Chapter six | Your words not mine🤷🏼‍♂️

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After dinner I go upstairs and stick on Netflix. I hear a buzz from my phone.

No ID-
Hey Paige, it's Calvin here. What you doing?

Hey, happy I didn't give you a fake number? I'm just watching Netflix? Wby?

I decided to change his name so I would know who's texting me.

Haha, yeah I thought you might've. Glad you didn't! Just out of the shower from practice. I have a question.

Cool, go for it!

I was wondering if you wanted to go out for dinner tomorrow night?

Dinner? Oh gosh, a DATE? I don't know. What about Jackson? He does have a girlfriend. You know what, let's go for it.

Is the Calvin Forse asking me, Paige out on a date?

Your words, not mine 🤷🏼‍♂️ hahahaha what do you say?

Yes I would love to, do you want me to wear my classic marvel shirt? 🦸‍♀️

I'd like that. Pick you up tomorrow at 7 then?

Sounds good, see you then. 🥸

I put my phone on my bed side table and jump up and down on my bed.


I hear a knock on my window, I look around to see Jackson opening his window. I go over and open mine carefully.

"What's got you so excited?" He asks.

I shrug. "Nothing that concerns you." I giggle.

He laughs but his laugh doesn't reach his eyes. "Does this have something to do with Calvin sitting with you at lunch?"

I stop. "Oh so you were watching us."

"I took one glance, that's it." He puts his hand up as if surrendering.

"Was it right before you purposely kissed Maya in front of me?" I mumble to myself.


"Nothing, but you might be true, Calvin seems really nice, is he? Considering he's one of your close friends."

He shrugs. "I don't know, he can be a player sometimes, I wouldn't bother with him."

Did he actually just- this boy.

I nod. "How's things with Maya going then?"

He nods. "Fine I guess, we'll I'm going to go shower, I'll be sure to tell Calvin you were asking after him." He mutters the last bit.

Is he jealous? I scoff.

He looks up and smiles. "Well see you later then?"

"Yeah for sure." I close my window and curtains.

He's acting so weird.

I go back into bed and press play on my tv. I try my best not to get too excited about my date tomorrow night. We all know I failed.

The next morning I wake up to my alarm clock beeping.

Not fun.

I get up very slowly and pick out my outfit for the day.

I decide on a pair of yellow leggings and a matching white t-shirt with a banana on it. I put a black flannel on atop. It's supposed to be chilly today.

I head for the shower. The water is very hot this morning. My favourite.

After my lovely shower i style my hair and put on my outfit for the day. I stick my black converse on and walk downstairs.

Today i plaited my hair in two. It looks nice!

Harry is already off, mum is off today so she dropped him off. I grab a quick cereal bar and make my way to the front door.

I lock it and leave the key out for mum. I turn around and I am met with something which I was not expecting.

"Hey." The blue eyed boy says leaning against his car.

"Whatcha doing here?" I ask.

"Giving you a ride in my cool car, like I promised when we were younger." He chuckles. "Okay, but the school is literally a 2 minute drive." I say moving closer to his car.

"Ah still, hop in paigy."

I get in and it's a lovely car, black leather and smells like Jackson.

Peach and cinnamon.

I breath in taking in the smell. I also buckle up.

Safety first kids!!!

He buckles too and turns on the car.

"Mr bright side?" He asks looking over to me.

He remembers my favourite song?
This can't get any better.

"Aww you remember." "Of course, it's still my favourite too."

He turns it on and we were off to school belting the lyrics with the windows down.

He looks over and we make eye contact. We laugh and sing some more.

We arrive at school and Jackson parks. I see Maya walking towards the car. I think she hears the song.

"That song is not the vibe, turn it off ja-" she sees me.

Jackson looks at me and rolls his eyes in a sarcastic way.

"Oh, Maya, I was just giving her a lift for today." He says getting out. I get out the other side.

She gives me the death stare. "Okay Jacky, let's go in shall we?" She loops her arm in his. "Bye Paige. See you later okay?" I nod and watch as he walks away.

I walk into school and make my way to my locker. I see Calvin leaning against my locker on his phone.

He looks good.

Calvin is the complete opposite to Jackson. He has blonde hair and is about 5'9. He has cute dimples.

"Morning Calvin." I say opening my locker. "Good morning, do you have English first?"

I nod and close my locker, I realise he didn't see me so I say "yep, you too?" He nods. "You excited for tonight, I have a nice night planned." He says while we begin to walk to class.

"I am very excited." I make an ooh sound and giggle. He laughs and soon enough we have arrived at English class.

Did I mention Jackson is also in this class, and Maya?

I take my seat and Calvin sits in the desk next to me. Jackson is sitting in front of me, and Maya next to him. The teacher hasn't arrived yet so i try make conversation with Calvin.

"So, are you wearing your Spider-Man costume tonight? The one you brag about?" He bursts out laughing and I join in, i cant help it he described it as if it was his one prized possession.

I hear a scoff from in front of me. I ignore it and continue to talk to Calvin.

"Are you going to the game on Friday?" He asks me nicely. "I- yeah why not?" I say throwing my hands up.

It's not like I have any other plans? Friends? Nah.

He smiles and then the teacher walks in. Great, I hoped he wasn't in today, then I could talk to Calvin more.

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