Chapter twenty three: the gender reveal

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Mike and Justin went out for a little, so Jade and I decided to make cupcakes. "So, why are we making cupcakes?" She asks mixing the mix.

"Well, I'm going to tell Justin the genders. I found a creative way on Pinterest to do it." I tell her.

"So, we are filling the cupcake with the colored frosting?" She asks to clear it all up.

"Yeah, and on top we are putting baby A and baby B." I say. "Half is baby A and the other half is baby B." I explain further getting the pan out.

We pour the batter into the individual cups before putting the pan in the oven. "Are we letting Mike know too?" Jade asks washing the bowl, and other dishes.

"We will. He's going to be her when I let Justin find out, so he will then." I say. Jade grins in excitement.

"I can't wait to see their faces." She squeals. I roll my eyes heading to the fridge for watermelon. I've been craving it recently, and seem to need it.

"You know what sounds really good right now?" I ask.

"Music?" She asks.

"No... well yes, but that's not it. I meant chocolate covered fruit." I say squealing. Jade laughs at me as she grabs a slice of watermelon from me. "Hey." I whine.

"Oh, grow up." She laughs. "You kind of need too." There is a knock at the door, and I sigh heading to get it. I open the door to my mother.

"Can we talk?" She asks. I nod my head.

"Jade, I'll be right back watch the oven." I call closing the door behind me. "What do you want to talk about?" I ask taking a seat on the porch.

"Well..." She starts taking a seat. "I think you should consider adoption." She says. I look at her with wide eyes.


"Face it, Nicole, you and Justin are just kids. You can't possibly raise twins." She says like it's completely obvious.

"Mom, stop! We know that it isn't easy, but we are not giving up on our kids by giving them up." I say tears collecting in my eyes.

"I never said you were giving up on them. It's just giving them a better life."

"Mom! All they need is a family that loves them. Which Justin and I both give them. I knew you couldn't except it." I say tears leaking from my eyes.

"Nicole, either give them up for adoption or don't come back home. You truly are a disgrace to the family." She says coldly before getting up and leaving. I stay where I am crying with my head in my hands.

"Nicole?" I hear Jade's voice as she hugs me. "It's going to be okay." She tries to soothe me. I nod my head looking up at her. She gives me a small smile wiping my tears. "Come on, let's go frost and fill some cupcakes." I smile as she pulls me up. We continue in silence for a few minutes, until I couldn't take the silence any longer.

"She kicked me out." I say frosting the cupcake she just filled.

"Oh." Jade says. I can tell she doesn't know what to say, and I understand that.

"Jade we should hurry. They will be coming home soon." I say. She nods her head taking another. "First put in some music." I say. Jade smiles and turns on the radio.


"Why does it smell like cupcakes?" Mike asks walking in the house. Jade and I finally finished right before they got home. Justin has his arms wrapped around me as we are sitting on the couch.

"What did you guys do?" Jade asks them. Mike puts his arm around her pulling her to his side.

"Nothing much." He responds.

"What did you girls do?" Justin asks. We sigh shrugging.

"Nothing much."

"My mom stopped by." I say looking to Justin. He raises an eyebrow looking at me.


"To tell me to go through adoption." I can feel Justin tense under me. "I told her no, and she said I am a disgrace to the family. She told me to not go back home." I say leaning into Justin. He kisses my cheek tightening this grip around me.

"Well, you are always welcome at my house." He says. I smile kissing his cheek.

"I know, thank you."

"Please tell me you two made cupcakes I can smell them." Mike whines.

"Fine, follow us." I say getting up. Jade and I lead the way grinning. We grab one plate and put two cupcakes on it. We put them on the counter, and they guys look confused.

"What is this?" Mike asks.

"They are for Justin, first." I say swatting his hand away. Mike frowns, and Justin looks at me confused. He sees the cupcake and reads the top.

"Wait, you know what they are?" He asks looking at me. I nod my head grinning from ear to ear. He turns to Mike shaking his head chuckling. "You take one, and I'll take the other." Mike nods his head taking the one that says baby A.

They both take one bite and look at the frosting inside. I hold Jade's hand waiting for their reactions. Justin finishes his bite putting the cupcake down. He looks at Mike smiling as Mike finishes his mouthful.

"Girl." "Boy." They say at the same time. Their eyes both widen as the look at me. Mike shows the blue frosting that is in his cupcake. Justin shows the pink frosting in his.

"We are having a boy and a girl." Justin says grinning. He comes to me wrapping his arms around my waist, and capturing my lips with his. I kiss back wrapping my arms around his neck. We pull apart smiling widely at each other.

"How are you guys going to tell everyone?" Mike asks.

"Well, Jade is planning a baby shower and can put it on the invitations." I say. Jade squeals in excitement knowing it was me actually giving her permission.

"I won't let you down." She says pulling Mike out of the kitchen with her.

"Did you pick out names too?" Justin asks grinning. I shake me head grinning back.

"No, but I was thinking Austin for the boy." I say. Justin smiles kissing my head.

"How about Austin Joseph?" He proposes. I peck his lips.

"Perfect. What about our daughter?" He seems to think about it for a bit.

"Olivia... Olivia Jordan?" He asks. I smile.

"Austin Joseph and Olivia Jordan. I like it." I say. He kisses me, and I kiss back. The kiss is passionate and sweet, just perfect for the moment.

We are having a little boy, and girl. A mini Justin and a mini me.

The summer isn't a lot longer, and I can't go home. Luckily Justin's family supports us, and doesn't mind me living there.


I'm laying in bed waiting for Justin, so we can watch a movie. He said he had to make a phone call, but that was two hours ago. Now I just want to sleep, and not bother with the movie.

I get comfortable on my side my eyes getting heavy. Justin comes in sliding in next to me. "What took so long?" I ask looking into his eyes. He seems nervous and isn't looking back into mine.

"Don't worry about it. Tomorrow we are going out somewhere." He whispers.

"Where?" I ask yawning. Justin chuckles kissing my head as he wraps his arms around me.

"It's a surprise. Now go to sleep, you are tired. I'm sorry we couldn't watch the movie."

"It's okay." I say yawning. "Goodnight." I say kissing his lips.

"Goodnight." He says back kissing my head. I smile as I close my eyes not bring able to keep them open any longer.
Hoped you liked it. So it's a boy and girl!!!!

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