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Mary heard a knock at her door and went to see who it was. Not many people showed up unannounced to her apartment. A part of her feared it may be Noel Kahn, or worse, the police. Mary looked through the peep hole, sighing in relief, before opening the door. Alex walked into the apartment without a word. "Alex what's wrong?" Mary asked as she closed the door. Alex faced her mother, tears streaming down her face. Mary instantly grabbed her in a hug, rubbing her back in consolation. "I fucked up mom. I'm always fucking up." Alex cried. Mary pulled back. "What happened?" She asked. "Aria knows Noel killed Alison. Spencer's gonna fucking kill me, if Noel doesn't get to me first." Alex said through tears.

Mary wiped her daughters cheek. "I won't let anything happen to you Alex. You know I love you and Spencer very much, and she loves you Alex, she would never hurt you." Mary assured. Alex nodded. She didn't want to think that Spencer could turn on her, but Noel had such a grasp on their family, would he force Spencer to keep Alex quiet to save his own ass? But Alex trusted her mother's judgment. After all, her mother knew Spencer best from all those years in Radley. She still couldn't believe they found their biological mother in the same place Veronica sent Spencer away to. She'd like to say it was a blessing in disguise, but she knew her twin had went through so much in Radley before she met Mary, and Alex's life at home was no better. She was grateful her mother and sister were able to get out of that place, but that little "help" was now biting them in the ass.

     Aria stood outside of Spencer's apartment door, hesitant to knock. She and Mona had decided it was best to not bother with the Hastings girl and leave the info about Noel for the police, but Aria had one last thing to say to Spencer before she shoved her out of her life forever. She gave the door a hard knock, as it was only the afternoon. The door opened seconds later. "I see you more than my social worker these days." Spencer said, letting Aria in. "I don't want to see you anymore." Aria said. Spencer pulled a confused face. "You came to see me to tell me you don't want to see me? You couldn't call?" She said with a snarky tone.

"I'm serious. I don't want to hear from you, I don't want to see you in town. Don't show up at my door, don't call me, don't come to my job. Just leave me and Mona alone. And you can pass that on to Alex too." Aria said. "I'm curious how long it'll take before you come asking for my help again. You were all on board with putting Ezra Fitz behind bars last night, and now I'm the bad guy?" Spencer replied. "You've always been the bad guy... Why didn't you tell Tanner I was here last night? Why just Mona?" Aria asked. "It was her idea wasn't it?" "But I drove here." "How could I have known that?" "How could you have known it was Mona's idea? What, do you have my car bugged or something?" Spencer didn't answer. Aria's eyes widened.

     "I had my own issues with Ezra, Aria. You were never meant to get in the middle of it. But, you were more connected than I thought. I'm glad you came over last night; I knew things would play out this way. You wanted him gone just as much as I did. You could say... that we helped each other. I have nothing against Mona, really, but she was getting in the way. I'll contact Tanner about getting her job back after the trial." Spencer explained. "Don't bother. You've done enough "help". You exploited me and Alison for your own Ezra Fitz smear campaign. That's fucking sick! Alex didn't tell me why you're helping Noel Kahn, but I know you had something to do with Ali's death and I'd be much happier putting all three of you behind bars with Ezra so my life can go back to the way it was before I ever met you." Aria said with hate in her voice.

     Spencer's usually expressionless face turned slowly into  a scowl. How much did Alex tell her? Aria was taken back by the expression and almost scared of what Spencer might do to her. She quickly turned and headed for the door. She left the apartment and ran down the stairs to her car. Aria jumped in the drivers seat and started the car. She waited for a moment, checking the car for any listening devices. She looked up and saw Spencer staring down from her apartment window. Aria sped off back to her house.

Alex and Mary sat at the table eating Mary's specialty chicken Alfredo when there was a knock at the door. Alex got up to answer. She opened the door, stepping back as she saw her twin's face. Spencer entered the apartment and shut the door behind her, keeping her eyes locked on Alex. "Spence-" "What the fuck did you tell her?" She said in a low but angered voice. Mary stood up from the table but a glare from Spencer kept her from stepping in. This was between her daughters, but for the first time, Spencer was starting to scare her. "I'm sorry-" "We're fucked, you know that right?! If you told her I was the one helping Noel so you could save your own ass, I'll drag you down with me."

     Alex pulled a similar angered expression. "Are you fucking serious?! I've been protecting you this whole fucking time! The reason you're not chained to a bed in Radley right now is because of everything I've done to fix your fuck ups!" "You're the reason I was in Radley in the first place! Now I'm going to prison because of you!" "Who moved the body and buckets out of your apartment before the cops showed up? Who played dress up and replaced the security camera footage at the storage unit to get you out of custody?! Me, and Noel, Elliot, mom. We've done a lot to save your ass while you're going rogue doing whatever the fuck you want like it won't affect all of us!" Alex paused for a moment. "I should've just stayed in London." "Then go back! Fuck you Alex!" Spencer screamed.

"Enough!" Mary interjected. "Spencer... that's enough. We have all made mistakes in this situation, but she's right Spencer; you put us all at risk by being reckless. All we can hope for is that the police get to Noel before he gets to you two first." Mary looked between her daughters. Alex watched her twin intently as Spencer stared at the floor. "If Aria tells her version of the story, what she thinks she knows, we all go down. We can't let her do that." Spencer said. "What're you gonna do?" Alex asked cautiously. "Don't hurt her Spencer." Mary stated immediately. "I won't. We'll just make sure she gets the story right." "How?" Alex asked. Spencer looked at her mother, before turning her sight on Alex. "Text the group to meet at Emily's. We'll tell them there." Spencer said. "Tell them what?" Alex had a lot of questions.

     "The truth." Spencer stated. "How much of the truth? What about Veronica?" "We'll tell them as much as they need to know." Spencer answered her twin. Alex paused before texting the girls. Spencer had vaguely answered her second question, but she had to trust the older twin.

     "Meet at Em's, I have to tell you guys the truth." - Alex

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