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Paige and Jackson went on to marry each other in the following years after they both graduated college.

Jackson became an international football player and currently plays for Dallas cowboys.

Paige is a stay at home..MOM, who also writes books from home.

Yes you heard it from me, ladies and gents, Jackson and Paige have 2 gorgeous kids.

Victoria and Isaac.

Victoria is 4 and Isaac just turned 2.

They are the most adorable beings on this planet.


"Mommy, can I have an apple juice?" Victoria asks me while reaching out to grab ahold of my leg. I'm currently cooking a delicious lasagna, Isaac and Jacky's favourite.

I look down at my beautiful daughter, "Of course darling, let me grab it for you." I waddle over to the fridge adjusting my apron before opening it, careful to watch the four year old attached to my leg.

I grab a small apple juice box, open it and pass it down to Victoria, "Thanks mommy," She holds it carefully making sure not to spill it. She lets go of my leg to watch the tv and I go back to cooking the dinner.

I keep an eye on the baby monitor on the island beside me while I put the lasagna in the oven.

Isaac is still taking his nap which makes life so much easier for me, "Sweetie, Daddy's going to be home soon, go look out for him at the window," I call out to Victoria while closing the oven door with my fluffy pink oven mittens on.

She adores seeing her dad come through the door, it reminds me of that day he came back from LA when we were seventeen.

I let out a laugh at that, we've come along so much. I am a well known author now and Jackson is a very famous footballer.

And here we are, two wonderful kids and a lovely warm and safe home.

life truly is great.


"I'm home!" I shout out while closing the white front door behind me. The warm air from the fire hitting me and warming me up instantly. The Christmas tree lights glistening away in the corner of our gorgeous living room.

It's currently December 15th so our team is on the off season but we still train constantly.

"Dad!" Tori calls out to me and I see her running towards me at full tilt, her Minnie Mouse dress sparkling in the dim lighted room.

Her fluffy pink socks high up on her legs, reminding me of her mommy's ways when she was younger too.

"Tori!" I go down on my knees and give her a big hug and kiss her head.

I call her Tori, I don't remember the first time I said it but it stuck and she likes it, so we are all for that.

I pick her up swinging her over my shoulder and carry her all the way to the kitchen, tickling her stomach and her giggles over fill the entire house.

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