Chapter seven | Funny fun jokes

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Watching Paige and Calvin together makes me want to punch something. Shouldn't she know how much of a player he is?

He doesn't deserve her. What he deserves is a good shaken up.

"Hello?? Jackson?? Anyone in there?"

I turn to face Maya and she looks concerned. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing you're just not paying attention."

Oh, it's just English? Who cares? I'll get top of the class anyways.

I nod and try to concentrate but all I can think about is the blonde haired girl behind me. I can hear her giggling and whispering to Calvin.

Finally after a really really long time later the class is over. I get up quickly and storm to the door. I need out, like now.

I rush quickly to my next class.

I wish I could skip today.

As I sit down my mind traced back to Paige and Calvin. I need to do something to protect Paige from being hurt. All he wants is to get close to her and then break her off when's she has fallen for him. I've seen this game before.

I decide to try and talk Paige out of it. Maybe she'll listen to me. Hopefully, I don't want her to get hurt.

It is now lunch and my head is full of different scenarios. Mainly how well the conversation with Paige is going to go.

It's going to go terrible. Don't panic Jackson.

I make my way over to her table and ask "hey Paige, can I talk to you really quickly?" She looks at Calvin and then excuses herself from the table.

So mannerly. Shush not the time Jacky.

We walk away from the table. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing I just wanted to say that-" I look at her and I can see this glint in her eye. Her eyes look happy.

She looks happy.

"I would just be careful with Calvin." I watch as the happiness fades. She scoffs. "I can look after myself, Jackson." She looks away.

"I know, I just- he can be a player sometimes." I sound like a jerk. Why am I doing this?

"Whatever you want to think Jackson, but to me he seems like a genuine, kind-hearted person, so if you will" she points back to the table and turns to walk away.

I cant let her, she's going to get hurt.

I grab her arm as gently as possible. "Paige, I don't want you getting hurt." I look down at my feet. I feel her eyes on me so I let go of her arm and look up to see her roll her eyes. "When is the last time you have actually cared about me getting hurt." I can see the pain in her eyes.

Maya hurt her and I did nothing, I am a coward.

"Paige, please. I care." She scoffs again.

This isn't the Paige I know.

"You care? You didn't care when your girlfriend hurt me everyday? Did you?" She looks like she's about to cry. "Paige-" I go to grab her arm. She moves away. "Just- let me be, I like Calvin. Okay? Let me have my bit of happiness too,"

She's going to be humiliated and hurt.

I just nod. What else can I do? I tried. I sigh as she walks right into Calvins trap. I see Calvin giving me a smirk and I flipped him off. He deserved it.

I go back to the popular table looking down feeling somewhat jealous and ashamed I let her walk away.

She would hate me forever if I didn't let her.

I look up to see Maya and Hudson sitting a little too close together. "What the hell?" I yell at Hudson.

Maya instantly scoots away. "It's fine Jacky, he was just showing me something. No biggy." She pats next to her and I feel the rage build up inside me.

I am going to explode.

I hear Paiges laugh and I turn around. Calvin has his hand on her thigh. This piece of shi-

My vision goes blurry. I feel myself falling. My head hurts.

"Jackson, dude you alright?"
The last thing I heard before I fainted was the voice I miss hearing everyday. "Someone grab his inhaler. Please, hurry! Jackson? I'm here, okay, I'm her-"

And then I fainted. Blacked out or whatever.

I woke up to the sound of a monitor beeping.

Ouch my head.

I look around while my vision adjusts to the light. I am in a hospital bed? What happened?

I look over to see someone sitting in the chair next to me, reading a magazine. You wouldn't guess who it is.

"You're awake. Thank god." She stands up and feels my forehead. "You're hot."

I laugh. "I knew that already but thanks for the confident boost, Paigy."

"Hey you know I didn't mean that. Plus I'm still mad at you so..." she sits back down slowly. "Oh Paige you know I'm only looking out for you."

She sighs. "Or, you're just jealous."

Maybe I am.

I feel my cheeks burning. I scoff. "As if. We used to bath together?" She laughs and i join in.

It hurts my head to laugh.

I stop instantly. "Sorry it hurts to laugh."

"Oh, oh my god I am so sorry. I will shut up now with my funny fun jokes." She laughs nervously.

I laugh uncontrollably. "" I manage to say in between laughs. "" I laugh hysterically.

"Okay, okay I know I'm funny but Jackson you need to calm down."

She places her hands on my shoulders to calm me and it does just that.

I close my eyes and blurt out something. "You know, seeing Calvin touching your leg made me mad."

I hear her stiffing. "You don't deserve someone like him. He's dirt on the bottom of a shoe compared to you. You're amazing, you know that?"

She removes her hands from my shoulders. "You're smart, funny, kind and beautiful." I open my eyes to see her blush. I smile knowing my words effected her.

"Meh you're- not too bad yourself." She says while fixing my hospital bed covers. Yuck these things feel so heavy.

After a few hours of talking, Maya came and Paige left. The doctors told me I had a slight concussion and I need to rest for a couple days before going back to my everyday normal things. (Especially playing football). They said I'll be fine for Friday! Whoop!

I was allowed to leave the hospital so that's great, but I'm bed bound. (According to my mum.)

Sad times but at least I get food in bed and movies in bed, what an amazing combination.

And Paige only a window away.... Shush.

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