04- Whisper of silver

30 3 10

Title of book: Whisper of silver

Participate username: i_am_victorious27

Title: 4/5. The title is very unique and eye catching. It does perfectly represent the story.

Cover: 5/5. I have to say your cover is so beautiful and amazing it would totally make it stand out in the crowd of books. The aura is enchanting.

Description: 9/10. The description is very good and shows the touch of the story just right to get information yet make it mysterious too.

Plot: 16/20. The plot is definitely something eye catching and also something I didn't expected, making mistakes and learning from them is a very good motive of this story, also the way you carried out the character, emotions, detailing everything is too beautiful. I also have to say that the main character does seems to be a kid and out to control which I think is something different trial because other characters would be seem more mature but she is kinda unique.

Grammar and vocabulary: 17/20. Your grammar is great and your vocabulary is good too I would suggest you put something eye-catching like quotes or something and a little bit more of vocabulary.

Emotions: 10/15. I would say I an definitely see myself thinking and feeling the emotions because of the way you describe your story although I do feel like the character is kinda too childish and acts reckless but of course that does set her away from a typical main character yet I would suggest that you build the characters a little bit better in the upcoming chapters and give more details.

Descriptive writing and detailing: 13/15. I like the way of you writing it's just right amount not too much of descriptive writing to get others bored and not too less although I would say your detailing is great. I think you can do better for describing the emotions of character as the other things you can do great. Good job.

Personal view: 8/10. I personally like the book and it's good not something I would like can't wait to read but yeah I would like to read type thing. Good.

Total marks: 82/100.

Addiction advice: I have already pointed out the things but I would say give more information about characters and their motives.

Words from writer to reviewer------

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