Chapter five: Easter

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It's finally Easter sunday. Nothing exciting happened throughout the rest of the week. Justin and I are back to normal...other than the small crush I now have for him.

"Nicole go get dressed we have to be there in thirty minuets." My mom says to me as she finishes making chocolate covered strawberries.

"Fine I'll go get ready, but mom we don't have to rush we live right next door." I say walking put the stairs. I walk in my room and look in my closet trying to figure out what to wear.

"Nicole you should be dressed by now." My father says standing in my doorway.

"I don't know what to wear. I have nothing good to wear." I say gesturing to my closet.

"What about the blue dress your mother dry cleaned for you." He sees my hesitation. "Just wear it please." He orders and I get up and grab it. "Thank you." He says and heads down stairs closing my door. I put it on and went to do my hair and makeup.


"Hello come on in." Justin's mom greets us when she opens then door. We walk in me leaving my family and head in the kitchen. It was just my family and Justin's but last minute the new teen mom came because her parents had to go to a work party. I walk into the kitchen and see her watching Justin as he is feeding the baby.

He seems so gentle right now with the little baby in his arms. He also seems nervous, but stands there holding the bottle to its mouth. The baby starts to cry and her mom takes her in her arms. He looks up sees me and smiles, and then walks over to me hugging me tight. "Hello how was your night?" He asks me pulling apart.

"Terrible I didn't have my good pillow there." I say jokingly. He laughs and walks me over to the girl and her cute daughter.

"Nicole this is Lacey and her daughter Lauren." Justin says.

"Hi it's nice to meet you. Your daughter is so cute." I say smiling at the little baby in her arms.

"Thanks. It's nice to meet you too. Do you want to hold her?" I nod my head and hold my arms out. She places her in my arms and watches me. I feel the smile on my face only grow. I love little baby's and always have, so this is like a dream. "Hey can you watch her quick I have to go use the restroom." She asks and I only nod my head. She left the room and I move to sit on the couch.

"You're going to have a hard time giving her up aren't you?" Justin asks sitting down next to me. I nod my head. The baby has her eyes open and just watches me smiling. I try to rock her and it seems to work because she falls asleep.

"Look how cute she is." I say admiring the sleeping baby.

"Don't get any ideas." Justin says putting his arm around my shoulder. Lacey comes back in and stops looking at us.

"She must really like you, that's the first time she fell asleep in anyone's arms but mine." She says a smile in her voice. I smile too I have always be told I'm a natural. Matt walks in and stands there holding in a laugh. I knew exactly why. Justin has his arm around me and we were both looking at this little baby in my arms. "Here let me put her in her crib." She says walking up to us. I wasn't going to fight with a new mom, so I gave her the baby.

"Hey Nicole can you come with me I have to give you something?" Justin asks me. I nod my head, and get up following him to his room. We walk in, and he goes to go search for something in his drawer.

He walks back over to me with a box in his hands. He hands it to me smiling widely and slightly blushing. I take it without question and open it. Inside the box was an anchor necklace, it was the one I wanted last year in Newport, but couldn't get. I put my hand up to my mouth without thinking and feel a tear roll down my face.

"How did you get it?" I ask looking up at him.

"I got it the day you showed it to me. It's not a lot but I couldn't let you not have it." He says still smiling at me. I hug him tight. He really didn't have to get it, but he did. "Now you can wear it this year when we go." He says, and kisses my head.

"I can't thank you enough. I was trying to save up to get it this year. Wait how could you-" He cuts me off by kissing my forehead.

"Don't worry about it." He says, and I don't. We walk down stairs just in time for brunch.


The rest of the day goes by very fast. My parents tried to be nice to Lacey, but still couldn't. They didn't approve of what she did. That was an awkward conversation, and my face felt like it was on fire the whole time.

When we get home I take a shower and just stand in the hot water. There is a knock on the door disrupting my distressing. "Can you save me some hot water." Matt says loudly. I turn off the shower and hop out.

"Don't worry there is some left." I say wrapping the towel around me unlocking his door and walking into my room. luckily I don't have school tomorrow. I get in my pajamas and take out my journal.

Dear diary,
Today was a good Easter. I finally meant the girl in Justin's family that had the baby. Her name is Lacey and her daughter is Lauren. Justin got me the necklace that I was saving up for. I'm happy we are back to normal, and I think the pill worked. I haven't woken up in the morning throwing up. I got to go I think Matt is coming.

I put it back where I got it from and Matt comes in my room only wearing basketball shorts. "How you feeling?" He asks sitting on my bed next to me.

"Fine. Did you see the cute baby? I wish I could have kept her." I say looking at him.

"So, I guessing if the pill didn't work then you will be fine...being a teen mom." He says looking at me.

"I never said that."

"But you implied it." He says smirking.

"How?" Then I think back to what I said and realize what it sounded like. "Oh yeah I kind of did say that. What would you do if it didn't work?" I ask the one question that kept popping up in my head.

"I wouldn't be happy, but I wouldn't let you do this alone. I will help you with what ever you need." He says then hugs me. "I'm just happy you are telling me this and not hiding it." He says letting me go.

"I'm happy I told you too. Keeping it to myself would stress me out more. Now can you go I'm tired." I say pushing Matt away. He laughs and gets up leaving. I curl up in a ball under my covers and close my eyes.
Hey guys it's a snow day, so I figured I would give you another chapter. It's getting close to her finding out if she is or isn't pregnant. Maybe next chapter...

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