A Tale of Two Twins

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"I met Alison at this lounge; she caught me reading a book. There was something intriguing about her. The way she talked, the way she looked at me... it was the same feeling I had when I first met Aria." "Mmm yes, the '16 year old charm' really fires up your 'grown ass man ego'." "Listen, I thought she was 21-" "In both cases? What a coincidence... they happened to be friends too. Alison must've never spoke about you." "Alison spoke in riddles and code names. Even if she did talk about me, they wouldn't have known." Ezra looked over at the camera on a tripod in the room. "Is that on?" He asked. Mona looked behind her at the camera, then faced Ezra again. "No. I can't risk being caught strangling you on camera." Ezra gulped.

Aria stood in front of apartment 3C waiting for Spencer to arrive. She couldn't wrap her head around what was happening. What game was Spencer playing? And how did Ezra get trapped in it? Was she next? Her phone suddenly rang, and she pulled out her phone. "Hello?" "Aria!" "Hanna? How are the skyscrapers and hot dog carts?" Hanna chuckled. "They're beautiful, and the hot dogs are great. But, I'm actually in Rosewood. I'm on my way to Emily's with Alex." Aria pulled a confused look. "Alex?" "Alex Hastings. We were friends in high school?..... her twin sister is Spencer Hastings." "Holy shit." "What?" "N-nothing. I'll be at Emily's in a bit." Aria hung up without a goodbye. How could she have forgotten Alex? Aria sparsely talked to her high school friends after they left for college, but she completely lost contact with Alex when the girl left home on her 18th birthday before they graduated. The last time she heard, Alex was in.... London.

Aria frantically looked for Mona's contact, pausing as she heard footsteps come up the stairs. Spencer appeared at the end of the hall and cautiously walked to her door. "You waited up for me. You're too kind." "Where were you?" Spencer tilted her head. "Mom?" "It doesn't take that long to get from the police station to here-" "You make the trip often?" "Why did it take you so long?" Aria said angrily, ignoring Spencer's question. "I didn't drive, I was picked up from the storage facility remember? Someone picked me up when I got released." Aria paused, then smirked. "Who? Was it Alex?" Spencer only blinked in response. "I know she's in town. What, is she sneaking around doing your dirty work so you can frame an innocent man?" "Ezra's not innocent Aria, you must know that. I'm only trying to get justice for you and Alison." Aria squinted her eyes.

"Justice? For what?!" "...for the book." Aria looked at the taller girl confused. Was this part of her game? "What book?" Spencer pulled a slight smirk, then pulled out her keys. "Say hi to Alex for me." She brushed past Aria and unlocked her door. "Wait!" Aria called before the door slammed in her face. She tried to wrap her head around the information she was just given, then remembered she was supposed to meet the girls at Emily's. She really didn't want to make anything harder for her grieving friend, so she'd need to find a way to talk to Alex.

Hanna knocked for a second time on the Fields-Dilaurentis' home door. She shot a worried glance at Alex, who returned the look. "Okay I'm two seconds from calling the police." The blonde said right before the door swung open. "Sorry, big house." Emily said as she stepped out and embraced Hanna. She closed her eyes and held onto her blonde friend for a moment, not having Alison to embrace for weeks now, and never will again. As her eyes opened, they fell on a familiar brunette accompanying her friend. She stepped out of the hug and looked frightened at the woman with Hanna.

The blonde looked and Alex and smiled. "You remember Alex right?" Emily's features softened and she relaxed hearing that the woman was her old friend and not the number one suspect in her girlfriend's disappearance. "Yeah. Sorry, I thought you were..." "It's okay, I understand." Emily invited the girls inside. It was surprisingly well taken care of, almost too taken care off. It seemed like everything was wiped down twice and the floors were mopped three times a day. The former swimmer clearly put her mind towards cleaning to distract from the grief.

Conversation struck. The brunettes awed at Hanna's descriptions of New York City. Emily had only been there on a school trip, but didn't get to see much on account of the trip being to a museum for nature club; she still didn't forgive her mom for making her join that club. "I need to try a slice of city pizza." Alex said. "You really do, there's nothing like it. Maybe you and Spencer can-" The doorbell rung and Emily went to get it. She came back with two smaller brunettes, and Alex tried to pretend her heart wasn't doing somersaults in her chest.

Hanna got up to hug her friends while Alex stayed planted on the couch. "The gang's all here." Mona said, glancing at Alex. "Alex, I thought you were in London?" Aria questioned. Alright, Alex thought, here we go. "I came back about a month ago for Spencer's release." Aria furrowed her brows. "How come you didn't reach out when you got back? I would've loved to grab lunch sometime." Alex thought quick. "I had to stay close to her for the first couple weeks; court order. But she's settled in to an apartment now so-" "Where?" Aria interrupted.

"33 Hybbert Street." Alex answered quickly, at least that she didn't have to lie about. "That's where Mr. Fitz lives right?" Emily asked. The group looked at Aria, who ventured to the apartment complex often when they were still in high school. "Yeah.. I mean- I haven't been there recently obviously so he could've moved." The short girl stammered. Well, now we're both lying. Alex thought. Then, her phone rang.

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