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TW: Sexual Assault

JJ slept on my chest that night, and it had been the best sleep I had ever gotten in my entire life. It had finally happened and everything was so perfect. JJ Maybank was capable of having feelings for someone, and that someone being me. It felt so surreal. I woke up that morning to everyone gone, there was a note that they were to get some sort of underwater drone to get footage of the Royal Merchant. It was late in the afternoon. I guess I was tired, which was odd because normally JJ was the last to wake up. They must've wanted to just get it over with- it was odd they didn't want me to come with though. I walked into the kitchen, brushing my hair out of my face. I reached into the cabinet to find something to eat but everything was either expired or empty.

"Seriously? Who puts empty boxes of food in here?" I was frustrated, throwing things into the trash.

I remembered I had a stack of cash in my bedroom. Maybe I would go out and grab some food for us, we deserved it right? I nodded to myself and go to my room to change. I reached down and saw one of JJ's tank tops. I threw it on with a pair of shorts. I felt as if I was drowning in it but I breathed in and it smelled like him. It was an odd scent but it made me feel like he was with me- yeah I know, cheesy. But I just wanted to wear it.

I had realized we hadn't talked after the kiss much. Did it mean anything? He didn't really say anything besides he had been waiting so long to do it. No word on if we were exclusive or if this was secret. I didn't plan on telling anyone right away anyways. I start walking to the general store up the road, grabbing a cart when I arrived. This was right on the border of the Figure Eight and the Cut. I was worried I would see my mom, but I was just hoping for an easy quick in and out.

I reached for some bread, since JJ had proven the bread we had was no good. I grabbed milk, eggs, cheese- the basics. A case of water, snacks, and some fruit and veggies for Kie. I knew she would love it. I reached for a case of beer, I had never been to this shop but I was hoping they wouldn't ask for ID.

I go up to check out and it's a younger man. I put everything up on the belt and placed the beer last. I tried to keep my cool.

"Do you have an ID on you?" He said, looking me up and down.

"Yeah, of course." I reach into my wallet and slip out my ID.

He looks at it quickly and hands it back.

"I believe you're-"

"Oh shit, sorry. It's mine. Sorry, little sis. It's for me." I heard a voice from behind me. They had the clerk their ID and they nod.

"That'll be 36.88$."

I turn around and see none other than Rafe Cameron. He had shades on. He just smiled at me, handing the cashier his card.

"I don't need you to pay, big bro. I've got it." I threw my elbow back into his stomach, trying to get him to lay off.

"Why do you have to be so selfless?" He said, groaning.

I handed the cashier cash and grabbed my bags.

"Thank you!" I smile, heading out of the store.

"Hey. Wait." Rafe was slowly following behind me.

"What do you want? I thought I told you to leave me alone. Just wait until-"

"Until what?" He sniffled. I noticed there was white stuff on his nose.

"Just leave me alone. Please."

"I don't even get a thank you?"

"Thank you. Now please leave me alone."

Hurricane- JJ Maybank (Outer Banks)Where stories live. Discover now