "I ran upstairs. I guess she heard me... She came in our room and started yelling, asking what I saw. I said I didn't see anything; I was crying. Spencer was asleep when I left but she woke up when mom burst into the room. She didn't even know what was happening but she defended me. She told mom I didn't see anything, so mom turned on her... I didn't say anything. I didn't defend her; I just cried. I didn't stand up for my sister the way she did for me... and I'll regret that for the rest of my life."

Alex's voice cracked with the last sentence. She felt and a hand on her shoulder, and looked up to Spencer. Instead of a comforting hand, it was more like a "keep going" gesture. Spencer didn't have time for this; they were here for a reason.

     "Next thing I know, mom told the police that Spencer shot our father, that she was troubled and didn't mean to hurt him. She liked to say she "saved" Spencer with that line, otherwise she'd be in more trouble. I was told to go to my room and not come out until morning. Spencer never came back into the room... and I didn't sleep. Mom acted like nothing even happened, like she never had another daughter. I didn't find out until eight years later that Spencer was in Radley. I first saw her when we all visited Mona, but I didn't tell you guys. Our mom would hit me at any mention of Spencer, so I tried to tell myself she wasn't there, that my stupid mistake didn't put my sister in Radley. But I started visiting her without anyone knowing... and I met..." Alex trailed off. She looked to Spencer. The older twin picked up where Alex left off.

     "A woman approached me during some arts and crafts shit they had for the kids. She was a patient who liked working with children and volunteered to watch over the arts and crafts group. She recognized the Hastings name and started talking to me. Every time she oversaw our group she would stay by me, talk to me every once and while. When I was 15, she told me that she was my real mother. Our father cheated on Veronica, a few times actually. Her name is Mary Drake." Mona perked up at the name. Mary Drake? From the storage unit? She decided not to interrupt with her question. "She's Jessica Dilarentis' twin sister." The group collectively pulled a confused look.

"Wait," Emily interjected. "So you're saying your father slept with Ali's mom's twin sister?" She asked in disbelief. "It sounds crazy I know." Alex said. "Peter Hastings being a cheater doesn't sound crazy to me, but you guys being related to Alison and Mrs. Dilarentis having a twin is little hard to believe." Hanna stated. "It was a hard pill to swallow for us too." Alex replied.

"I'm not done." Spencer interrupted. The group turned their attention towards her again. "Mary had connections. An old friend from high school became a judge, Steven Kahn." "Noel Kahn's dad?!" Hanna exclaimed. "She convinced him to write a court order for my release. Noel paid me a visit a week after I got released. He heard about what his dad did for me and thought he deserved something in return. He asked me to do something for him." Spencer stopped there, promoting someone to ask- "What?" Aria questioned. Spencer looked at Emily with a stone cold expression. "Dispose of Alison's body."

Alex watched the group's horrified faces and Emily's eyes well up in tears. "How did you do it?" Aria asked. Hanna, Emily, and Mona looked at her. "Aria." Hanna scolded. "I don't think that's appropriate to know right now-" "A barrel of Sulfuric acid. It takes a couple weeks to fully dissolve the cadaver..." Spencer trailed off as Emily started to sob. She got up from the couch and left the room, Hanna following to console her friend. Spencer pulled out her phone and pressed something, then looked to Aria as she put it back in her pocket. "Why did you tell us this?" She asked. "I wanted to make sure you got your story right when you go to Tanner." Spencer started to leave the room. "Mary Drake owns the storage facility." Mona stated. "I'm assuming she had something to do with Ezra's name on the lease of the unit with the barrels."

     Spencer just stared at Mona, then turned and walked out the room. Alex was hesitant to follow, but knew she didn't have another ride. She glanced towards the hallway where they could hear Emily's cries from the kitchen, then walked out of the house. She saw Spencer on the phone with someone as she walked to the car. Spencer put her phone in her pocket frantically. "What's wrong?" Alex asked. "That was Mom. Someone broke into her apartment." "Is she okay?!" Alex asked concerned. "Nothing was stolen; there's nothing incriminating in there any way-" "Is she okay, Spencer? I don't give a fuck about some stolen possessions." "I said nothing was stolen-" "Whatever! Can we just go over there and make sure she's okay?" Alex pleaded.

     "I'll drop you off, I have to see Noel." "Fuck Noel! He's probably the one that did it." Alex said angrily. "I know he did. He texted me before mom called me. He's looking for something. Probably insurance in case we try to turn him in." "Why would he go to Mom's apartment and not yours?" Alex asked. "That's what I'm going to ask him." Spencer replied. "I'll go with you." "You're going to see Mom-" "Then come with me." Alex stated. "What are you doing?" Spencer asked. "I'm not letting you be alone, especially with Noel... I meant what I said Spencer, I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you." "...You were.... Before I met Mom, it was cold... and it was so fucking lonely. All I could think about was you Alex. I would talk to you in the mirror to keep myself sane; guess that's the good part about being a twin." Alex smiled sadly. The two stood for a moment. Alex wanted to grab her sister in a hug, but that wasn't something they did anymore.

     The front door to the Dilaurentis house opened. The twins looked at Aria and Mona as they exited, looking back at them. "Come on, let's go to Mom's." Spencer said, stilling at the two on the porch as she got in the car. Alex climbed into the passenger seat. Aria and Mona watched the twins leave the property before running to Aria's car and getting inside. Aria drove off the property, looking left and right onto the street for Spencer's car. She sighed seeing the empty street, and drove back to their house.

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