Chapter five | Ill fight them off, okay?

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It was now Tuesday, the first day of school didn't go too badly. Harry's bus just came so now I am off to school.

I chose to wear denim shorts today and a comic shirt. It is marvel, my all time favourite. I tied my hair up into a mid pony tail and pulled out two strands at the front. I am also wearing my glasses today as usual.

I arrive into school and instantly go to my locker. There is a flyer on it that says:


And then also a picture of the tigers aka our team. I see Jackson in the middle looking fine as ever.

I take it off my locker and put it in my bag.

Maybe I'll go, meh probably not.

I close my locker and head to my first class. I suddenly stop when I hear kissing noises.


I walk past them but instantly recognise the girls face.

Is that Maya?

But wait, the boy isn't Jackson? I would recognise him anywhere.

What the fudge?

They pull apart after seeing me. She stumbles away from him and I see who it is.

Hudson? Jackson's BEST FRIEND?

"I um- got to go..." I say walking away quickly. Did I just see that?

I get pulled back. "If you tell anyone I will not be afraid to tell Jackson and everyone in this school about what you feel for him." Maya says into my ear.

How does she know? What?

I gulp. I nod and she walks off giggling. "where is my jacky!!" She starts clapping now too. God my ears.

What a fake girl. I hope she gets whats coming for her.

I take a deep breathe and walk on. I wonder how long she has been cheating on him. With Hudson too? Disgusting he is nothing compared to Jacky.

I sit down in maths, it is supposed to be my favourite class but I feel anxious. Very anxious.

How am I suppose to keep what I saw to myself?

I fiddle with my pencil. The teacher comes in and takes the roll.

We start class and after a very very long time later the bell finally goes.

The next class I have, Jackson is in. How am I going to not tell him what I saw? I am a horrible friend if I don't. But if I do my feelings will be exposed.

I'm in a bad situation here.
Maybe I can just keep it to myself until, Friday at least? Oh god that's so long away. Help me. Anyone?

I walk to Biology and Jackson is already in and I sit in the furthest seat from him.

If I just don't speak to him and I'll be fineeeee.


I feel sweaty when I feel his gaze on me. I cant do this. I need out.

I get up and head for the door. "Where are you going Paige?" The teacher asks. I gasp finding it hard to speak. "Uh- y- I" I stutter and hear the whole class laughing. I run out covering my face.

I hear scraping of a chair and shoes squeaking following me. I rush out the doors.

I need air.

I sit on the steps and just as I sit I feel hands on my shoulders. I jump. "Leave me alone, please."

"Paige? Are you okay?" A familiar voice says while sitting next to me.

I shrug and look up to see the deep blue eyes I dream about.


"Yes paigy?"

"I saw-" I compose myself. I don't want him to suffer through a break up before his first match of the season and I also don't want my feelings for him to be exposed.

"I saw a bug on my paper." He should remember my big fear of bugs.

He starts laughing. "you're still afraid of
Bugs? After all this time?" I nod even though I'm not anymore. He should remember he helped me face that fear.

I hate lying.

He stands up and reaches for my hand. I grab it and he lifts me up. "You'll be fine. If anymore bugs come at you, I'll fight them off okay?" He says kindly and wipe my eyes.

He's so kind.

I laugh and he joins in we then walk back to class.

His poor heart. It's all my fault. I am a coward.

After more classes it's lunch time.

I walk into the cafeteria and make my way to my usual table.

I stop when I see someone already sitting there. It's Calvin? From the football team?

I walk over slowly. He gets up to greet me.

"Hey, Paige? Right?" I nod and he continues.

"I just uh-" he scratches his neck. "I was wondering if I could sit here with you today."

What is going on? Is this some prank?


He nods and sits across from me. I start to eat my lunch while he eats his apple. "'s a going?" He asks while munching on his apple.

I bet he eats his apples warm. Yuck.

I shrug. "Nothing much just eating this non edible food that tastes like..Fart." He laughs and I join in.

I look around the room and see Jackson eyeing me and Calvin. What's his problem?

He's sees me looking and grabs Maya and kisses her.

What the actual fudge?

I turn away, jealously running through my blood. "You alright, Paige?" Calvin says. I nod and get back to eating.

We have a nice conversation that lunch. He says he likes reading which is a new. I also found out he's a big marvel fan as well. It was weird but we actually got along well. He asked for my number so I gave it to him, why not? It's not like I can't.

The last class of the days comes and goes. It's home time finally.

Today was weird.

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