Chapter thirty four: pregnancy scare

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Justin has been back to work, which means I get the twins all to myself. Don't get me wrong I love my twins, but they seem to miss their daddy. They have been getting used to it though, and cry less than before. Today Matt decided to come and visit, and he is bringing his fiancé.

I put the babies on the blanket on the ground as I hear the doorbell. I quickly open the door and tackling both of them in a hug. "Good to see you too sis." Matt chuckles.

"Come on in guys." I say excitedly moving out of the way. They walk in and I close the door before heading back to my babies. They are about three and a half months old now and have gotten bigger. I see them trying to move from their stop on the ground.

"Awe they are so cute." I hear Jordan squeal from behind me. I smile to myself watching my little babies. Jordan walks over and picks Olivia up cradling her in her arms. I smile watching them as Olivia smiles up at Jordan.

I pick up Austin, who may I add is very fussy. I hold him close to me bouncing him a little. I look over to the Matt standing with them his arms around Jordan's waist and his head resting in her shoulder looking down at my daughter. I can't help but laugh causing them to look at me. I take a seat on the couch as they raise and eyebrows at me.

"What is so funny?" Matt asks.

"Oh, that just reminded me of the Easter before the twins." I say. It seems to click in his head as his eyes widen. He looks to Jordan, who just looks as confused as ever.

"What's going on?" She asks.

"You aren't pregnant, are you?" He asks. She looks at him shocked then looks to me.


"When I first found out I was pregnant I didn't tell Justin. So that Easter his cousin who had a baby let me hold it. And I held her as Justin looked down at her kind of like you two. He didn't think anything of it but I was..." I trail of getting lost in the memory.

"Oh..." She trails off.

"Are you?" Matt asks. I can hear the little bit of hope in his voice, but I hope she doesn't to feel pressured.

"No, Matt I'm not." She says blushing. "Why you want kids?" She asks looking back down to my baby girl.

"When you're ready." He says gently, kissing her head. I smile at the two of them and I feel Austin sleeping in my arms. I let out a sigh before getting up and putting him in the crib down here. Jordan puts Olivia in there too because she is also sleeping.

"So, have you been thinking about college?" Matt asks as we all settle down at the kitchen table with coffee. I sigh looking down to my cup.

"Yes, and I think it's best for me to do online school. This way I can be with my babies." I explain.

"That's good. What about Justin?" He asks taking a sip of his coffee. I shrug my shoulders taking a sip of my coffee.

"We haven't really talked about it, but we will." I simply say. I look over to Jordan who seems a little nervous and it's kind of scaring me.

"Jordan, you okay?" I ask worried for her. She nods her head quickly before shaking it no looking down.

"What's wrong?" Matt asks concerned. He turns to her looking her over for injuries.

"Nicole, can I talk to your for a minute?" She asks. I nod my head and get up following her lead. She walks me into the office on the main floor.

"What's up?"

"I'm scared... What if I am pregnant?" She asks. I look at her very confused. "I'm late." She explains. "Ever since you brought it up I've been doing the math... Nicole I'm scared." She says tears in her eyes.

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