Chapter forty two: epilouge

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I stand in the kitchen looking down at our new puppy. I put him in his crate so we can eat, he is a boxer which the kids all agreed on. It took them a while to find one because they wanted to find one that had the same energy as Dakota.

We are having Olivia's boyfriend over for dinner tonight, which should be interesting. Austin has had his girlfriend, Lauren, for two years now, and Olivia just got her first one two months ago. We have only met him briefly when he picked her up for dates, but that's been it.

Koda starts barking in his crate, and I just ignore it as I work on dinner. Justin comes in through the back door followed by Alex. Alex is now 15 while Austin and Olivia are 17. "Mom, what are we eating?" He asks sitting at the island, which I'm working at.

"Pasta, now please set the table." I say. He groans, but listens to me as he hops down. Justin comes and wraps his arms around my waist. He rests his chin on my shoulder causing me to shiver.

"Where are the others?" He asks his breath fanning my neck.

"Family room." I say in more of a whisper. The puppy keeps barking and I groan. "Alex can you let Koda outside?" I ask sighing.

"Yeah, want me to go on a w-a-l-k?" Alex asks spelling out walk.

"Maybe after dinner, but for now just let him out."

"Okay." He says, and let's Koda out. I hear Justin chuckle in my ear, and look up to him.

"What?" I ask. He shakes his head before walking to the fridge opening it. "Don't take anything out to eat. Dinner will be ready in five. Now stir the sauce." I order him. He does it right away stealing a quick kiss. I playfully hit his chest before going to the fridge for the salad.

"Kids, come take your seats!" Justin calls. They come in from the family room and take their seats. Tyler, Olivia's boyfriend, sits next to her and where Justin's chair is. Austin sits across from Tyler and Alex will sit next to him.

"Austin, go get Alex from the back yard." I say. He nods his head and does it, which makes me smile. I set the salad on the table, and Justin brings the pasta over. Austin comes back as Alex carries in Koda. Alex puts Koda in his crate before he joins us at the table.

"This looks great mom." Olivia says.

"Help yourself kids." I smile as I go for the salad first.


I watch from the kitchen as all the kids play soccer in the back. I finished washing the dishes and just stand there drying my hands. Suddenly arms wrap around my waist and kisses are placed on my neck and shoulder. I shiver from the touch of his lips on me.

"He seems like a nice kid." Justin says, and I nod my head not being able to talk. Justin chuckles from my silence.

"Babe, I'm so happy this is our life." He says honestly as he turns me around. My back is pressed against the counter at the sink. I look right into his eyes and smile at him.

"Me too. I can't imagine my life any different than it is now." I honestly tell him. He grins down at me and pecks my lips. We might have been married for 15 years, but Justin is the same old Justin I've known all my life.

Koda starts barking from his crate, and Justin groans in annoyance. I chuckle wrapping my arms around Justin's neck. "Just let him bark." I whisper. Justin looks at me raising an eyebrow.

"I've known you forever, but you always seem to surprise me. I like this side of you." He says the last part in a husky voice. I feel my cheeks heat up, and I look down to the ground. "It's good to know I can still make you blush." He grins. I roll my eyes looking over my shoulder to the back yard.

Austin and Tyler are playing against each other right now, both playing for the school's team. I look back to Justin amused. "How did all of our kids become soccer players?" I ask. He looks outside before looking back to me.

"I have no fucking clue." He says. He pecks my lips again before letting me go. "But I'm going to go join them." He says taking off outside. I laugh as the door shuts. Same old Justin, which I can't help but love.

I love him more and more everyday. I'm happy that is was Justin that night that I slept with. If it turned out to be Seth and this happened I know things would have gone differently.

I don't regret a single thing, I don't regret giving myself to Justin that night. That night was definitely a life changer, but for the better. I found the love of my life, and we brought the twins into the world.

He never left me, and that makes me love him more. The fact that he had the chance to leave, but didn't means more than anything to me. And now we have our beautiful life together with our three kids; Austin, Olivia, and Alex.

Life couldn't be better. Our best friends live next to us. Jade and Mike on our right and somehow Zack and his wife moved in across from us. Our kids are all around the same age, and everything is good. They are all friends with each other, and it looks like Alex and Bianca might be interested in each other.

I let Koda out and pick him up holding him like a baby. "Who is my little baby boy." I coo to little Koda. He yips before he licks my hand happily. I smile down at him and kiss his head before I walk outside. I keep him in my arms as I sit on the step of the deck and watch them all play.

I sigh in content knowing this is my life. And it all started with me having my best friend's baby, well babies.
Hoped you guys liked it... That's it.

Thank you guys for sticking through I really appreciate it. This story has taken me more than a year to write and I can't thank you guys enough for sticking through.

So I hoped you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Please don't forget to comment and vote on this last chapter for me.

Love all you guys


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