"Don't talk to her!"

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"You don't smile." Aria Montgomery said to a girl next to her. She sat beside Spencer Hastings on the couch of the Rear Window Brew's reading area. Aria came to the Brew every day for a morning coffee and has seen Spencer reading for the past few weeks. She always had a straight face and not a smile like when Aria reads. She decided to talk to the brunette beside her today. "What's there to smile about?" Spencer asked with no emotion.

Aria shrugged. "I usually smile when I read...I really like reading." She said. "I like reading too, but the stuff I read doesn't make me smile." Spencer said. Aria looked at the book the brunette was reading. 'A tale of two deaths' the cover said. "You read murder mysteries?" Aria asked. "They're interesting. You can learn a lot of stuff." Spencer answered. The short girl nodded. "Do you want to be a cop or something?" She asked. Spencer looked at her with a straight face. "Not exactly." She said, her eyes dark. Aria cleared her throat nervously and looked to the Brew's entrance with a sigh of relief. Her friend Mona showed up to meet her for coffee before they went to work.

Aria got up from the couch and walked away from Spencer, who went back to reading her book. As she approached her friend, she noticed Mona looking behind her in fear. "What's wrong?" Aria asked. "Were you talking to her?" Mona asked back, looking between her friend and behind her. The hazel eyed girl looked at Spencer, the person her friend is staring at. "I had a brief conversation with her." She answered. Mona grabbed her arm and dragged her to the back area of the Brew. "Don't talk to her!" The brown eyed girl scolded. Aria looked at her confused and Mona sighed.

"That's Spencer Hastings. She was released from Radley Sanitarium a few weeks ago after 15 years for killing her father. I-I thought she was still in Radley from our previous files but I stayed at work late last night and found out that she was released and currently lives in Rosewood. She's dangerous Aria, don't talk to her." Mona informs. Aria rolled her eyes and promised her friend that she won't speak to the brunette again. As they walked to the exit, the hazel eyed woman saw that Spencer had left but her book was left behind. She concluded that that book doesn't belong to the Brew because of it's torn and stained pages, which were unlike the rest of the novels at the cafe. The Brew had ordered new books to stock up the shelves. Aria picked up the book and slipped it into her purse as Mona ordered a quick coffee before they leave.

     The two walked to the Rosewood Police Department considering that it's not far from the Brew and their cars are parked there. They work as crime analysts for the RPD, studying the files of suspects and victims of minor to severe crimes. The women walked to their desks side by side and unlocked their computers. Since Mona had done research on Spencer before hand she knew a lot about her, probably her current address. But Aria knew that her friend wouldn't tell her anything and wanted her as far away from the Hastings girl as possible. She searched through the files of her next case.

     Aria opened a file labeled "Case 106-Victim" and saw a picture of a blonde girl with blue eyes. 'Alison Lauren DiLaurentis: Last seen at around 8:30 by her girlfriend Emily Fields on June 12, 2018.' The file read. Aria sighed and looked through the file a little more. She closed it after a while and looked at another case.  'SH-Radley' The label read.

'Spencer Jill Hastings, 24, released from Radley Sanitarium on June 5, 2018 on account of an incident in her family home at 23 Bridgewater Terrace

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'Spencer Jill Hastings, 24, released from Radley Sanitarium on June 5, 2018 on account of an incident in her family home at 23 Bridgewater Terrace. A possible suspect in the kidnapping of Alison DiLaurentis as the two knew each other in childhood and lived next to each other when they were young. DiLaurentis was kidnapped in her home, 29 Bridgewater Terrace, where Hastings would know where she was. Current address: Apartment 3C, 33 Hybbert Street, Rosewood, PA.'

Aria closed the file and stood up from her desk. Mona looked at her weirdly. "What's wrong?" She asked. Aria grabbed her purse and turned off her computer. "I have to go. Just remember my mom asked for help with something after I got off." She answered, sprinting out of the Police station to her car. She drove to Spencer's address and parked on the street. She stepped out of her car and looked at the familiar building. Aria sighed as she realized her ex boyfriend lived in this apartment building. She took this as an opportunity to find out some information about Spencer from him since they reside on the same floor.

She entered the building and up to the third floor. Aria knocked on her ex's door hoping that he still lived here. The door opened and blue eyes meet hazel ones. "Aria!" He greeted excitedly. Aria rubbed her arm awkwardly as she walked into his apartment. It still smelled the same, pen ink and lemon pie. The two sat on the couch. "Hey Ezra." The girl said. "I didn't think you'd come back here. It's a bit of a mess, I'm sorry." Ezra rambled. Aria laughed slightly. "It's fine. I wanted to talk to you about something." She told him. The young man listened.

"Did someone move in next to you recently?" Aria asked, taking a slow approach rather than bombarding him by asking about Spencer directly. "Yeah..a girl moved into 3C some time ago. Why?" Ezra confirmed and asked. Aria sighed. "She's a released mental patient and a possible suspect in a disappearance. I just want to...make sure you're okay." She half lied. Her mission of course wasn't to check on her ex but to see Spencer again instead, but she couldn't just tell him that. "You're talking about Alison right?" Ezra asked. Aria nodded in response. "I've noticed some things." Ezra said. "What things?" Aria asked. "Am I going to be put on trial if I tell you?" He questioned first. "No. This is personal stuff, not for the job." Aria answered truthfully.

     Ezra sighed. "There's a smell. Not 'the trash hasn't been taking out in weeks' kind of smell. A...death kind of smell." He said. "How would you know what death smells like?" Aria asked. "It's Rosewood Aria, you and I both know what a dead body smells like." Ezra told her. She nodded, knowing exactly what that meant. "What do we do about it?" She asked. "Well, you work for the RPD, What are you going to do?" Ezra asked back. "I...don't know. I mean, what if we're wrong about this? It makes sense considering she murdered her father but...I just...I don't know."

     "Maybe we should talk to her? Go over and knock on the door, be friendly. Then again, that would be weird to just randomly show up at her door." Ezra said. Aria thought for a moment before fishing in her bag, taking out the book Spencer left behind. She held it up and Ezra looked at it weirdly. "Aria, I know I always say that books have all the answers but I don't think this situation applies-" "This is her book! She left it at the Brew  this morning and I was going to return it." Aria said. "Well then, now it's not as weird. Let's go."

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