Chapter eleven: officially done with high school

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I wake up to the smell of pancakes and, let me tell you, it made me want to pop out of bed. Only I'm not able to get up because of the arm wrapped around me. I groan and turn to face Justin, just to watch him sleep. Today we are packing and leaving tomorrow morning... I can't wait to get to Newport. After we pack we have to get ready for graduation, which is what I'm not happy about. "Can you stop staring? I can't sleep when I'm being watched." Justin mumbles.

"Well I'm hungry and I smell pancakes." He smiles and lets go of me, opening his eyes. I hop up and look back to see him watching me. "Stop, that's creepy." I say and he laughs. He gets up and walks to me, engulfing me in a big warm hug. "You know if my parents are there you can't say anything right?"

"I know. We'll tell them when we're ready- well, when you're ready." He says into my hair. He lets go and we walk downstairs, hand in hand. We step into the kitchen and I let go, running for food. I hear him chuckling at me as I pile food on my plate.

"Hey, good morning kids." My mom says from the table before sipping her coffee.

"Morning mom." I say, sitting down next to her.

"Good morning Mrs. Adams." Justin says, and sits next to me with even more food on his plate than I have.

"Justin, I told you, call me Jen." She says, laughing as she finishes her pancake. Justin chuckles from beside me. "So what are you kids up to today?"

"Well, we're packing and then getting ready for graduation." I say and she just gets up, leaving us at the table.

"Oh, isn't graduation today?" Did she really not listen to me.

"Yes Mrs- Jen are you going to be there?"

"I'm going to try. I have a meeting right before. So are you two packing this morning then?" Oh my God. She completely tuned me out. I glance at Justin and he gives me a weak smile in return.

"Yeah, we will be. We'll start with Nicole's stuff then go to my house to pack my stuff." He says before shoving food into his mouth.

"Okay, try and have fun Justin. And Nicole, clean up this kitchen when you're done." She orders before leaving, out to work and thankfully gone. We hear foot steps on the stairs and both turn around to see who is coming. It's my dad, who is probably running late for work.

"Good morning baby." He says, walking into the kitchen and coming up to give me a kiss on the cheek. "Good morning to you too Justin." He says, walking over to the coffee maker.

"Morning." Justin and I say at the same time.

"You're graduating today, right?"

"Yes." I answer and he swears under his breath.

"I'll try to be on time, but no promises." He says, visually upset. Now, if you can't tell, my dad and I get along better than me and my mom. He actually notices me and hears me. I hope it's not just because I am his little girl. He is also the one that tries to be there for me for whatever I need.

"It's okay, don't worry. Do what you need to do." I say. I give him a weak smile and he returns it.

"Well, I got to go if I want to be on time. Bye." He says and walks out, leaving Justin and I to eat our breakfast, well what was left of it.

"I think we should tell my mom." He says after he finishes his breakfast. I look to him but he stares at his plate. I take a deep breath and let it out.

"I think you're right, but aren't you afraid of how she will take it?" He looks at me with a little worry in his eyes.

"Of course I am, but we need to tell an adult and your parents aren't really the best option right now." I nod and finish eating. "We should do it today when we go to my house." I nod my head.

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