Chapter thirty one: meet the twins

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Nicole's point of view:

I hold both my babies in my arms smiling down at them. Justin went to get the others who I didn't know all came. My little babies are asleep in my arms and as painful at it was I can help but grin.

There is a soft knock on the door before Justin comes in with Matt, Jordan, Mike, Jade, Zach, Emily, and Ethan following him. They don't come in quietly though and the babies start to scrunch their faces up. I glare at my visitors before trying to rock them both. Justin comes over and takes Olivia as she starts to cry. Austin then starts crying and I try rocking him in my arms. Justin is pacing the room bouncing Olivia gently.

"Way to go guys." Justin says annoyed. They smile innocently at us looking guilty.

"Sorry, we didn't mean to make them cry." Emily says. We get them to stop crying and I smile kissing my little boy's head.

"Matt, do you want to hold your nephew?" I ask looking up to my brother. He grins coming over to me nodding his head.

"Yes! Can I?" He cries excitedly, yet somehow quietly. I place Austin in his arms and bite my lip watching like a hawk at him holding my baby. "Aww Nicole, he's adorable." Matt coos. I smile feeling tears start to sting my eyes. Damn these heightened hormones.

"Aww Nicole don't cry." Jade says sitting on the bed next to me. I wipe away the ones that fled my eyes and smile at her.

"I'm sorry, but I can't help it." I choke out.

"Wait, who are the God parents? Did you pick them?" Zach asks. I look at him and so does everyone, as he groans from Mike hitting him upside the head.

"Yes we did." Justin smiles sitting in the chair next to my bed. He is still cradling little Olivia in his arms, and that makes my heart flutter.

"So, who are they?" Zach asks. "Ow." He groans from Mike hitting him again. Jordan laughs a little as she looks over Matt's shoulder and my little boy.

"Well, Austin's God parents are Matt and Emily." I say smiling at them. Matt grins down at Austin, and it looks like his eyes are glassy. Emily squeals and walks, pulling Ethan with her, to see her Godson.

"Olivia's God parents are Jade and Mike." Justin says. Zach looks heart broken by the look on his face. Jade takes Olivia, gently, from Justin and cradles her as Mike looks over her shoulder with his arms around her waist. I smile at them, but then frown looking back to Zach. I elbow Justin and nod my head towards Zach.

"Oh Zach don't feel bad. Just think next time we have kids you can be their Godfather." Justin says, and I smile nodding my head.

"It was a hard decision to make Zach. You have no idea." I say. He nods his head before grinning.

"Can I hold them now?" He asks. I smile nodding.

"Which one?" I ask.

"Both." He smiles. I look to Justin as he nods his head agreeing.

"You just have to sit down." Justin says getting up out of the chair. Zach takes his seat and waits for my babies to be placed in his arms. Matt and Jade place them in each arm as I hold my breath.


The twins are sleeping in their little crib, box thing in here. They are hugging each other as they sleep. I sigh content at them. We are finally leaving the hospital today, and I can't wait.

Justin is making sure the car seats are in right. I finish getting dressed in sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I have warm outfits picked out for the twins because it's cold out.

The hospital door opens to someone I thought I wouldn't see. My mother stands there looking at me. My father already came yesterday which was expected because he has been keeping tabs on me. My mother looks at me emotionless before looking over towards the twins. She walks in more but stops about a foot away from them.

"Mom?" I question stepping over to them. She looks up to me with a tear sliding down her cheek.

"I'm sorry." She says. I stare at her shocked and confused. "I shouldn't have done that. I should have supported you the whole way through." She says on the brink of her eyes leaking waterfalls.

"You should have." I say agreeing. "But this doesn't change anything. I know this is what you truly believe. I gave you a chance before and you blew it." I say feeling tears prick my eyes.

"But Nicole?" She tries. I look at her shaking my head.

"No mom. You already made your decision and there is no going back. You already walked out on your daughter's life and future." I told her just as the door opened to Justin. Justin automatically walks over to my side wrapping his arm around my waist.


"Stop." I cut her off. "Just go mom." I say trying to sound strong. I don't want to feel the pain of her leaving me all over again. She nods her head walking to the door.

"Just know I'm sorry." She says looking back at me before she walks out of my life, once again, and hopefully for good this time. I know I shouldn't be saying that about my mother, but she was barely a mother to me. She wasn't on my side when I needed her the most.

Justin wraps me in his arms and I hug him back. I snuggle my face in his chest feeling myself start to cry. "It's okay Nicole. I'm here for you." He says rubbing soothing circles around my back.

I know he is right and it makes me smile against his chest. I look up at him with a few tears escaping my eyes. I smile and peck his lips. "I love you." I say pulling back a little.

"I love you too." He smiles back. "Now let's get our family home." He grins. I nod my head and leave his comforting arms. I walk a few more steps to our babies who are looking up at us just watching everything.

"Let's get you two dressed and ready to go home." I say in my baby voice. I take Austin and bring him carefully to the bed, and gently place him on it. I look up to see Justin doing the same with Olivia. I smile as I try and get his onesie off. After I carefully remove it I put on his new little outfit. I pick him up cradling him in my arms watching Justin try and dress our daughter.

"Hey, babe... Do you need help?" I ask. He looks up at me smiling innocently.

"Please, here give me Austin." He says. I laugh handing Austin to his father before dressing my little girl.

"All right she's all good." I say holding her little body looking up at a nervous Justin. "Ready to go?" He nods his head carefully walking to the door.

"Oh God this is it." I hear him mumble to himself as he opens the door. I smile looking down at little Olivia in my arms.

This is our start at our new chapter... As parents. Oh God... This should be interesting and let's not forget nerve racking.
Sorry for the long wait guys. I wrote this chapter a few times over... Hoped you enjoyed.

Love you all...

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