Chapter three: blackout

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~~Justin's point of view~~

I wake up with a massive head ache. I see the clock and force myself to get up to find something to eat. I push the covers off and realize I have no pants on, I have nothing on. I put on underwear and my gray sweats not bothering with a shirt. What the hell happened last night? The last thing I remember was saving Nicole from a drunk Seth, and bringing her down stairs. We danced then after that is a mystery, I hope I didn't do anything stupid. I walk out of my room and hear someone across the hall in her room.

Yes, Nicole has her own room in my house, that's how often she comes here. I push the door open to see her sitting on her bed writing in a journal. She sees me and quickly hides it by sitting on it. "Good morning." I say a smile on my face. Her face blushes a little, and she looks away to the ground.

"Good morning." She mumbles. I walk in and sit next to her putting an arm around her. Trying to comfort her knowing something wasn't right with her. I like this feeling her with me, it makes me feel complete. I know everyone thinks two best friends, a guy and a girl, will fall deeply in love with each other, but that's not us. I mean yeah I feel something towards her, but I know she doesn't feel the same. I'm fine with that because I don't want to ruin what we have.

"I'm sorry about Seth, but he had it coming. He was too drunk and only wanted to get laid." I say hugging her close. She cranks her neck and looks up at me.

"What's the last thing you remember from last night?" She asks me. I freak out, what did I do?

"Bringing you down stairs and dancing with the others." I say looking down at her. She seems a little relived with that answer, which scared me. "Why what did I say or do?" I question really hoping I didn't do anything stupid. Then she blushes turning a bright red.

"Nothing." She lies right through her teeth. I raise an eyebrow at her.

"You would tell me if it was really bad right?" She nods her head, and I shrug letting it go. What did I do?

"Can we go get something to eat I'm starving?" She ask just as her stomach growls. I laugh letting go of her. We both stand up and head downstairs, into the kitchen. My mom is there starting to cook something for breakfast.

"Good morning you two. What would you like me to make for you?" She asks with a smile on her face. I smile back, and so does Nicole.

"Actually mom we were going out to eat." I say, I feel both my mom's and Nicole's eyes on me.

"Dressed like that." She states. I look at myself, then at Nicole. She is in sweatpants, and a tee shirt, I had no shirt.

"Oh right be right back." I say, and sprinted up the stairs. I grab a shirt from my drawer and throw it on. I grab my phone that had a bunch of texts from the guys. They all were asking how it went with her, but I don't know what they meant, or if they were drunk when they sent it. I get down stairs and all eyes are on me. "Ready?" I ask and Nicole nods her head.

"I told the girls we were going out, and they wanted to tag along." She says as we get in the car.

"Okay might as well let the boys know too. Tell then to meet us at the bagel place." I say, starting the car. I know we don't look 100% presentable, so we will just go somewhere that won't really care.

The car ride there is quiet but not uncomfortable. We aren't there yet, so I hit the CD button, and Justin Timberlake startS singing. Out of the corner of my eye I see her smile wide. I park, and wait for the others letting the song still play. Finally they come and luckily at the end of the song. We all get out and walk in. Me and the guys go to order for the girls, and ourselves.

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