02- 13th October

22 0 2

Title of book: 13th October

Participate username: taetae_army_luv

Title: 3/5. Fitting to the story.

Cover: 2/5. Cover is too plain and not that much settling to the story.

Description: 4/10. Rather than putting the dialogue of just one scene I would advice you to actually write about the plot a little. Show the main plot of story and not just the starting point cause from the description it makes it seem like Taehyung is mentally going through something but it's just how he got catch up into something completely different so I suggest correct it.

Plot: 4/20. It's hard to judge what the plot really is as it has only few chapters and in that too the not much information to get hold of story. Your character are too confusing and going too fast for now.

Grammar and vocabulary: 0/20. Your grammar needs work and I mean lot of work you can't even put punctuation right like full stops and vocabulary is too simple and plain.

Emotions: 2/15. Well there is nothing much emotions can be seen, the characters are way too plain with not much development. The characters needs more detailing and their emotions needs to described better.

Descriptive writing and detailing: 2/15. There is not much detailing and also your descriptive writing is very poor. It looks like you have just written it to be written and not put your emotions in it. You need to feel what your character is feeling and show it through words and not just that they are scared and stuff like that.

Personal view: 0/10. I didn't really felt too attracted to the book in my opinion. The grammar ruins the story a lot too.

Total marks: 17/100

Addiction advice: Don't use the word such as lol and such the situation are not like that and it shouldn't really be used to express in stories. Develop your characters better, bring more feelings to your character and read more and more books for your better grammar.

Words from writer to reviewer------

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