Chapter twelve | Jealousy

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Maria won't shut up about what happened at school.

"No, we can't go." She exclaims. I sigh very loudly. "Nah wait I change my mind, let's go!" She shouts jumping on the bed.

This girl I swear. I nod. "Great, after about 20 minutes you decide."

We pick out our outfits after. I choose a cute pink sweater and black Nike leggings. Maria chooses a white snug turtle neck and also black Nike leggings.

We look good.

"We look hot." Maria says looking in my full height mirror. I laugh and agree with her.

We pull on our shoes quickly when we hear a horn beeping. "There's a car outside." I hear Harry call out.

We rush downstairs and to the door. Mum walks out of the kitchen to say goodbye to us. "Bye guys, have fun. Don't be out too late." I go and hug her and we head out the door. "Bye Paige's mom!!!" Maria calls out jogging out the door after me.

Marcus is driving and he rolls down his window. "Hey girls." He says looking at us, specifically at Maria.

Jackson pops his head out to the side behind Marcus. "Hiya ladies. Hop in."

We get in and buckle up. I'm behind Marcus and Maria's behind Jackson. Marcus starts the car and we're off.

The car ride includes a few songs being played and a few fun conversations. We arrive after about 10 minutes and Marcus parks.

We all get out and make our way to the front doors of the building. I feel eyes on me while me and Maria walk ahead of the boys. The stare is making my cheeks heat up.

The boys are talking but softly. "She looks so good." I hear a voice say. I don't fully hear who it is though.

I shrug it off and join arms with Maria and we skip inside. She giggles and I hear a few chuckles from behind us.

After we pay for an hour of ice skating we grab our skates and sit on the benches to put them on. I'm sitting with Jackson and Maria's sitting with Marcus.

I struggle to lace up my boots. I grunt and then I see Jackson coming down to tie them.

What a sweetheart.

He runs his hand up my leg when he's done and taps it. "All done, Paigy."

My legs go all tingly and I just nod with my mouth wide open. He stands up and reaches for my hand. I get up slowly.

I hear Maria laughing and look over to see Marcus holding one of her boots up above his head while she's trying to reach it.

They look so cute.

I turn back to Jackson to see he's already staring at me. I smile at him and he looks down.

"Ready to go?" I ask slightly nervous. He nods and we make our way to the rink hand in hand. "Slow and steady." He says.

That's what she said. Hahahahaha. I'm so funny.

I laugh out at my thoughts. "What?" He asks curiously.

I burst out laughing unable to consume myself. "That's....what....she...said." I say in between laughs.

He bursts out laughing too. And now we're both cackling and nearly falling over near the entrance to the rink. Maria and Marcus come up behind us. "What's so funny?" She questions.

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