Chapter ten: he figured it out

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~~Nicole's point of view~~

When everyone in the class completes the test, and we can go on our phones, I start to read a pregnancy book. Then I get a text from Justin asking what was wrong but I ignore it and decide not to reply. I know when the bell rings I won't be able to escape his questioning. So, as if it were reading my thoughts, the bell rings, but I don't move, suddenly feeling nauseous.

"Are you okay?" Justin asks me, standing next to my seat. I nod my head and try to get up slowly. But I sit back down, feeling like I'm going to throw up. "No you're not okay. Nicole, you look pale." Justin says, squatting down to get to my level.

"Mr. Parker, is everything all right?" I put my head on the desk, trying to make the feeling go away.

"I think she's sick." Justin says. I hear someone enter the room.

"Can you drive her home?" Mr. Johnson asks.

"Yeah. Nicole, can you just stand up again?" I do, holding my breath and noticing a worried Mike in the doorway. Justin lifts me up in his arms and carries me out of the room.

"Is she okay?" Mike asks.

"Yes, just nauseous." I say and put a hand on my stomach.

"Do you need to go to the bathroom before we go?" Justin asks, putting his head on top of mine.

"No, I don't have to throw up, it just feels like I have to." I say as we start down the stairs.

"Nicole, were you like this this morning?"

"I little. I thought it was because I was hungry." We walk out and get to the car. Justin sets me down in the passenger seat.

"She's fine." I look and see the other two staring at me with worry in their eyes. Then, the blond Barbie starts walking toward us, so I get out and start walking to her. Justin follows me, trying to stop me from doing something I might regret... This could be bad.

"What do you want, bitch?" I ask her. She simply looks at me and laughs.

"To wish you good luck." I laugh at that.

"For what?" Justin asks.

"The only one who needs good luck is you," I say venomously, "Look what happened to your life."

"Yeah, well, yours isn't too different." That's when I slap her hard across the face. Before I can hit her again, or get hit, I am picked up and placed in the car. The ride home is silent, other than the music. I rest my head on the head rest and close my eyes.

I open my eyes to see that I am in my room with the lights off and the shades drawn and the door shut. I turn over and see Justin lying next to me with his eyes closed. I turn and grab my journal and start writing.

Dear diary,
I might have made the biggest mistake in my life... I kind of told Ally, that blond Barbie cheerleader, that I am pregnant. I didn't mean to, she made me so mad and it just came out. Mike and Jade also know about it too... I have to tell Justin tonight. No matter what, I need to tell him, even after all the times he said how bad it was to be a teen parent. Well, wish me luck. He's waking up.

Justin starts stirring and I slide my journal back under my pillow and turn to face him. He opens his eyes and looks at me, smiling. "How are you feeling?" He asks and pulls me into a hug.

"Better. What time is it?" I ask and he looks to my clock.

"Five. Why? What do you want to do?" He asks, looking back at me. "Want to go grab something to eat and come back to watch a movie?"

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