Chapter sixteen | Uh oh..

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What was I thinking inviting her to a party?

I feel so terribly bad right now, this is all my fault.

She cries in my arms as we sit on the ground next to the car. I'm running my hands through her hair and reassuring her.

"He wouldn't let go." She sniffled.

God I am going to break every bone in his body.

If I haven't already..

"I'm so sorry, Paige I should've been there to stop him and I wasn't."

"Thank you for getting there anyways. He would've done worse..." she sobs as she realises what he would've done if I hadn't interrupted.

I hate the thought of another mans hands on her. It makes me psychically sick and I'm so annoyed at myself for letting her run out of the room.

Why do people have to say such terrible things about her?

My pretty girl.

She sobs again and I hold her tighter letting her cry into me.

"I'm sorry about what they said, it's not true you know?" I say.

She looks up with a questionable look. "I would never do that to you or Maya. What she did was horrible but it doesn't mean I have to stoop as low as she did. You are amazing Paige and I mean it."

I stop for a breather. "I love being around you and looking at you smile and laugh makes me want to just sit there and admire you."

She stops and I feel her breathing go erratic. "I just panicked, I'm sorry Jacky."

She breathes on my chest and I get tingles. "You're eyes make me want to look at you every second of the day and to be fully honest, you make me feel like the luckiest girl alive and I hope I make you feel like that too." She says sleepy. I brush the hair out of her eyes and wipe her tears softly.

"You do, trust me, pretty girl." I place my head on hers and close my eyes inhaling her perfume.

She makes me feel like the luckiest person on this planet and even in our whole universe.

"Let's go home." She mumbles.

"Yeah let's go."

I place her gently, bridal style into the passenger seat. She buckles herself up and closes her eyes. The crying must've made her tired.

I get in the other side and start the car, I look over to see her already asleep and looking as peaceful as ever. I Lean over and  place a gentle kiss on her forehead.

She went through so much tonight and it's all my fault.

I lift her inside and up the stairs. I place her softly on her bed and she lets out a groan. "Jackson?" She mumbles.

"Yes, pretty girl?" I lift the covers above her. "Stay with me?" I'm not sure being with her right now is the best thing, i think we both need space for a while.

"Please, what if he comes back?" She closes her eyes reaching out for me. I sigh, "alright, alright, just for a little bit okay?"

She nods and I climb beside her gently. She curls up next to me and I place my head on top of hers.

Her breathing is soft and I can feel every breath she takes. "Thanks..." she mumbles. I curl around her and place my hands around her waist ever so softly.

This close contact is becoming overwhelming. I place a soft kiss on her head and close my eyes. "Paige?" I ask.


"You smell amazing." I honestly say, god what am I even saying. I'm half asleep.

She giggles and tries to move in my lap.

Uh oh..


She's fully facing me now and my hands are gently resting on her hips. "You look very cute." She says with her eyes swarming my face. It's too much and I can feel my cheeks on fire.

This girl...
My girl...

I chuckle, "you look more cute," I gently lift my hand off her hip and swipe the hair off her face. She leans into the touch and I swear my whole heart skips a beat.

She brings her hands up and runs them through my hair and I close my eyes instantly, her touch doing things to me i didn't think was possible.

I let out a low sound, a grumble.

She stops, "what was that?"

I chuckle again, "you have no idea what you do to me, do you?"

She shakes her head, "Did I hurt you? Oh my god. where?"

"So oblivious, pretty girl." I open my eyes to see a confused look on her face.

"I like it when you touch my hair," I reply knowing she still didn't get what I meant.

She lets out an 'O' sound and I literally laugh.

She's so cute.

She keeps running her hands through my hair and I draw circles with my thumbs on her hips.

She hisses, "Sorry Jacky I think my hips are bruised from the man at the party, I'm sorry,"

"Hey, it's alright I'll be gentle, don't be sorry, he was a mean man, I'll be soft,"

I go slower and more gently, moving my hands to her back and caressing her.

She closes her eyes and takes in a deep breathe, i watch every move she makes. She once again leans against me. "I like that," she mumbles slowly.

She runs one of her hands down the back of my neck and I stop breathing and watch her face as I pull her closer to me, she gasps a little but giggles it off.

I need her closer.

"We should sleep," I mumbles inches away from her lips.

"I don't want to sleep," she groans, rolling her eyes.

I gently rub her hips again, "come on, we have to. It's late,"

She closes her eyes once again, "mmmm, okay,"

She turns around slowly and I curl around her, i wrap my hands around her waist and rest my head in her shoulder. "G'night" she calls out and then I notice her breathing slowing down into a rhythmic hum.

I close my eyes inhaling her insane smell, "good night, Paigy,"

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