Chapter thirty eight: life is good

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The babies just slept the whole car ride, which was so nice. Justin and I just listened to my CD like always. To me it never got old, and when Justin sang along to the music with me makes me smile.

We pull up to my parents house there and memories flood my head to just last summer, which is where Justin and I became a thing. I smile as I get out and smell the salty air from the sea. I go to the back and take out Olivia and walk around for Justin to hand me Austin.

"Give me Austin." I say, and Justin just looks at me confused. "This way you can unpack the car." I say like it's obvious.

"All right." He sighs hanging me Austin in his car seat. I walk up to the house and put Austin's seat down quick so I can unlock the house. I push the door open before picking him back up and getting the kids inside the house.

I get them settled on the floor in the living room and see Justin has gotten all the suitcases in and upstairs. Justin sits on the couch sighing, and I sit next to him watching our kids play with each other on the floor.

"I think I finally figured it out." I sigh. I feel Justin's eyes on me, so I look into his.

"Figured what out?" He asks confused. I just smile and lean into him looking back to the babies.

"What I want to do." I say. "You know like the future." I say.

"And what is it you want to do?" He asks.

"I want to open up a dogie daycare place. Get a few groomers, a trainer or two. Oh and board the dogs too." I say excitedly, and look up to Justin for his reaction. He just grins at me, which makes me smile back.

"That sounds fun. But how are you going to get this place started?" He asks. I frown because I didn't get that far into it.

"I'll figure it out. I just got the idea down, but now I have to do all that hard stuff now." I sigh. Justin laughs shaking his head at me.

"I saw that coming." He says amused. I roll my eyes at him and look back to the babies. Justin's phone starts ringing and he groans taking it out of his pocket. He answers it, and I stay quiet.

"Hello... Yes it is. No... Really?.... Wait! Really?" He asks shocked. I look up to him, but he moves to stand up and walks out of the house. I frown and get up to walk to my babies, who are crawling out of the room.

I stop in front of them and look down raising an eyebrow at them. "Come on babies, it's time for bed." I say picking them up, but they keep fussing. I groan struggling to bring them upstairs to their room. Luckily Justin already set up the portable cribs. I put Olivia in her bed and place Austin on one of the spare beds in here to change him.

I change him quickly and put him to bed before doing the same thing to Olivia. After I walk out and shut the door I head to the room Justin and I are sleeping in to change.

Justin's point of view:

I hang up the phone and put it in my pocket. After hearing the news I was just told I just sit on the sets to the porch and let it soak in. I don't know how to tell Nicole, or how she will react. I know she will be happy, but is this what she wants. I mean now there is no point in going to college, I own the freaking restaurants now.

This is crazy... I was told I can enjoy the week here before they want to see me back there. But I have to go to his funeral in three days, so Nicole might be upset about cutting the trip short. I hear the babies crying a little before they go quite.

I sit with my head in my hands and tears pricking my eyes. I can't believe he died... I just saw him yesterday, and he seemed fine. He was so happy I was taking my family on a trip. I hear the door open and Nicole walking towards me. I feel her sit beside me and just take me in.

"Babe, what's wrong?" She asks putting a hand on my shoulder. I look at her and take a deep breath before letting it out.

"He's gone." I say quietly. She looks confused for a second before her eyes widen.

"You mean... Your boss?" She asks shocked. I nods my head.

"He gave me the restaurants. All his restaurants are now mine." I say, and look out to the water. I hear her gasp, but stay looking out to the water. "His funeral is in three days, and I have to go."

"That's fine Justin." She says wrapping her arms around me, hugging me. "I want to go too." She says. I turn to look at her surprised.

"Really?" I ask raising an eyebrow at her. She nods her head smiling, and I feel my heart beat a little faster from that smile.

"Of course. The man gave you his restaurants, and gave you a great future to support us. Obviously I want to go." She says. I grin at her kissing her lips. She smiles against my lips, and I swear my heart beats even faster.

"Now come on, it's late and I'm tired." Nicole whines.


We sit with the babies on our laps watching the kites fly in the sky. Austin and Olivia seem so fascinated by them as their heads follow their movements. I smile watching my two little babies and I see Nicole watching with the same fascination as the babies.

I look to the people flying the kites and see a familiar little blond girl running around. I look to Nicole and smile looking at her as she holds Austin so he is standing on her lap. "Babe, is that little Emily over there?" I say nodding my head in the little girl's direction.

Nicole looks to me then the girl and her smile widens a little more. "Yeah it is. Awe look at her little brother running after her." She coos. I smile at her and watch the two little kids. Emily stops running and looks at us causing her to grin and run to us.

"Emily!" Her mom shouts at her. Emily just keeps running to us. Her mom follows her jogging slowly behind. Emily reaches us and looks to the babies.

"Babies!" She shouts happily. I see Nicole grinning at her and I look up to see the mother stop looking at us.

"Nicole?" She asks looking at Nicole. Nicole looks up to her and smiles.

"Yes, how have you been?" Nicole asks her.

"I've been well thank you. What about you? Are these your twins?" She asks seeming happy about the little babies. Nicole grins nodding her head.

"Yes, this is Austin and my little girl over there is Olivia." Nicole says. The lady smiles widely looking at our babies and awing.

"And your Justin, right?" She asks. I smile nodding my head. "It's good to see you two are still together." She smiles.

"I wouldn't ever leave Nicole. I love her too much. She's my everything." I say glancing at Nicole and smiling at her before glancing to our babies. "Not to mention I couldn't leave my kids, our kids." I say.

"He's a keeper." She says gaining my attention, but I see Nicole blush and nod her head. "It was nice seeing you guys again. And your babies are adorable. Hope to see you again." She says picking Emily up. We say bye back and she walks away back to her husband and Nico.

I look to Nicole and she is smiling at me. "Did you really mean all that?" She asks. I grin nodding my head.

"Every word." Olivia starts fussing. I look to her and she looks up at me grabbing my face. I smile as she grabs my lips stopping with her fussing. Austin starts fussing and bouncing on Nicole's lap.

"No Austin you can't get down." Nicole chuckles turning him to face her. He grabs her hair pulling it as his arms fly up and down. She groans looking to me. I smile holding in a laugh as I put Olivia on the grass, and she holds herself up. I smile feeling proud before I get Nicole out of Austin's strong grip.

"Austin don't do that to mommy." I say in a somewhat stern tone. "God I love our kids." I smile kissing Nicole's cheek.

"Me too." She agrees Kissing Austin's cheek and smiling at Olivia as I pick her back up.
Hoped you liked it. There will be a time jump for the next chapter by the way.

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