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"Is that Spencer?" Aria asked as Alex pulled her phone from her back pocket. Hanna and Emily shared a glance. "Uh no, it's my mom." Alex answered as she stood up. "I'll be outside." As soon as she stepped out, Hanna addressed her friend. "Aria, what are you doing?" She asked, wondering why Aria was giving their friend the third degree. "Must be work still on the brain." Mona chimed in. "Yeah, sorry." Aria said. Then she stood up. "I think I left my charger in the car, I'll be right back." She said, leaving before anyone could offer a charger.

Aria stepped outside on the porch, seeing Alex on the phone on the other end. She stood to listen. "Look, I'm sorry okay! I didn't know she was gonna yell at you, I just asked her to pick you up 'cause I was still with Elliot...." Alex said. Aria was sure she was talking to Spencer. "Well what do we do about Noel-" Alex stopped as she saw Aria and ducked around the house to finish her call. Aria hurried to her car and sat it in for a while. She needed to talk to Mona about this. She pulled out her phone, which really did need a charger, and texted her friend.

Hanna, Emily, and Mona talked about whatever until Alex walked back in. Hanna noticed the tall girl was seemingly panicked. Before she could ask what happened, Mona's phone chimed with Aria's text. "Uh, Aria forgot she has some paperwork to work on and she's my ride, so I'll have to cut this convo short. It was nice seeing you ladies again." Mona said, then hugged her friends goodbye, even Alex. Alex waited until she was sure Mona and Aria had left the property before coming up with a lie of her own. "I should head back too, haven't checked on Spencer in a few hours and it's in the court order that I have to at least check on her during the week. Don't worry about driving me, a friend is picking me up. " She said.

Hanna and Emily didn't question it and hugged Alex before she left. Emily wouldn't admit it felt weird to hug Alex after all this time, especially since her sister was the number one suspect in her girlfriend's disappearance... and now her murder. "Are you staying in a hotel?" Emily asked when it was just her and Hanna. "I was going to stay with my mom but I'm not into third wheeling her and Ted, so I guess hotel is the plan." She answered. "Oh... well you're welcome to stay here. There's no one to third wheel." Hanna gave an awkward giggle. "Well thank you. I'll grab my stuff from the car later." She said.

Emily poured the two of them a glass of wine. "You know how Alex got a call?" Hanna asked. "Yeah, from her mom." Emily replied. Hanna nodded. "Before we got here, she told me at the Brew that her mom was 'temporarily unaccounted for', that's why she had to come for Spencer's release. All of a sudden, she calls her out of the blue? She seemed really calm about it." Emily furrowed her brows. "You think she was lying?" She questioned. "I don't know. It just seemed weird." Hanna responded. "Maybe... maybe she just didn't want us grilling her about it. I mean Aria already did it enough." Emily said. Hanna was silent for a moment. "Do you think Aria knows something?" She finally said. Emily took a sip of wine. "She seemed pretty interesting in Spencer." Hanna added.

"Yeah... she has to know more about Spencer than we do, working on Ali's case." "Which is weird because she didn't even remember Alex, and she was our friend." Emily lowered her head at the blonde's statement. "Honestly, I forgot about her too. I don't think we were as close to Alex as we were to each other." She admitted. Hanna thought for a moment. Had they unknowingly made Alex feel like an outcast in their group? Whenever the girls had sleepovers at each other's house, Alex always had a reason why she couldn't make it or why the girls couldn't come to her house. It got to the point where the others didn't think to invite Alex to parties and Hanna felt bad every time she asked Alex if she was going to events she had no idea about.

"I called her every day for a few months after she left. Then a few times a week, one random day in the month... I figured she must've got a new phone wherever she was so I stopped trying. Even Caleb offered to track her phone but I told him not to. I thought... she must be happier away from Rosewood. I just wished she said goodbye first. Then Wren called me out of the blue and told me he found her working at some bar. I wanted to get on the next plane to London, but Claudia wouldn't give me time off. But Alex and I texted every day... until about a month ago." Hanna said. "When Spencer was released..." Emily responded. "I didn't press her about anything on the way here, we mostly talked about my job and New York. It was just good to see her again... I always tried to make her feel like one of us." The blonde said.

Emily smiled. "You always had a heart of gold Han." She grabbed Hanna's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. Hanna smiled back. Seconds of silence passed between them, and a sort of awkwardness set in when they realized how long they were holding each other's hand. Hanna eventually let go and took a sip of wine. "I should get my stuff from the car." She said after to cut the tension. "I'll help you." Emily replied awkwardly, and the two stepped outside.

Aria watched Mona walk towards her car and get in. "Okay, what was that about?" Mona asked. "She was on the phone with Spencer. Alex didn't pick her up at the station. Whatever they're doing, Noel Kahn is involved. And she mentioned someone named Elliot-" "Aria, breathe." Mona interrupted. "We need to talk to Tanner!" Aria stressed. Mona sighed. "I think we should talk to Spencer first." She said. Aria looked over confused. "Weren't you the one who wanted me far away from her? What changed your mind?" She asked. "Sneaking into the interrogation room and talking to Ezra." "What?!" Aria yelled. "I didn't tell you on the way over here because it's a lot to explain. But we need to talk to Spencer before we go to the police."

     Just then, a car pulled onto the property. It was too dark to see the driver and the two brunettes didn't recognize the car. The Dilaurentis house door opened and Alex stepped out. She walked up to the car and got inside. Aria and Mona ducked down as the car passed and left the property. As soon as it left their sight, Aria put the car in drive and they left to Spencer's.

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