Chapter twenty nine: not a secret anymore

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Today is thanksgiving, and I don't want to go down stairs. Despite the delicious smelling food that is making it hard to stay up here. I'm currently laying on the bed trying to be comfortable and stay warm with a the blanket Justin got for me a while ago.

These babies are making it hard for me to do anything, or even be comfortable. Who ever said that pregnancy was such a wonderful experience forgot to mention this. I groan as one of them decides to kick me. The door opens to Justin as he comes in smiling, but stops looking at me.

"What's wrong?" He asks. I look into his concerned eyes.

"I'm just uncomfortable." I sigh. He frowns coming over to me and sits on the bed.

"I was told to come get you. Everyone wants to see you." Justin says gently. I give him a look. Before I can say anything our bedroom door opens again. We both look to see Matt there his hair is cut and looks nice and neat. He is wearing dark jeans and nice blue button up which is under a light gray suit jacket. He had a navy blue skinny tie too. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Matt? Who got you to dress up?" I ask surprised he isn't wearing just a polo. He smiles at me entering the room only to cross his arms and narrow his eyes at me.

"I want you to meet someone, but you seem to be taking forever to get ready." He says. I roll my eyes at him. "So get your ass up, and put something nice on." I look to Justin taking in his outfit ignoring my brother right now. Justin is wearing navy blue pants with a red checkered button up, and a navy blue skinny tie that has white dots on it. I smile at him before looking to my brother.

"Pick out something for me." I say tiredly. My brother groans heading to the closet. After a little bit he comes out with jeans and a gray short sleeve shirt that has a red and navy blue checkered flannel and a navy blue vest. He gives it to me before he crosses his arms.

"Now be down in no more than twenty minuets." He says. I nod my head before he leaves. I haven't seen a lot of him because he has always been busy, but from what I know he doesn't live next door anymore. He said he moved in with his girlfriend, who he has dated for a while but I have never met.

I get out of bed with some assistance and strip my clothes before putting on the outfit Matt picked out. I then head to the bathroom to brush my long hair out until it looks nice. Then I put the minimal amount of makeup on. I walk out and Justin grins at me. "What?" I question looking around.

"You." He chuckles. I raise an eyebrow at him. "You are beautiful, now let's go feed my little family. The food should be out soon." He says. I smile and head to the door. He takes my hand and we walk down the stairs.

"You know you could have just gotten me down here by mentioning the food being ready." I say honestly. Justin laughs as we reach the living room. I see most of his family and I freeze looking at him.

"Hey, it's fine." Justin whispers in my ear. I nod my head as we walk all the way into the room getting everyone's attention.

"Nicole." They all choirs. I smile to everyone.

"Hello everyone." I say shyly. They all smile at me.

"Nicole,"'Matt says walking over to me with some girl. His arm is around her and she seems nervous.

"Matt?" I question. He grins looking to her before looking back to me.

"This is Jordan, my girlfriend." Matt intrudes grinning widely. I smile at her and she shyly smiles back.

"Hi, I'm Nicole Matt's sister. And this is Justin my boyfriend." I say happily.

"It's nice to meet you. Congratulations, by the way." She says shyly.

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